SIdE Summer Schools

The Italian Econometric Association (SIdE) in collaboration with the Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for Public Policies (VERA) organizes two Summer Schools on:

Network Econometrics

July 1st - 5th, 2024 2024 - San Giobbe Economics Campus, Cannaregio 873, Venice

The call for admission is now closed.

The aim of the course is to provide participants with models and tools from graph theory to analyse various effects of social, economic, and political interaction. The school will host leading scholars developing relevant network modelling and inference research and their applications to various fields. It is organised by the Department of Economics in collaboration with the Venice Center for Risk Analytics for Public Policies (VERA), the Ca’ Foscari International College and the Italian Econometrics Association (SIdE)
The school and the participants from the Italian Advanced Schools are financially supported by the Ca’ Foscari International College under the aegis of ASSI (Alliance of the Italian Advanced Schools).

In collaboration with

Advanced Bayesian Econometrics
Bayesian Multivariate Models and Forecasting in Economics and Finance

August 26th - 30th, 2024, 2024 2024 - San Giobbe Economics Campus, Cannaregio 873, Venice

The call for admission is now closed.

The course is advanced and covers state-of-the-art techniques and recent developments in Bayesian Multivariate Models, for structural analysis and forecasting, nonparametric methods and forecast combinations with a broad range of applications in economics and finance.

In collaboration with