Master's Degree Programme in
Religious Studies (inter-university)
Enrolment from 2010/2011

Enrol and study


Open Admission with requisites.

For information see the Moodle page for students enrolled in Science of Religions, on the Department of Historical, Geographic and Ancient Sciences website on the University of Padova (administrative institute).

After completing your enrolment at University of Padova, you will be contacted by Ca’ Foscari Enrolment Unit to complete your registration at our University and allow you to access the services dedicated to Ca’ Foscari students.

Courses in Padua

For information see the Moodle page for students enrolled in Science of Religions [ITA] and the Department of Historical, Geographic and Ancient Sciences website on the University of Padova

Courses in Venice

Please see Ca' Foscari course search for information on all the courses provided by Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

A.y. 2024/2025

Course ECTS Period Professor
Ancient Egyptian civilization 6 2nd semester (1st year) Francesca Iannarilli
Ancient Mediterranean religion and magic 6 2nd semester (1st year) Joseph Emanuel Sanzo
Christian origins: text and documents 6 2nd semester (1st year) Emiliano Bronislaw Fiori
Christianity from the centrality of Europe to world Christianity 6 1st semester (1st year) Valentina Ciciliot
Classic Chinese language 6 1st semester (1st year) Sebastian Eicher
Classic Japanese language 6 2st semester (1st year) Edoardo Gerlini
Classic Tibetan (mod. 1) 6 1st semester (1st year) Francesco Tormen
Contemporary Christianity's relationships with other religions 6 1st semester (1st year) Saretta Marotta
Ethnography of Shamanism 6 1st semester (1st year) Stefano Beggiora
Ethnomusicology 6 1st semester - 2nd Term (1st year) Giovanni De Zorzi
Hebrew language 1 6 1st and 2nd semester (1st year) Paolo Lucca
History of Byzantine Christianism 6 2nd semester (1st year) Antonio Rigo
History of Chinese philosophy and religions 6 2nd semester (1st year) Francesca Tarocco
History of Classic religions 6 2nd semester (1st year) Sabina Crippa
History of ethical and religious thought 6 1st semester (1st term - 1st year) Isabella Adinolfi
History of modern and contemporary Japanese thought 6 2nd semester (1st year) Silvia Rivadossi
History of religions from the birth of the Russian Empire to the Post-Soviet Republics 6 1st semester (1st year) Aldo Ferrari
Introductory Pali 6 2nd semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Iran and Afghanistan from monarchies to revolutions 6 1st semester (1st year) Simone Cristoforetti
Languages and culture of Africa 6 2nd semester (1st year) Francesco Vacchiano
Past and present of the cast system 6 2nd semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Persian language 1 6 1st semester (1st year) Daniela Meneghini
Ratio and Discretio in South Asia, between philosophy and history of ideas 6 2nd semester (1st year) Federico Squarcini
Sanskrit language 1 (mod. 1) 6 1st semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Syriac language and literature 6 2nd semester (1st year) Emiliano Bronislaw Fiori
Thoughts in modern and contemporary Korea 6 2nd semester (1st year) Hyojin Lee
Traditions, cultural heritage and religion in the Islamic world 6 1st semester (1st year) Simone Cristoforetti

A.y. 2023/2024

Course ECTS Period Professor
Ancient Egyptian Civilization 6 2nd semester (1st year) Emanuele Marcello Ciampini
Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Magic 6 1st semester (1st year) Joseph Emanuel Sanzo
Christianity and Ecology 6 2nd semester - 3rd term (1st year) Valentina Ciciliot
Christianity from the Centrality of Europe to World Christianity 6 1st semester (1st year) Giovanni Vian
Classic Chinese Language 6 1st semester (1st year) Sebastian Eicher
Classic Japanese Language 1 6 2st semester (1st year) Edoardo Gerlini
Classic Tibetan mod. 1 6 1st semester (1st year) Francesco Tormen
Contemporary Christianity’s Relationships with Other Religions 6 1st semester (1st year) Giovanni Vian
Ethnography of Shamanism 6 1st semester (1st year) Stefano Beggiora
Ethnomusicology 6 1st semester - 2nd term (1st year) Giovanni De Zorzi
Hebrew Language 6 1st and 2nd semester (1st year) Paolo Lucca
History of Byzantine Christianism 6 2nd semester (1st year) Antonio Rigo
History of Chinese Philosophy and Religions 6 2nd semester (1st year) Francesca Tarocco
History of Classic Religions 6 2nd semester (1st year) Sabina Crippa
History of Ethical and Religious Thought 6 1st semester - 1st term (1st year) Isabella Adinolfi
History of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Thought 6 2nd semester (1st year) Silvia Rivadossi
History of Religions from the Birth of the Russian Empire to the Post-Soviet Republics 6 1st semester (1st year) Aldo Ferrari
Introductory Pali 6 1st semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Iran and Afghanistan from Monarchies to Revolutions 6 1st semester (1st year) Simone Cristoforetti
Jewish Studies 6 2nd semester (1st year) Alessia Bellusci
Languages and Culture of Africa 6 2nd semester (1st year) Francesco Vacchiano
Past and Present of the Cast System 6 1st semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Persian Language 1 6 1st semester (1st year) Daniela Meneghini
Ratio and Discretio in South Asia, between Philosophy and History of Ideas 6 2nd semester (1st year) Federico Squarcini
Sanskrit Language mod. 1 6 1st semester (1st year) Antonio Rigopoulos
Syriac Language and Literature 6 1st semester (1st year) Emiliano Bronislaw Fiori
Traditions, Cultural Heritage and Religion in the Islamic World 6 1st semester (1st year) Simone Cristoforetti