Master's Degree Programme in
Language and Management to China


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Degree programme regulations

Characteristics of the final degree test

The final exam consists of a written paper including a preface in Chinese (3000 characters).

The topic discussed must be relevant to the academic disciplines of the degree programme.
The written paper may be: 

  • a critical/interpretative analysis, including of an interdisciplinary nature;
  • an investigation of specific aspects of economic, legal and political culture in and of contemporary Chinese society in the area of specialisation;
  • terminographic thesis (minimum 80 terms) with a critical-interpretative introduction.

The paper must be at least 40,000 words.

Credits awarded for the final exam

The final exam is worth 18 credits.

Final exam procedure

The final exam consists of students presenting and discussing before a Committee their own research or applied research. Given the specific characteristics of the course, the thesis shall be prepared and discussed in English, with the exception of theses on linguistics/terminography, which are prepared and discussed in Italian.

Supervisor and co-supervisor

The subject matter of the final exam must be agreed with the supervisor.
The supervisor and/or co-supervisor are preferably professors who teach on the LAMAC Master’s course or belonging to departments involved in teaching the Master’s degree programme.  If the graduating student intends to ask a professor belonging to a Department other than the Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa (DSAAM) to perform the role of supervisor, the co-supervisor must be a professor belonging to the DSAAM, with whom he/she will discuss the language part of the thesis in the exam session. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the course Teaching Board.

The thesis supervisor shall be responsible for giving the name of the co-supervisor to the Educational Programmes Office of the Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa (

  1. Consider the timing required: the MA thesis should be requested and agreed upon with the supervisor a year prior to the graduation session considered or at the beginning of the second year at the lastest.
  2. Before contacting a prospective supervisor, please check the document “Professors thesis profile sinological area [ITA]” attached.
  3. Send a formal request to the professor in an email, with the following information:
    • enrolled Master’s Degree
    • abstract (max. 300 words)
    • index/summary
    • bibliography (at least 4-5 titles)
    • considered graduation session
  4. The e-mail must be sent from the student’s institutional email address ( with the following object: "Master’s thesis request" ("richiesta tesi magistrale").
  5. Wait for the professor’s answer to agree on a topic and work methodology.

Please remember that accepting or refusing a Master’s thesis is at the discretion of each professor.

Graphic design

Students are invited to consult the Guide for preparing a Master’s thesis provided by the Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa. This is a simple but complete guide for Arabic, Chinese and Japanese students who are preparing to work on their Master's thesis.


Linguistic Campus

ADiSS - Linguistic Campus
Polo didattico San Basilio [ITA], dock no. 5, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
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