Master's Degree Programme in
European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures

Double Degree with Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Coordinator: prof. Vanessa Castagna
Department DSLCC: 
International Office - Welcome Unit: 

The new Double Degree Program between Ca' Foscari University and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brasil) is active starting from the a.y. 2023/2024.

The Double Degree offers students from the two universities the opportunity to follow an international course of study, attending part of their study path at the university of enrolment and part (one semester, equivalent to 30 ECTS) at the host university. The two degrees will be acquired simultaneously.

Participating students will write a thesis under co-supervision of Professors of both Universities; the dissertation may take place at any of the two partner universities. At the end of the course of study, students will thus obtain a double degree:

  • Master's degree in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures from Ca' Foscari University of Venice;
  • Mestrado em Estudos da Tradução from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Who can apply

As far as Ca' Foscari is concerned, the programme is reserved for students who have successfully completed the examinations for the first year of the Master’s Degree Programme in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures (LLEAP).

Students enrolling in this programme must certify that their level of Portuguese language knowledge is satisfactory (level C1 or C2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages).

How to apply

To be able to participate in the selection process, it is necessary to apply following the procedures and deadlines reported in the call for applications, published annually.

Double/joint degree selection results will be published on this webpage according to the specific timeline mentioned in the Annex A.

Calls and forms
file pdf Call for applications 2024
The link to fill out the application form is reported in the call.
270 KB
file pdf Annex A 2 MB
file pdf Annex B 142 KB

Study semester abroad

Ca’ Foscari students on mobility in Brazil may benefit from mobility grants, subject to funding availability. Information about funding possibilities can be found in the annual call for applications.

Before going abroad

Before leaving for the mobility, students must:

  • Agree with Prof. Vanessa Castagna on the plan of the educational activities to be attended at the host university (Learning Agreement) and, if necessary, update the study plan;
  • Submit the completed and signed Learning Agreement to the International Office.

The International Office will contact selected students to indicate the additional documentation required by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Arrival abroad

Upon arrival at the host university, students must reach out to the Secretaria de Mestrado em Estudos da Tradução of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina to deliver and have the following documents signed:

  • Learning Agreement;
  • The Confirmation of Arrival form.

If students wish to make changes to the study plan already agreed upon prior to departure for the mobility, they can fill in a Changes to the Learning Agreement form: the changes must be approved by the project coordinating lecturer of both the home and host universities, if possible before the start of the courses.

All documents must be sent to Ca' Foscari International Office by e-mail ( Students must keep the originals.

Before returning to Italy

Before returning to Italy, students must complete and have the host university sign the second part of the Confirmation of Stay Abroad form (i.e., the part relating to departure from the host university for return to Italy).

Return to Italy

Once back in Italy, students must submit the following original documents to the International Office of Ca' Foscari the Transcript of Records, i.e., the certificate attesting to examinations taken abroad.

Graduation application

To apply for graduation (domanda di laurea), students must follow the procedure for all Ca' Foscari students.