Master's Degree Programme in
Environmental Sciences

Double Degree in Sustainable Development

Programme’s website

Academic Coordinator: prof. Fabio Aricò
International Office - Welcome Unit:

The programme at a glance

The Joint Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development is an English-taught master’s level programme jointly designed and delivered by a consortium of partner universities working together to offer a high-level international curriculum aimed at highly-qualified and motivated students interested in sustainable development and in the international aspects of sustainability issues.
At the selection stage, each student is assigned a Home University and a mobility destination.

Upon completion of the programme, students will be awarded the Master’s Degree of their Home Home University and the Master’s degree of the University where they spent the mandatory mobility semester, if the latter is a degree awarding institution and not a mobility partner only.

Type of agreement Joint programme leading to the award of a double degree (except in the case of mobilities at mobility partner universities that do not award degrees)  
Selection process Selection carried out by the Consortium during the academic year prior to enrolment in the master's degree programme  
Who can apply Students holding a bachelor's degree in a relevant study field  
Partner universities
  • Karl Franzens University of Graz
  • Leipzig University
  • Hiroshima University (mobility partner only, not awarding degrees)
  • Utrecht University (mobility partner only, not awarding degrees)
  • Basel University (mobility partner only, not awarding degrees)
Duration of the mobility One semester  
Mobility period 2nd semester of the 1st year  
Tuition fees Payment of tuition fees at Ca' Foscari for the entire duration of the programme and exemption at the partner university  
Graduation Presso l’Ateneo di immatricolazione (Home University)  
Awarded degrees
  • At the Home University Master’s degree of the Home University and Master’s degree of the mobility University, if the latter is a degree awarding institution.
  • Students who carry out their mobility at a non-degree awarding mobility partner will only be entitled to receive the Master’s degree of their Home University. A certificate of completion of the joint programme can be issued upon request.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree (worth at least 180 ECTS) in relevant fields.
Students who have not yet obtained their Bachelor’s degree can still apply, provided that they graduate by the Fall graduation session of the same year.

Applicants should also provide adequate proof of their English language proficiency, as described in the Admission Requirements section of the joint programme webpage.

In addition to the general entry requirements, students interested in applying for Ca' Foscari as their Home University should also meet the specific requirements for admission (personal preparation and minimum curricular requirements) to the Master's degrees involved in the joint programme: Master’s Degree programme in Environmental Sciences - curriculum Global Change and Sustainability

Application and selection

Interested students should apply online by following the procedure and deadlines indicated in the Application section of the official joint programme’s website, attaching the documents listed in the Required documents section.

The application must be submitted during the academic year prior to enrolment in the master's degree programme. The application period usually opens in December and closes in March.

When applying, applicants should indicate an order of preference regarding the Home University and the Partner Universities at which they intend to carry out the mandatory mobility semester.


Selections are carried out annually, usually in April, by a Joint Selection Committee, composed of members from all the Consortium's Partner Universities.

Destinations for the mandatory mobility semester will be assigned on the basis of a merit ranking and the availability of places at the Partner Universities: therefore, a different mobility destination might be assigned than those indicated in the application form.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection procedure and, in case of admission to the programme, of the assigned mobility destination.

Students selected for Ca' Foscari as Home University will be contacted by the Welcome Unit, which will provide them with an Acceptance Letter and the necessary instructions for enrolment. 

Confirmation of admission does not automatically guarantee enrolment to the programme: students will have to meet the requirements and follow the specific procedures and deadlines for enrolment at Ca' Foscari.


Students holding a Bachelor's degree obtained an Italian University should follow the procedures described in the “Enrol” section of each course's webpage and submit the required documentation by the relevant deadlines.

Students holding a Bachelor’s degree obtained outside of Italy will be informed about the enrolment procedure and its deadlines from the Welcome Unit.

Non-European citizens who are not regularly residing in Italy (i.e. holding a valid residence permit for enrolment) will need to apply for a visa for study purposes - enrolment in order to enroll in the programme. More information will be provided by the Welcome Unit after the conclusion of the selection process.

Mobility semester

Students will carry out a mandatory mobility semester at the Partner University assigned at the selection stage, during the 2nd semester of the 1st year of enrolment in the Master's degree programme.

In order to complete the programme and, to obtain the double degree (in the case of mobilities carried out at degree awarding institutions), students must ensure that they:

  • acquire at least 60 ECTS at their Home University (of which 36 ECTS for examinations and 24 ECTS for the final examination)
  • acquire at least 30 ECTS at the Mobility University.

Students can apply for an additional mobility semester, to be carried out preferably during the third semester of enrolment to the programme. For more information, please contact the Welcome Unit:
Students may not undertake more than two semesters of mobility.

Only for the mandatory mobility period, students will benefit from a financial contribution whose amount will be defined according to the student's economic situation. More information will be provided by the Welcome Unit in the semester prior to departure. 

Mobility procedures

Before departing for the mobility, selected students will be required to:

  • complete the registration/application procedure at the receiving institution according to the methods and within the deadlines set by the Partner University;
  • sign the grant agreement that regulates the disbursement of the mobility grant;
  • fill out the Learning Agreement, listing all the educational activities to be carried out at the Partner University and identifying the equivalences with the courses included in the Ca' Foscari study plan, which must be approved by the academic coordinators of the programme at Ca' Foscari and at the Host University.

Further information will be provided by the Welcome Unit (International Office) upon completion of the selection process and after formal acceptance of the offer.

After reaching the destination, students will have to get the confirmation of arrival form signed by the Partner University, to certify the actual start date of the mobility period (orientation/welcome activities or educational activities).

If the students intend to make changes to the study plan agreed upon before departure, it is possible to complete a Learning Agreement variation form, which must be approved by the academic coordinators of the programme at Ca' Foscari and at the Host University.

Before returning from the mobility, students will have to get the confirmation of departure form signed by the Partner University, to certify the actual end date of the mobility period.

As soon as available, students must send to the Welcome Unit (International Office) the Transcript of records issued by the Host University, i.e. the certificate listing all the exams they passed during the mobility abroad.

The exams reported in the Transcript of records must correspond to those agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and any subsequent variation forms.

Thesis and graduation

The thesis will be written under the supervision of a Professor from Ca' Foscari.

Each student must be assigned an external second reader from one of the Partner institutions (usually the one where the student spent the mobility semester).
The second reader will send a report and an evaluation of the thesis to the examining board. 
To find a second reader and for guidance on the thesis work, students should contact the academic coordinator of the programme, Prof. Fabio Aricò, at least 2 months before the beginning of the graduation session.

Students will have to submit a regular request to graduate by following the procedures and deadlines indicated on the relevant webpage: Thesis and final degree exam.

Once the Italian degree has been obtained, students should inform the Welcome Unit which will take care of providing the Partner University with the necessary documents and information to start the issuance process of the second degree, where applicable.
Students who have spent their mobility at a non-degree awarding mobility partner will only be entitled to receive the diploma from Ca’ Foscari. A certificate of completion of the joint programme can be issued upon request.

Incoming students

Further information on the procedures for the incoming double degree students: Double and Joint Degrees - Incoming students.