Master's Degree Programme in
Environmental Sciences
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Health and safety course

The current legislation on safety in the workplace provides for the obligation of training of workers, supplied by employers of public and private companies.

In universities, this prevention measure also concerns students who attend teaching, research and analysis laboratories and are exposed to risks, due to the activity to be carried out (Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments and DM 363/1998).

Ca' Foscari therefore offers its matriculated students, who fall into the situation described above, a specific training course, organized as follows:

  • an online general training course, lasting 4 hours (Students general training course in health and safety at the workplace);
  • an online specific training course - high risk, lasting 13.5 hours (Specialised course for students involved in scientific activities in teaching, research and analysis laboratories-HIGH RISK).

For information:

Who is it aimed at?

Both courses (general training + specific training - high risk) are mandatory for all students enrolled in the following master's degree courses:

  • Biotechnologies for Sustainable Development and Environment (CM10);
  • Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage (CM60);
  • Engineering Physics (CM13);
  • Environmental Sciences (CM5);
  • Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials (CM14);
  • Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies (CM7).

Failure to complete them will result in the impossibility of accessing the teaching and research laboratories.

General training

The general training online course (4 hours) has to be taken first. Students must follow the instructions received via e-mail from Scientific Campus.

The course consists of video lessons and self-evaluation tests.

The certificate, issued at the end of the course, is permanently valid.

Students in possession of a general education certificate obtained from another University/body can request an exemption from attending the course. To this end, they must send a copy of the relevant certificate to the email address

Specific training

The specific training course - high risk (13.5 hours), to be carried out after the general training course, is also delivered online, on the Moodle platform. The student must follow the instructions received via e-mail from Scientific Campus.

At the end of the course there is a final verification test.

The certificate, issued at the end of the course, is valid for 5 years. Upon expiry, the student must attend an online update course (6 hours).

Students in possession of a specific training certificate - high risk, obtained from another University/body, can request an exemption from attending the course. To this end, they must send a copy of the relevant certificate to the email address