Master's Degree Programme in
Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage
Enrollment until 2024/2025


University regulations

Degree Programme Regulations

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To be admitted to the placement it is necessary to have at least 50 credits.

The placement consists in carrying out study and research activities, both theoretical and experimental in the laboratory, in line with the training objectives and the expected learning outcomes of the course, on a specific topic agreed between the student and the tutor.

One credit is awarded for every 25 hours of placement completed.

Two types of placement are possible:

  1. Internal internship - which is carried out in the laboratories of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice; the Teaching Committee of the study course, based on the application for internal internship submitted by the student, can approve the internal internship project. At the end of the internship the student must deliver to the scientific campus secretariat the internal internship attendance register and the internship completion certificate. In the case of internal internship, the tutor must be a lecturer of the Master's Degree Program in Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage or the Degree Course in Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage. It is possible to identify a lecturer who does not teach in one of these courses as a placement tutor, but only if the Teaching Committee approves it.
  2. External traineeship - carried out at an institution, research laboratory or company outside the university (in which case an agreement between the university itself and the contractor must be stipulated beforehand). In addition to the internal tutor, an external tutor will be chosen from the organization where the student completes the placement. The external tutor must be a reference point for the University for everything related to the placement.

The tutor is responsible for guiding and coordinating the work carried out by the student and for promoting all the formalities required by these Regulations. In particular, the tutor has the following tasks:

  1. establishing the training plan of the internship
  2. verify the progress of the internship and ensure compliance with the methodology and effectiveness of the experience
  3. sign the final report and the certification form at the end of the internship.

To be able to gain the 6 credits related to the internship, the total period dedicated to this activity must be of at least one month.

These rules are valid from summer session of the academic year 2018/2019; they’ve been approved

  • by Masters' degree teaching committee on 2019/02/13
  • by DAIS department on 2019/03/13

Forms and Documents

The form for the Internal Traineeship Application, filled in, signed, and completed with the attached documentation, must be scanned and emailed to