Master's Degree Programme in
Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage
Enrollment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Regulations of the Degree Programme

Students must present their thesis application to the Teaching Committee after they choosed the Supervisor and defined the thesis projects in order to be approved.

Attention: the thesis preparation request does not replace the degree application that students must present with the processes and deadlines reported in the University Regulations.

The form for the request for thesis preparation, filled in, signed and completed with attached documents, must be scanned and emailed to

Upon finishing the thesis work, students must undertake an interview with the co-examiners (the date and time of the interview will be established by the teaching Committee) At the end of the meeting the Commission draws up a report to be transmitted to the Graduation Commission.


The final exam consists of an in-depth discussion, in front of a committee of university professors and experts, of a written dissertation (thesis), prepared by the student under the guidance of the supervisor(s), the topic of which is the activity carried out and documented by the candidate during the period of thesis preparation, possibly along with internship activities.

During the thesis preparation, the candidate faces a research project in the field of conservation of cultural heritage. The study will be experimental and / or applied, with particular attention given to the development and application of new technologies, both in the field of diagnostics and conservation intervention. The research may also cover particular case studies, from which a scientific and innovative approach conservation and cultural heritage issues should emerge.

The thesis work is followed by at least one internal tutor from the degree course, possibly in collaboration with co-tutors from the rest of the university or from outside. Both the writing of the thesis and its presentation and discussion during the final interview will be in English.

Students enrolled in the Master's degree can start their thesis period by presenting the thesis application to the Teaching Committee who evaluates the contents and methods of carrying out the thesis, as well as the congruity of the proposed topic with the educational objectives of the Master's degree program and assigns the co-examiners and any other co-supervisors, the latter possibly based on the suggestions of the supervisor.

The student undertakes to carry out the thesis work assigned to him or her according to the modalities agreed with the thesis supervisor. If the experimental thesis work is carried out at external structures, the thesis supervisor must be a professor of a Master's degree in Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage or of the degree course in Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage of the University of Venice.

The "thesis supervisors / examiners" are responsible for guiding and coordinating the work carried out by the student and for promoting all the formalities required by the present Regulations, except where it is explicitly declared.

The Thesis Commission, composed of the supervisors, any co-supervisors and the external examiners assigned by the Teaching College, assesses together the work carried out by the candidate in an interview (the thesis interview). At the end of the meeting the Commission draws up a report (the minutes of the thesis interview) to be transmitted to the Graduation Commission. The graduate undergoes the interview with the thesis commission after submitting the thesis and at least one week before the graduation session.

In the interview report the Thesis Commission reports the judgment and the score to be sent to the graduation commission. The Thesis Commission can award from zero to eight points, of which three are at the disposal of the supervisor and five available to the external examiners.

The procedures regulating admission to the degree examination and submission of the application are those provided for by the resolutions of the University bodies, and are shown on the web page of the degree course. After presentation to the thesis committee, the student discusses the thesis in front of the graduation commission during the degree examination. The graduation commission is nominated and selected according to the provisions of the University regulations.

The attribution of the scores, including the bonuses and the attribution of the honors, reflects the rules established in the University for the Master's degree courses. In addition, the Graduation Commission will evaluate the final exam and also the excellence of the student's academic curriculum in order to award honors.

The proclamation and award of the degree take place at the end of the discussion. The evaluation of the exam is defined according to the criteria established by the University bodies.

These rules are valid from summer session of the academic year 2018/19; they’ve been approved

  • by Masters' degree teaching committee on 2019/02/13
  • by DAIS department on 2019/03/13

Cultural Heritage Professionals

With Italian Decree No. 244 of 20 May 2019, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities regulated the procedures and requirements for the registration of professionals in the national directories of experts in diagnostics and science and technology applied to cultural heritage, established at the Ministry pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, of Italian Law No. 110 of 22 July 2014 [ITA].

In order to register on the national directories of experts in diagnostics and science and technology applied to cultural heritage, applicants must provide, among other criteria, documented experience, continuous or otherwise, in the field of science applied to the conservation of cultural heritage (including any curricular traineeships). On 30 April 2020 the national coordination body for study courses activated for class L-43 (Diagnostics for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage) and class LM-11 (Conservation Science for the Cultural Heritage) recognised, based on the credits for practical and laboratory activities envisaged in the respective curricula:

  • 3 months of experience in the field of science applied to cultural heritage to students who graduate from the L-43 Bachelor's Degree Programme (Diagnostics for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage) for laboratory, internship and thesis activities carried out within the student's university
  • 9 months of experience in the field of science applied to cultural heritage to students who graduate from the LM-11 Master's Degree Programme (Conservation Science for the Cultural Heritage) for laboratory, internships and thesis activities carried out within the student's university.

Graduates in Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage (LM-11) and in Science and Technologies for Cultural Heritage (L43) at Ca' Foscari may request recognition of this experience directly from the Teaching Committees of their respective study courses.

Please note that the directories are not professional registers and failure to register does not in any way preclude one from practising the profession.

For more information:


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
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