Master's Degree Programme in
Computer Science and Information Technology
Enrollment from 2022/2023


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Regulations of the Degree Programme

Regulations for traineeship and final exam

The thesis for the Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology is made up of an Internship (up to 6 ECTS/CFU) and a Final exam (up to 24 ECTS/CFU)

  1. Internship: the student undertakes a period of formative and orientation study at the University's research laboratories and/or external laboratories, focused on topics related to the thesis. If the internship is performed in an external lab, it must first be approved by the supervisor and tutored by a co-supervisor (correlatore/correlatrice) from the lab in question.
  2. The Final exam includes:
    • a written paper: the student writes a paper in English on a computer science research topic. The paper must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the subject and of the relevant methodologies, as well as autonomy and scientific rigour. It must also have scientific and/or applicative relevance.
    • thesis presentation and discussion: the written paper is presented and publicly discussed in English before a committee of university professors and experts, who assess the quality and originality of the work and award the final grade.

The grade for the written paper and final discussion can be a maximum score of 8 points, awarded according to the following criteria:

  • quality and technical correctness of the paper or software project, review, or theoretical result (up to 2 points)
  • originality and relevance of the results, i.e. degree of complexity and originality of the software project, in comparison with the field (up to 3 points)
  • general structure and clarity, accuracy in the bibliography, introduction and summary (up to 2 points)
  • clarity and conciseness in the oral presentation (up to 1 point)

The master's degree final grade is made up of:

  • the weighted average in one hundred and tenths of all the examination grades;
  • the grade for the final exam (1 to 8 points, awarded by the committee);
  • any bonuses awarded under the rules established by the University bodies.

The Degree Committee assesses the final exam and also the excellence of the student's academic record for the award of honours.


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors: