Master's Degree Programme in
Biotechnologies for Sustainable Development and the Environment
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Internship - traineeship

The internship is a period of on the job training that allows students to acquire professional skills and know-how transferable to the world of work, and to gain experience of a real work environment.

The degree program includes a compulsory internship of 6 credits; 1 ECT for the internship = 25 hours.

It is also possible to include an additional internship in the study plan among the credits of free choice or in excessive credits. The internship can be linked to the final exam and it is recommended that you do it during the final year of the programme.

There are two types of internship::

It is carried out in the scientific laboratories located on the Ca’ Foscari premises (Scientific Campus and Depuratore of Treviso).

To set up an internship the student must fill the attached form.
At the end of the internship, the student must send the certificate for the end of the internship.
Both documents must be sent to the secretariat of the Scientific Campus at


It is carried out in Italy or abroad in a private or public institution or company, or research laboratory. Prior to the beginning of the internship it is necessary for the host institution and the University to stipulate an agreement. The external internship is regulated and managed by the University Internship Service.
For further information please visit the webpages Internships in Italy and Internships abroad.

Recognitions, internships as extra or substitute ECTS

For enquiries regarding the recognition of internships and traineeships with additional credits or as substitutes for chosen exams, contact the Treviso Campus

It is possible to include an extra-curricular internship into the study plan, that is, in addition to the total credits already foreseen by your programme, with modification of the study plan assessed by the Teaching Committee.
The request must be forwarded to the appropriate campus before starting the internship in all the following cases:

  • further training in the curricular already carried out
  • training that includes more hours than the curricular one
  • extension of an ongoing internship

You will have to fill in the appropriate form of modification of your study plan and send it over via e-mail at Campus Treviso along with the documentation indicated in the form.

The Campus will send your documentation to the coordinator of the Teaching Committee for authorisation and the Campus will update the study plan.

The Teaching Committee consent to the substitution of an open unit with an internship only under certain conditions. It is advisable to discuss this in advance with the Coordinator of the Degree Programme in order to verify the feasibility of the same.
Before starting the internship, you must complete the appropriate form to request the modification of your study plan that will be sent via e-mail to, together with the documentation indicated in the form.

The Campus will send your documentation to the coordinator of the Teaching Committee for authorisation and the Campus will update the study plan.

In place of the curricular internship, various activities can be recognised that will be subjected and evaluated by the coordinator of the Teaching Committee on the basis of relevance with your Master’s degree.
The work carried out before enrollment, for the purpose of recognition of the curricular internship for Master’s degree programmes cannot be considered.
The job can only be recognised in the place of compulsory credits.
The compulsory internship can be substituted by work carried out, for example at a company or a professional firm. To request recognition of the work you will need to send at

  • a copy of the contract
  • a declaration from the employer stating the duration of your work, the average hours done and the tasks performed.

In the case of self-employment, you will need to send a company certificate (or similar certification) and a detailed self-certification that specifies:

  • the nature and duration of the work
  • the tasks performed
  • the skills acquired

And report and name any companies or customers with whom you have collaborated.

The coordinator of the Didactic Board, after evaluating the relevance of the request received, can authorize the attribution of credits.