Master's Degree Programme in
Biotechnologies for Sustainable Development and the Environment
Enrollment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Degree Programme Regulations
Class LM-8 Industrial biotechnology


  • Thesis: written work with original character, documentation and in-depth scientific comprehension of a topic in the field of Industrial Biotechnology. The thesis topic is agreed upon with the supervisor; the thesis internship can be carried out either at Ca’ Foscari University or at other external institutes, university and non-university, but it  must always be under the responsibility of the supervisor
  • Thesis internship: period for preparing the thesis
  • Supervisor: degree programme scholar, chosen by the student, who works by following the student through the period of carrying out the thesis; approving the content of the written work and expressing an evaluation on the ability of the student when carrying out the assigned thesis work.
  • Assistant Supervisor: Optional, working side by side with the Supervisor in assisting and guiding the student during the thesis internship ; it can be a university scholar external to the Master’s Degree, or a person with qualified scientific and/or technological skills.
  • Degree Commission: nominated and summoned according to what is required by the Didactic Regulation of the University, during the official proclamation, establishes a final grade for the degree exam and the possible attribution of honors based on the student’s university curriculum 
  • Degree Discussion: the candidate presents their thesis to the Degree Commission, established in an official appeals session. The Degree Commission assigns the final grade

Thesis internship

The request for thesis internship must be presented after students have chosen their supervising professors and have defined the thesis project with them. 

The thesis internship request does not replace the degree application that students must present within the processes and deadlines reported in the University Regulation.

The form for the request for thesis internship, filled in, signed and completed with attached documents, should be emailed to the Campus Treviso


To access the Final Exam it is necessary to obtain all the credits provided in the study plan.

Admission to the final exam is subject to the writing of a thesis paper with an original character that reports the results of an experimental research work or a development project, and the discussion of the same in front of the evaluation committee. The student can carry out the thesis work within the University or at external institutions or abroad, and can choose whether to write the thesis in English or Italian.

The final exam includes an in-depth discussion (30 minutes of presentation and discussion) of the thesis with the Degree Commission.

The topics of the thesis will be proposed by the professors in accordance with the preferences expressed by the students and in agreement with any corporate tutors. The topics will be related to the implementation of the concepts of circular economy and sustainability along the life cycle of products and processes.

The Degree Commission evaluates the work presented by considering the clarity of the exhibition, the level of study of the work carried out and the autonomy of work expressed by the graduate. The degree mark is expressed in one hundred and ten and considers the weighted average of the marks obtained in the examinations of profit and the evaluation of the Degree interview. The assessment of the test is defined according to the criteria established by the University bodies.

For further information please vitit the webpages about the admission and application procedures for the degree exam and about the evaluation and conduct of the final exam.


Treviso Campus

SELISI - Education and Campus Services Unit
Palazzo San Paolo [ITA], Riviera Santa Margherita 76, 31100 Treviso (Italy)

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