Master's Degree Programme in
Ancient Civilisations: Literature, History and Archaeology
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Health and safety course

Title of subject: Health and Safety in didactic activities and research in the field of Humanities.

Specific and general training for students treated as workers of  the School in Conservation and Production of Cultural Heritage and the Department of Humanity Studies.

The regulations in effect in safety materials at places of work foresees the obligation of the formation of the workers to load of the employer of the public and private firms. 

At the University, this measure of prevention also takes into account students that attend educational workshops, for research or service and, due to the specific activities carried out, are subject to risk. (D. Lgs. 81/2008 and smi and DM 363/1998).

From the academic year 2014/2015, Ca’ Foscari offers, to those enrolled who return to the situation described above, a specific formative programme, as explained: 

  • An online programme of general training, lasting 4 hours
  • A lecture programme in the case of specific training, lasting 12 hours.

For more information contact:

Who does this include

The Health and Safety in educational activities and research programme is compulsory for all students enrolled from 2015/2016 in the following degree programmes: 

  • Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities (FT1);
  • Ancient Civilisations: Literature, History and Archaeology (FM2).

The programme is an obligatory activity foreseen by the study plan for all students that will attend the site for archaeological excavations and is worth 1 University Credit (ECTS) 

Students in possession of confirmed training carried out at another body can ask for a possible exemption from attending the safety course through presenting a copy of the confirmation to the Secretary at the Humanities Campus.

General Training

To access the online programme for general training (4 hours), students must log on to the site and follow the instructions that you will have receive via email from the Secretary at the Humanities Campus.

The online course will consist of the visualization of recorded lectures and the developed through tests and auto-evaluation. The final test of this part of the general training will be compulsory to pass before taking the final test for the specific training.

Specific Training

The training for specific risks (12 hours, corresponding to 16 of 45 of the academic hours) will take place in the second semester.

Classes will each have 35 students. The composition of each class will be communicated to those interested via email from the Secretary of the Science Campus. 

On finishing this course there is a final verification test.

The timetable for specific training will be posted on the website for the individual classes:

Attendance and final test

Compulsory attendance of at least 90% of the activities is necessary .

1 ECT will be given upon finishing the attendance of these activities and on passing conclusive verification of the same activities.

The programme will also release a certificate, valid for D. Lgs 81/2008.