Master's Degree Programme in
Italian Philology, Linguistics and Literature
Enrolment from 2023/2024

Traineeship and substitute activities

In the field of the aforementioned “Other formative activities”, the study plan assigns 6 Formal University Credits (ECTS) to educational training and orientation

The ECTS relative to educational training and orientation can be acquired totalling the credits in different types of activities, up until students reach the necessary quota of 6 ECTS. The range of activities through which students may choose are listed below. Only the activities that are mentioned can be taking into consideration by the Didactic College for accrediting ECTS provided by the “educational training and orientation.” 

Recognition in credits of the placement (internship) activities and of the substituted activities are based on the request from the student, according to the principle that 25 documented hours (understood as the time passed whilst working at this institute developing the activity that from an eventual time quota managed autonomously to produce written work) corresponds to 1 ECTS.

To consult the available substitute activities, visit the Italian page.