Master's Degree Programme in
Global Development and Entrepreneurship
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Academic year 2024/2025

Level of qualification

Master's Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

LM-56 (Economics)






School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship, Riviera Santa Margherita 76, 31100 Treviso (Italy)
For further information please contact the Campus in Treviso (School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship),

Head of studies

Prof. Luiza Anna Bialasiewicz (Teaching committee coordinator,


The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.

Access to the programme

Open admission, with evaluation of minimum curricular requirements.
Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 30 seats.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to this Master's Degree Programme students must possess a proper individual educational background and the minimum curricular requirements. A certified knowledge of English at minimum level B2 is also required.
Details about the assessment procedures are available in the webpage dedicated to test and admission requirements.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a bachelor’s degree that is the result of at least 3 years of study. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
International qualification will be evaluated by the designated teaching committee after the pre-evaluation procedure carried out on the online platform. 

Course overview

This Master’s Degree programme offers an interdisciplinary course, aimed to deepen the peculiarities of the Global Development processes integrating economic, mathematics and statistics, legal, geographical and cultural knowledge, necessary to interact with international markets, paying particular attention to the emerging ones.

The curricula aim to train experts in the analysis of globalization of markets and the status of international economies, ready to support the processes of entrepreneurial growth through managerial and financial training, capable of combining culture and economy of development and internationalization.

The programme is formed by seminars and other cultural and educational activities with entrepreneurs and directors of Italian and foreign companies, with the aim to promote the development, within international networks, of excellence present in the territorial and corporate systems in the north-east of the country.

The programme provides scholarships for entering into the labour market thanks to the Luciano Iglesias Foundation.

Curricula available

  • Global Markets
  • Entrepreneurship

Double and Joint Degree

Ca' Foscari University of Venice offers international educational programmes designed in collaboration with one or more partner universities, entailing the attendance of part of the study path abroad. At the conclusion of these programmes, selected students obtain a Double Degree (a diploma from Ca' Foscari and one issued by the partner university) or a Joint Degree (single degree jointly awarded by the member universities of the consortium delivering the programme), depending on the provisions of the agreements with the partner universities and the different national regulations.

Double and Joint Degrees available:

  • Double Degree with the Ecole Management Strasbourg (France)
    Students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in Global Development can obtain a Double Degree by attending programmes offered by the Professional Master’s Programme in International European Business, according to the procedures agreed upon between the two universities.
    Admission test: Selection call.

Examination assessment and graduation

The educational activities include classroom teaching, experts’ contributions, case studies analysis, workshops and internships (in Italy and abroad), in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
During the whole university career, the various skills and knowledge acquired by students will be assessed through written and oral examinations.
The degree exam consists in writing a thesis, which must possess the characters of originality, exhaustive documentation and scientific investigation and which will be discussed with a committee of university professors and experts.

Access to further studies

Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level and 2nd level) and PhD programmes.

Occupational profiles

Master’s graduates can seek employment as experts of international markets; foreign sales managers; export managers; managers of administration, finance and control in global player enterprises; venture capitalists; entrepreneurs with a strong inclination towards international markets; consultants in the internationalisation of enterprises and business networks.