Master's Degree Programme in
Global Development and Entrepreneurship

Double Degree with EM Strasbourg Business School

Partner University website

Coordinator: prof. Marcella Lucchetta
International Office:

The double Master's Degree in Global Development and Entrepreneurship, jointly organized by Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Université de Strasbourg/Ecole de Management Strasbourg Business School (EM Strasbourg Business School), allows selected students from Ca’ Foscari to attend second year courses at EM Strasbourg Business School and obtain a double degree: Master’s Degree in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship and Master Grande Ecole.

Erasmus scholarships specific for this program may be provided, in order to foster integration between Italian and French higher education systems, and thus contribute to the harmonization of university education throughout Europe.

Admission requirements

The dual-degree program is reserved to students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship at Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.

Students must have a satisfactory level of proficiency in English.

Application and selection

Students can apply for the programme following the procedures and deadlines outlined in the Call for applications and its annexes, which are published annually.

The results of the selection process are published on this webpage, according to the timelines specified in Annex A of the Call.

Calls and forms

file pdf Call for applications 2024
The link to fill out the application form is reported in the call.
270 KB
file pdf Annex A 2 MB
file pdf Corrigendum annex a 191 KB
file pdf Annex B 142 KB

Equivalences between the courses

Once selected, students must contact the President of the Teaching Board (prof. Giancarlo Corò) to plan in advance the plan of educational activities to attend abroad, based on the equivalence between EM Strasbourg courses and Ca' Foscari courses, and eventually to plan required changes in their programme of study at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Semester of study abroad

Scholarship opportunities

Selected students may contact the program coordinator, prof. Giancarlo Corò, to request further information about the possibility to apply for scholarships.

Before leaving

  • Students are required to plan in advance with prof. Giancarlo Corò the programme of educational activities they wish to attend at the host University (Learning Agreement);
  • Students must present the duly filled in and signed Learning Agreement to the International Relations Office of Ca’ Foscari University;
  • Finally, they must contact the partner university for visa procedures and acceptance.

At the host university

Once in Strasbourg, students must contact the International Relations Office at the host university and sign:

  • The Learning Agreement;
  • The Changes to the Learning Agreement form, if any changes are required;
  • The Confirmation of Arrival form.

All documents must be forwarded to International Relations Office by fax (+39 041 234 7567) or e-mail ( Students must keep the original documents.

Extension of the Mobility Period

Students who wish to extend their stay at the host university must submit their application to the International Relations Office, at least one month before the stated date of return.

The application must be signed by the person in charge at the host university and sent by fax (+39 041 234 7567) or e-mail ( to the International Relations Office, which will collect the program Coordinator’s approval and will send you a timely confirmation notice.

Before returning to Italy

Before returning to Italy, students must complete and sign at the host University the second part of the confirmation form of their stay abroad (i.e. the part which concerns the departure from the host university and their return to Italy).

Once back in Italy

Within 15 days after their return to Italy, students must submit the following original documents to the International Relations Office of Ca' Foscari University:

  • Learning Agreement and, eventually, the Changes to the Learning Agreement form duly filled in and signed;
  • Confirmation form of their stay abroad, which shows the entire period of mobility;
  • Transcript of Records, i.e. the certificate which reports all the exams taken at the host University;
  • Boarding passes and payment receipts (travel, accomodation).