Master's Degree Programme in
Economics, Finance and Sustainability
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Academic year 2024/2025

Level of qualification

Master's Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

LM-56 (Economics Sciences)






Department of Economics - San Giobbe Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venice
For further information please contact the Campus of Economics,

Head of studies

Prof. Monica Billio (Teaching Committe Coordinator,;


The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.

Access to the programme

Open admission, subject to the evaluation of minimum curricular requirements.
Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 40 seats, of which 15 are reserved for Chinese students living in China, under the Marco Polo Project.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to this Master's Degree Programme students must possess a proper individual educational background and the minimum curricular requirements. A certified knowledge of English at minimum level B2 is also required.
Details about the assessment procedures are available in the webpage dedicated to admission requirements.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a bachelor’s degree that is the result of at least 3 years of study. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
International qualification will be evaluated by the designated teaching committee after the pre-evaluation procedure carried out on the online platform.

Course overview

he Master's degree programme trains experts who possess:

  • a high command of mathematical-statistical tools and a solid theoretical-quantitative background;
  • high knowledge of economic and financial analysis and economic policy;
  • strong legal and market regulation skills;
  • solid methodological-theoretical and modelling skills in the field of economics, both in the context of research as well as in the professional context, to analyse the complexities of contemporary society and offer solutions to economic and social problems, in a dynamic perspective with a focus on innovations in the economic, financial and economic spheres, as well as adaptation to climate change.

It consists of three curricula, delivered in English

Curricula available

  • Economics-QEM: it trains economists with a solid background in economics, with both a theoretical and empirical approach, according to European and international standards, and a focus on quantitative methods. This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus QEM programme and welcomes many foreign students, enabling them to obtain a joint degree from the five universities in the consortium (in addition to Ca' Foscari, Paris Sorbonne, Barcelona Autonomous University, Leuven Catholic University, and Warsaw School of Economics);
  • Quantitative Finance and Risk Management: it provides financial expertise in line with international standards both in terms of content and preparation. Particular attention is paid to the tools of mathematical and statistical analysis applied to financial markets and institutions and to the study of complex financial instruments. International exchange programmes and double degrees are also offered;
  • Sustainable Finance: provides training in finance in line with international standards to integrate sustainability dimensions and seize opportunities arising from the increasing focus in finance on the impacts of climate change and the achievement of sustainable development goals. Particular attention is paid to the tools required for punctually measuring, understanding, and managing sustainability dimensions, considering the related risks and opportunities, both at the level of the individual institution and the economic/financial system. International exchange programmes and double degrees are also offered.

Double and Joint Degree

Ca' Foscari University of Venice offers international educational programmes designed in collaboration with one or more partner universities, entailing the attendance of part of the study path abroad. At the conclusion of these programmes, selected students obtain a Double Degree (a diploma from Ca' Foscari and one issued by the partner university) or a Joint Degree (single degree jointly awarded by the member universities of the consortium delivering the programme), depending on the provisions of the agreements with the partner universities and the different national regulations.

Double and Joint Degrees available:

  • Double Degree in Economy, Econometrics and Finance (MEEF) with the Université Aix-Marseille (France)
    At the end of their studies and after the final examination students achieve both the academic qualifications: Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability at Ca’ Foscari University; Master Finance (Financial Risk Management path) at Université Aix-Marseille.
    Access: selection process.
  • Double Degree in Economics with the Université Aix-Marseille (France)
    At the end of their studies and after the final examination students achieve both the academic qualifications: Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability at Ca’ Foscari University; Master’s in Economics (paths: Econométrie, Big Data et Statistiques, Analyse des Politiques Economiques, Economie Théorique et Empirique, Finance Quantitative et Assurance) at Université Aix-Marseille.
    Access: selection process.
  • Joint Degree - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree QEM - Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics
    in collaboration with Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) and Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain la Neuve, Belgium) and Warsaw School of Economics (Warsaw, Poland).
    Access: call for applications.
  • Double Degree in Master Economie et Ingénierie Financière (MEF) Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
    At the end of their studies and after the final examination students achieve both the academic qualifications: Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability at Ca' Foscari University of Venice; Master Economie et Ingénierie Financière at Université Paris-Dauphine (France).
    Access: selection process.
  • Double Degree with Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
    At the end of their studies and after the final examination students achieve both the academic qualifications: Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability at Ca' Foscari University of Venice; Master of Science in Financial Analytics (MFA) at the Stevens Institute of Technology (USA).
    Access: selection process.
  • Double degree with Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK)
    At the end of their studies and after the final examination students achieve both the academic qualifications: Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability at Ca' Foscari University of Venice; one of the following Master's Programme at Henley Business School: Investment Management; Financial Risk Management; Corporate Finance.
    Access: selection process.
  • Double Degree with City University, London
    Access: selection process.

Examination assessment and graduation

The educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops and internships (even abroad), in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
During the whole university career, the various skills and knowledge acquired by students will be assessed through written and oral examinations.
The degree exam consists in writing a thesis, which must possess the characters of originality, exhaustive documentation and scientific investigation and which will be discussed with a committee of university professors and experts.

Access to further studies

Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level and 2nd level) and PhD programmes.

Occupational profiles

Master's graduates will be able to take on responsible professional roles in: international organisations, public and private research institutes including universities; commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, or other financial institutions; competition and market regulators and protection authorities; large organisations and public and private companies with a relevant impact of sustainability dimensions for the definition of financing/investment strategies and management of related risks; non-profit organisations, public administrations, supervisory and regulatory bodies; economic press.