Master's Degree Programme in
Management and Sustainability
Enrolment until 2024/2025





The programme at a glance


today, sustainability skills are indispensable for every managerial figure. This course will enable you to understand how to steer companies towards long-term value creation


the Management Department has a long tradition of studying sustainability and business management; the lecturers delve into the topics of sustainable development both from an academic research perspective and in dialogue and exchange with companies


the demand for professionals capable of interpreting the business environment and managing innovations through the 'lens' of sustainability is increasingly high. The employment rate one year after graduation is around 80%

Your future career options

general manager

sustainability manager

management consultant

Why choose this programme

The course in Management and Sustainability is among the few to integrate the topic of sustainability into the study of business management, both nationally and internationally. According to some of the most recent analyses of the labour market, companies increasingly require professionals with managerial skills hybridised with sustainability issues.

The Ca' Foscari Department of Management has a long tradition of sustainability and business administration studies. Professors explore topics connected to sustainable development, from a research standpoint as well as through the lens of the exchange with businesses.

Agreements with the Order of Chartered Accountants and Bookkeepers and the Order of Labour Consultants will also enable you to carry out a 6-month professional internship during your final year of the course.


Sustainability skills are now essential for any managerial figure, even for those who are not directly employed in the field: knowing and paying attention to the managerial implications of sustainable management is fundamental for the generation of long-term value in any company.
This Master's degree programme aims to educate professionals who can operate in both management and consultancy, and are capable of interpreting the work context of companies, as well as managing the related innovations from a sustainability perspective.
During this Master's degree, you will acquire specific skills in business administration, expanding your knowledge on the individual roles and of the company as a whole, also in relation to its surrounding environment, through a mindset based on sustainability.


The course offers you the opportunity to enter the Double degree with ESCP Business School (France), which enables selected students to study in a foreign, cosmopolitan and multicultural environment.
Each year, the Management Department also offers various international study and mobility opportunities such as the summer International Short Programmes, in partnership with prestigious international business schools.
Students can also participate in outgoing mobility initiatives such as the Erasmus and Overseas programmes. 

Discover all Ca' Foscari's international mobility programmes.

Direct experience and innovative teaching

A very valuable aspect of the degree programme in Management and Sustainability is the close relationship that is maintained between institutions and companies. The curricular teaching activities are enriched by seminar activities and testimonials from external experts: guest speakers take part in the lectures, bringing their experience to the classroom and creating a debate with lecturers, students and students on business cases or current and crucial issues regarding transition for companies, public bodies.

The Management Department organises the Experior innovative teaching projects every year, which enable students to approach the labour market by putting into practice the skills acquired in the classroom, guided by lecturers and company mentors.


Economic Campus

ADiSS - Economic Campus
San Giobbe [ITA], Cannaregio 873, Fondamenta San Giobbe, 30121 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Economic area internships: