Master's Degree Programme in
International Management
Enrolment until 2024/2025





The programme at a glance


the course, which is entirely in English, helps develop advanced business and management skills for operating in small, large or multinational companies that compete globally


internationality is the keyword of the course, which offers numerous opportunities for study abroad and exchange experiences: witness Erasmus, Overseas, Double degree programmes with European and non-European business schools of excellence


innovative, dynamic teaching in close contact with the labour market enriches the training offer and will enable you to participate in project work and interact with managers, professionals and experts during the lessons

Your future career options

foreign branch manager

sales and supply manager on an international scale

head of organisation and human resources management for a multinational company

Why choose this programme

The degree programme in International Management, which is entirely in English, produces experts in the management of private and public companies, from all sectors, capable of dealing with the challenges and opportunities linked to the profound transformations of the national and international socio-economic scenario.

The main objective of the course is to accompany students in the development of a wide range of advanced skills in the main areas of Management studies, providing them with the tools to operate effectively in the current market environment in which multinational companies, or those companies aiming at internationalisation, compete. 
Such an environment is characterised mainly by two factors. First, great uncertainty, due to rapid changes in demand, technology, and institutions in the countries where companies operate. Secondly, the current context is one in which companies, both large and small, have to compete globally.

The degree also delves into the strategic planning processes associated with the dynamics of international corporate openness, and provides conceptual and analytical tools for problem-solving and decision-making in management at the corporate, business and function level.
The learning is based on a 'learning-by-doing' approach with dynamic and engaging activities: you will carry out several project works and interact with the protagonists of the business world and institutions during the course of the lectures.


Master's degree graduates in International Management are experts in the functioning of small and large companies and are able to hold all those professional positions that require a mastery of interpretative tools in the field of international management.
By specialising in International Management, you will be able to take on roles such as:

  • Business analyst in a strategic consulting firm or multinational company
  • Export manager
  • Foreign branch manager
  • Sales manager on an international scale
  • Supply manager on an international scale
  • Head of organisation and human resources management for a multinational company

Or you can perform tasks related to different areas, such as:

  • Strategic planning
  • International supply chain management
  • Personnel management
  • Management of foreign sales
  • Logistics and international sourcing

International networks

Students enrolled in International Management will have the opportunity to study abroad at a European university thanks to the Erasmus programme or outside the European Union with the Overseas programme. They will also have the possibility of obtaining a double degree at one of the Department of Management's prestigious partner universities.

The course offers the possibility of obtaining a double degree with European and non-European business schools, such as Universität Hohenheim (Germany), ESCP Europe-Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris-Europe (France), The University of Adelaide (Australia), University of Reading – Henley Business School (UK), and Skema Business School (France).

Double degrees are study courses with an integrated curriculum, which involve an educational programme designed with other foreign universities, and therefore a period of study and examinations at the partner university. After the final examination, two degrees are awarded, one by Ca' Foscari University and the other by the partner university. This type of academic course normally involves the 1st year of attendance at Ca' Foscari and the 2nd year of mobility at the partner university.

Each year, the Management Department also offers various international study and mobility opportunities such as the International Short Programmes in the summer, in partnership with foreign universities.

Discover all Ca' Foscari's international mobility programmes.

Direct experience and innovative teaching

The course also offers:

  • Interactive teaching methods: lectures are designed to stimulate interaction between students and lecturers through discussions on business organisation business cases; in-class presentations of projects developed during group work.
  • Direct interaction with the business world: during lessons, you will be able to meet numerous managers and professionals who participate in the lessons by bringing their experience and presenting their companies. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the Experior training courses, a learning experience that will allow you to apply what you have learnt to real business cases presented by partner companies through lean start-up and business model design thinking approaches. Finally, thanks to the Career Service, you will be able to choose the company where you will carry out a training period of a few months.
  • A flexible pathway: there are compulsory and elective courses, so that students can customise their course of study.
  • A diverse and international community: in addition to the numerous mobility opportunities, you will experience a multicultural environment thanks to the high percentage of foreign students who choose to enrol in the course.

Department of Management

Presentation of the Department of Management


Economic Campus

ADiSS - Economic Campus
San Giobbe [ITA], Cannaregio 873, Fondamenta San Giobbe, 30121 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Economic area internships: