Master's Degree Programme in
Accounting and Finance
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Eligibility for English language level B1 and B2

Discover the linguistic skills that are required to students that enroll in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, and students that are already enrolled.

Furthermore, consult the cases of exemption as well as all the linguistic certificates recognized by the University. 

Exam sessions and dates distribution table

The academic calendar is divided into 2 semesters, which are organised into 2 terms each. Each course includes 4 different dates in which the related exam can be taken. Students are allowed to take all the exam dates, with the exception of the exams concerning the language of the BA and MA degree programmes of the linguistic area, for which students are required to choose one of the two exam dates available in the the same exam session. Please visit the website your degree programme to look for the exam dates and register for them.


Economic Campus

ADiSS - Economic Campus
San Giobbe [ITA], Cannaregio 873, Fondamenta San Giobbe, 30121 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Economic area internships: