Classes take place at the three partnering Universities:
Limited enrolment (max. number of enrolled students: 114).
For more information, please visit the Degree programme’s page on the University of Palermo website (main administrative office for this Degree programme).
Access to the Master's Degree Programme requires an adequate knowledge of English (B2 level or equivalent) and 12 CFU/ECTS in Italian Sign Language - LIS (L-LIN 01). Certificates issued by recognised bodies with proven experience in the field of education (indicating the number of attended hours of LIS) will be accepted to cover the required CFU/ECTS, based on what is stipulated in the University's call for applications for the Degree programme. Alternatively, the knowledge of LIS may be assessed by a specially appointed commission comprising at least one native LIS signer and expert.
Students who have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and Training (Italian Ministerial Degree Code L-19 ex D.M. 270/2004 and 18 ex D.M. 509/1999) are admitted without any further requirement.
Students who do not have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and Training (Italian Ministerial Degree Code L-19 ex D.M. 270/2004 and 18 ex D.M. 509/1999) must have at least 36 CFU/ECTS across at least 3 of the following Academic disciplines (SSD) L-LIN/01; L-LIN/02; M-FIL/05; M-PED/01; M-PED/03; M-PED/04; M-PSI/01; M-PSI/04; M-PSI/05; M-PSI/07; SPS/07.
Your preparation will be automatically deemed adequate if your Bacherlor’s Degree score was at least 95/110.
This Degree programme is the first master's level course in Italy for communication assistants, a key profession in any school attended by students, both deaf and hearing, who use LIS as their main communication language (e.g. with non-verbal autism, non-verbal syndromes, etc.).
The three partnering universities deal with a variety of issues related to deafness and Italian Sign Language and offer specific training in this field. Each of them will cover the specific subject areas of their expertise.
This Degree Programme offers an innovative active and participative learning experience and builds professional competencies that can flexibly adapt to various needs in education and training.
The curriculum spans Education Sciences and Linguistics.
The Degree programme is blended, i.e. it is designed with both on-site and online classes to allow students from the partnering Universities to follow the training activities together. This will maximise the number of on-site activities, ensure interaction and favour workshops and active learning.
At each of the partnering Universities, students will attend one-third of their classes on-site and the remaining two-thirds online. Teaching is carried out for on-site and online students together, to foster a cohesive and collaborative classroom experience for all. Classroom tutors who act as individual and group facilitators ease communication (e.g. questions from the online to the on-site group) and coordinate workshops and lab activities.
Students must sit an exam at the end of each course. Exams take place on-site or online, depending on how the course’s classes were delivered (therefore one-third on-site and two-thirds online, across the three universities involved).
At the end of the two-year course, students must submit a Master's thesis. The thesis should focus on inclusion and education, with particular reference to deaf students and the role of the communication assistant in schools or third-sector organisations. The thesis can also build on internships carried out in schools and educational and training centres. A solid grasp of the necessary skills and knowledge is required, together with critical thinking, communicativeness and autonomy of judgment.
Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level and 2nd level) and PhD programmes.
Graduates of this Master's Degree course can work as communication assistants in schools of all levels, educational and vocational training centres, universities (as tutors for students), or in networking projects for families. As freelancers, they will be able to offer their specific skills in communication and LIS to third-sector organisations or individuals.
Pursuant to current Italian legislation, graduates with a Degree with this Ministerial Degree Code are qualified to work as pedagogists. You will therefore be able to work in various capacities for public and/or private or third-sector organisations, including those that are not accredited, and in all the areas indicated by the regulations in force. Within these spheres you will be able to work as an expert pedagogist in areas such as educational research i.e. as coordinator, supervisor or pedagogical consultant. You could take on high-responsibility posts in education and training, wherever a qualified pedagogical input is required (this includes services to individuals, groups, and communities in education, health, community services, and welfare, just to name a few).