Master's Degree Programme in
Pedagogical Sciences for Inclusive Communication Mediated by LIS (inter-university)
Enrolment from 2024/2025

Enrol and study

How to enrol

Limited admission.
For further information on how to enrol, visit the University of Palermo' course website.

Once your enrolment at the University of Palermo is complete, Ca' Foscari Student Administration Unit will get in touch with you in order to complete your registration at our University, so that you can access all the services dedicated to Ca' Foscari students.

Attending classes

Classes for the Master's degree programme in Pedagogical Sciences for Inclusive Communication Mediated by LIS take place for a third at the University of Palermo, a third at Roma Tre University and a third at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Students are expected to attend in person the courses taking place at their University, and online the courses held in the other cities' venues, with the support a class tutor who helps students' interaction.
Classes in Venice take place at Palazzo Moro.

Further information

Please visit the University of Palermo’s course website for further information on:

  • application and enrolment
  • study plan, course timetable, syllabus, exams
  • internships
  • graduation and any other student career-related activity


Linguistic Campus

ADiSS - Linguistic Campus
Polo didattico San Basilio [ITA], dock no. 5, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Linguistic area internships:
Information tutors: