Incroci di civiltà

Festival Internazionale
di Letteratura a Venezia
2 5 aprile 2025


Incroci di civiltà's Project

Prize Incroci - Musei Civici di Venezia

Since its first edition, each year Incroci di civiltà has awarded the most significant author attending the festival with a prize, originally titled Bauer – Ca’ Foscari, today Prize Incroci – Musei Civici di Venezia.
Listed below are the winners of the past editions:

  • 2024 Margarethe Von Trotta
  • 2023 Javier Cercas
  • 2022 Boris Chersonskij
  • 2021 Nicole Krauss
  • 2020 not attributed
  • 2019 Jonathan Coe
  • 2018 Ian McEwan
  • 2017 Orhan Pamuk
  • 2016 Amin Maalouf
  • 2015 James Ivory
  • 2014 Patrizia Cavalli
  • 2013 Adonis
  • 2012 António Damásio
  • 2011 Sir V.S. Naipau
  • 2010 Ludmila Ulitskaya
  • 2009 Yves Bonnefoy

Prize giovani Incroci - Albero d’Oro

The giovani Incroci - Albero d’Oro prize was awarded to Igiaba Scego, Ghada Abdel Aal, Mariana Enriquez, Eugenia Rico, and Paulina Flores in the previous years.

Starting in 2024, the award is co-presented with the Fondazione dell’Albero d’Oro. That year, it was awarded to writer Emilienne Malfatto.

Incroci di civiltà book series

The book series ‘Incroci di civiltà’, which was launched nel 2018 in collaboration with Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, publishes guest authors of the Incroci di civiltà Festival who are little known or have never been translated in Italian, as recommended by the professors of the two Language Departments at Ca’ Foscari University. In 2024, "Epitaph for Mara T." by Slađana Nina Perković was published by Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, translated by Marija Bradaš..

Other Title in the series:

  • Diana Hambarzumyan, Telegramma a Fatima e altri racconti, edited by Sona Haroutyunian (2023),
  • Amir Alagić, Oltre la collina e altri racconti, ed. by Marija Bradaš (2023),
  • Sepideh Siyāvashi, Il palazzo di mezzanotte, ed. by Simone Cristoforetti and Michele Marelli (2022),
  • James Noël, Brexit, ed. by Giuseppe Sofo (2019),
  • Aaron Poochigian, Vagabondo a Manhattan, it. tr. by Mattia Ravasi (2019),
  • Igor Vishnevetsky, Leningrad, it. tr. by Daniela Rizzi, Luisa Ruvoletto and other MA students of Russian language (2019),
  • Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Il cortile nello specchio. Bicicletta sul ghiaccio, it. tr. by Stefania Sbarra (2018),
  • Mohamed Moksidi, Il guardiano del nulla e altre poesie, it. tr. by Simone Sibilio (2018)

Volunteer students

Throughout the Festival, some students collaborating with Radio Ca’ Foscari will attend the conversations with the authors. They will review books and, armed with microphones and recorders, will interview the protagonists of the Festival and the audience.

Incroci di civiltà on air

Over the years, many students of Ca' Foscari University of Venice have collaborated with Incroci di civiltà, helping out in many different ways. Their presence and dedication have been crucial for the success of the festival.

Related Projects

Verso Incroci

From 9 February a new edition of Verso Incroci, the traditional programme to approach the topics and authors of the International Literary Festival Incroci di civiltà, takes place, promoted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with the collaboration of Dedica Festival Pordenone, Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venezia Legge i Balcani.

Translators in Conversation

Translators in Conversation is a series of meetings which focus on the translators within the cultural and publishing context in Italy. Translators from many European languages into Italian interact with Ca’ Foscari’s teachers and students, and the general public.

Writers in Conversation

The series Writers in Conversation takes place throughout the Academic year offering the occasion for the public to converse informally with writers, translators, journalists and artists and to discuss with them the main social and cultural issues of our days.

LEI Project

LEI is the Ca' Foscari University of Venice project dedicated to female leadership and employability of young women. The project was launched by Ca' Foscari Career Service in December 2017 to promote a culture of inclusion, female leadership and support young female students entering the world of work. Over the course of the year, LEI Project organizes many events with prominent women from Italian and international culture. Since 2019, LEI Project supports the participation of a female author hosted by the festival Incroci di Civiltà.

Starting from 2020, Progetto LEI launched LEI Magazine, which narrates the initiatives organized by Progetto LEI, the most innovative corporate projects supporting female growth and the stories of professionals from various fields. The Magazine is aimed at the Ca' Foscari community, businesses and local institutions. An important focus, through the Lei&Mondo column, is dedicated to international literature and culture. 

The LEI project, as part of Incroci di Civiltà, supported the participation of the following authors: Paolina Flores, Ayesha Arruna Attah, Sepideh Siyāvashi, Nasim Marashi.