Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Science and Technologies for Cultural Heritage
Enrolment until 2024/2025

This website provides information solely for admission to the second or third year.
If you are enrolling, or if you are requesting to be transferred to the first year at Ca’ Foscari from another programme or another university, information about admission and enrolment is available on the website of the degree programme in Science and Technologies for Cultural Heritage - Enrolment from 2025/2026.

The programme at a glance


discover the evolution of art material from a scientific and historical/artistic perspective, with a view to becoming a key acting figure in the choices and projects that regard the development and popularisation of sciences applied to cultural heritage


acquire a sound technical-scientific knowledge and an understanding of art history, archaeology, bibliography and archiving, and economics. Participate in many multi-disciplinary laboratories and apply your knowledge regarding the diagnostics of art material


learn about and apply research methods and technologies for the science of Cultural Heritage in order to study works of art and contribute to giving them value. Understand the degradation process and collaborate on the restoration and conservation of works of art. Learn how to create inventories, to digitalise and protect artistic heritage, and to collaborate with other professionals in the fiel

Your future career options

work as an expert in diagnostics and conservation of cultural heritage
work at the institutions in charge of the management and maintenance of cultural heritage, in local agencies, in companies and organisations working in these sectors


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors: