Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
Enrollment until 2024/2025


If you hold an international qualification, before starting the application process please make sure you have completed the pre-evaluation procedure and that you have all the requirements for international students.

If you have a disability or an SLD (specific learning disability), you can request support for the admission test (when required) and specific support services during your studies.

Admission to the programme

Contacts, reservations, FAQs

Admission to the degree programme in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation is subject to the possession of one of the following qualifications:

  • five-year high school diploma;
  • four-year high school diploma with supplementary year; in case of absence of the supplementary year, admission to the degree programme is subject to the assessment of the competent Teaching College;
  • European Baccalaureate title (or European high school licence) obtained in European Schools located in Italy.

Furthermore admission is of limited access and expect candidates to carry out a test: in fact, enrolment is conditioned by the position of a candidate on the ranking list.

All the specific information on the process of pre-registration, selection and enrolment are included in the call for applications.

The admission procedure occurs as follows:

  • online registration, if you are not already enrolled at Ca’ Foscari;
  • online pre-registration for the admissions test;
  • taking the admissions test and insertion onto the ranking list;
  • online enrolment and payment of the first installment of university fees.

If you are a candidate with a disability or with DSA, you can make use of individualized procedures for taking the admission test: all the specific information on the available assistance is in the admission announcement and on the services for disabled and DSA students webpage; the request is present during the online registration.

Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

To access the degree programme, a basic understanding of Italian language and an understanding of English at level B1, at least, is required.

The admission test operates as a verification of the understanding of Italian language. In case you achieve a mark lower than 10 out of 30 in the Italian language questions, you will be assigned an OFA to carry out by September 2025. If the OFA has not been fulfilled by September 30th 2025 you will not be able to take the final exam of any area prior to the OFA fulfilment.

Regarding English language proficiency at level B1, you are exempt from verification if you have achieved one of the certifications listed or you meet the exemption requirements described at the language requirements webpage. Otherwise, you will be assigned an OFA to be recovered after enrolment and by September 30th 2025. After that date you will not be able to take the final exam of any area prior to the OFA fulfilment.

Students who have been assigned an OFA in English language cannot take exams relative to the subjects corresponding to the disciplinary field (SSD L-LIN/ 11 e L-LIN/ 12), as long as they have not fulfilled the obligation.

Students who enrol in a subsequent year to their first one (e.g. change of University, change of degree programme within Ca’ Foscari, enrolment with credit recognition) must have fulfilled the Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) by the time of the enrolment. It is not possible to take any exam until the OFA has been fulfilled, including the CLA B1 English test which allows students to fulfil the English language OFA.

Online registration

Pre-registering to the Ca’ Foscari selection process will come into effect from July 1st until 12pm on July 31st 2024.

The procedure is completely online and requires the following steps:

  • Register on the University website;
  • Access the Personal Area of the website with your SPID account or CIE account and select "Admission test".

Once you have concluded the pre-registration process you will receive a confirmation email to the email address stated in the registration process.

Pre-enrolment Fee

Participation in the admission test requires the payment of a tuition fee totalling 30.00 Euros, that is paid after having completed the online enrolment procedure, selecting the ‘payments’ button.

The payment must be carried out using the PagoPA system.

Admission test

The admission test will be carried out remotely on Wednesday 21st August 2024.

Details regarding the convocation time and test arrangements will be comunicated via mail a few days after pre-registration closes.

Please note that in order to take the entry test you will need:

  • a personal computer;
  • a smartphone or tablet;
  • an internet connection via Wi-Fi or a smartphone.

All of the guidelines and technical requirements are communicated in this video [ITA] about taking the test.

Place acceptance and enrolment

The procedure for accepting a place coincides with enrolment of the candidates in successful positions on the admission ranking list, and a repechage round on the basis of possible places, in accordance to the Call for application. 

If you succeed in obtaining a place from the ranking list, you must accept your place through the specific online procedure by September 2nd 2024.

Accepting the place coincides with enrolment and consists of two steps:

  • completion of the online pre-matriculation form;
  • Payment of the first installment of the tuition fees and university taxes: the payment must be carried out using the PagoPA system, clicking on the payment button when finishing the registration procedure. The payment will not be reimbursed under no circumstances.

Accepting the place and payment of the first installment does not mean that the student is automatically enrolled. Enrollment will be developed by the Matriculation Sector and communicated via email.

For students who have obtained a degree outside Italy, enrollment will be possible only after the pre-evaluation procedure. For more information please contact the Welcome Unit.

Particular cases

Remember that it is possible to enrol in a degree programme requesting again for:

Enrolment with ECTS accreditation

In order to enrol with credit recognition, make the internal transition or transfer from another university, you must ask for the evaluation of the exams already taken and the release of the credits recognition sheet.

In the case of recognition of more than 47 CFUs you have also to apply for a place to the second or third year.

You may enrol in a Degree Programme requesting accreditation for the following previous studies and training activities:

  • Bachelor/Master's Degrees, or Master's Diplomas;
  • incomplete University studies as a result of withdrawal, lapsed status;
  • single courses;
  • Internship/traineeships/previous employment;
  • simultaneous enrolment.

The year of enrolment is determined on the basis of the number of University Credits (CFU) you have been awarded:

  • Up to 47: admission to 1st year. You have to pre-register to Ca’ Foscari selection and take the test. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2024/2025.
  • From 48 to 107: admission to 2nd year. You will need to apply for a place. At least 12 CFU in Spanish language and 12 CFU in English language must be recognised.
    You also need to verify that you satisfy the OFA requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi – Additional Learning Requirements) at the time of enrolment. You will not be able to sit for exams until these requirements have been met in full. All information can be found in the OFA section of the webpage “Study”. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2023/2024; 
  • From 108 or more you will need to apply for a place. you will need to apply for a place. At least 24 CFU in Spanish language, 24 CFU in English language, 6 CFU in Negotiation English - Italian and 6 CFU in Negotiation Spanish - Italian must be recognised.
    You also need to verify that you satisfy the OFA requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi – Additional Learning Requirements) at the time of enrolment. You will not be able to sit for exams until these requirements have been met in full. All information can be found in the OFA section of the webpage “Study”. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2022/2023; 

Enrolment with recognition of credits is subject to the fee payment of 300.00 euros. The payment invoice will be provided upon confirmation of enrolment.

You are not obliged to pay if you request credit transfer from activities undertaken previously at Ca' Foscari (for example single courses) if the code of the lectures corresponds to that required by the study plan. In the case that some lectures do not fall among those indicated in the study plan, and are thus entered as free exams, you will be have to pay the fee of 300.00 euros.

Enrolment with credit recognition is not allowed to students concurrently enrolled in another University course and for which suspension has been requested.

The year of enrolment is established according to the number of university credits (ECTs) recognised:

  • up to 47: admission to 1st yearNo intra-university transfers /transfers from another university are permitted during the first year of limited admission study programme. You have to pre-register to Ca’ Foscari selection and take the test, if you obtain a place on the shortlist, withdraw from the study programme in which you are enrolled and re-enrol again;
  • from 48 to 107: admission to 2nd year. You will need to apply for a place. At least 12 CFU in Spanish language and 12 CFU in English language must be recognised.
    You also need to verify that you satisfy the OFA requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi – Additional Learning Requirements) at the time of enrolment. You will not be able to sit for exams until these requirements have been met in full. All information can be found in the OFA section of the webpage “Study”. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2023/2024; 
  • from 108 and above: admission to 3rd year. You will need to apply for a place. At least 24 CFU in Spanish language, 24 CFU in English language, 6 CFU in Negotiation English - Italian and 6 CFU in Negotiation Spanish - Italian must be recognised.
    You also need to verify that you satisfy the OFA requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi – Additional Learning Requirements) at the time of enrolment. You will not be able to sit for exams until these requirements have been met in full. All information can be found in the OFA section of the webpage “Study”. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2022/2023.

Recognition forms request

There are two deadlines for requesting the issue of the record, to be used in the procedure for assigning the place in a year following the first:

  • from May 6th to June 25th 2024;
  • by August 19th 2024.

If you enrol in the first year, however, you will have to request the form at least 15 days before the enrolment deadline, as specified in the call for applications: in fact, when filling in the enrolment application, you will have to attach the approved form.

For recognition of your academic career, you must contact Treviso Campus service.

You are required to submit:

  • a signed self-certification form listing exams. Please indicate for each exam: the name of the Course of study and class, the name of the University, the name of individual exams taken with their scientific area and weight in credits, the mark and the exam date. Please verify if self-certification is available in your University Reserved Area: if it is not available or, if all the required data is not listed, you may use the forms on this page;
  • any exam programmes in your possession.

Requests for accreditation are to be submitted to the Campus which will then be subject to evaluation by the Teaching Committee.  Once approved, the Accreditation Form will be sent to you via e-mail. Please remember to sign the form.

Warning! For the request for internal transfer there is no need to attach the self-certification. However, remember to report any exams that are not yet recorded.

Please note that it is not possible for you to fill in the credit recognition form on your own, unless you require the recognition of exams previously taken at Ca’ Foscari; in this case, the exams must have the same course code listed on the study plan of the programme in which you are enrolling (e.g. recognition of single courses taken at Ca’ Foscari).

Recognition forms for previous Ca’ Foscari activities

It is possible to fill out the credits recognition sheet independently and attach it with the online registration form if you were to request recognition exclusively from previous studies carried out at Ca' Foscari which have the same teaching code as the course which you are registering for (for example, if you are claiming recognition of individual courses taken at Ca' Foscari).

Place assignment to enrol in a year following the first year

In case of recognition of over 47 CFU, you will have to apply for a place: admission to a year following the first of a limited access programme is in fact subject to the availability of places.

  • For the places available published on June 17th 2024
    • application for a place: from July 9th to July 11th 2024
    • publication of the ranking: July 19th 2024
  • For the places available published on August 9th 2024
    • application for a place: from August 27th to August 29th 2024
    • publication of the ranking: September 5th 2024

The ranking will be drawn up on the basis of the evaluation of the CV and motivation letter.

In the event of successful application, for the first round, you will have to complete the enrolment or transition by July 31st 2024, under penalty of losing the assigned place. If you request clearance for transfer from another university, however, you will receive all the instructions by e-mail.

To apply for a place for the second round, you must log in to the reserved area, select "Evaluation test" and choose "Ammissione agli anni successivi al primo dei corsi ad accesso programmato". The procedure will be open from August 27th 2024.

You must attach:

  • your credits recognition sheet;
  • self-certification of having taken the exams for which you have been awarded credits;
  • your CV;
  • a motivation letter;
  • an identity document.
  • self-certification of bachelor's degree with exams, useful for the evaluation of entry requirements (only for master's degrees)

Warning! The procedure allows you to submit the application, in order of preference, for a maximum of three courses: if you enter more than one preference, you will have to attach the credit recognition sheet for each chosen course.

If you have never been a student at Ca’ Foscari you will have to:

  • register on the website;
  • access your personal area using your SPID or CIE (Electronic identity card) account.

On August 9 2024 there are:

  • 31 places available for the second year;
  • 26 places available for the third year.

Results - second assignment round

The following prematricola number is admitted to the second year: 23.

All relevant information for the enrolment will be sent via e-mail by Wednesday 11th September 2024. The procedure must be completed upon verification that all requirements are met by September 30th 2024.