Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Philosophy, International and Economic Studies
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Academic year 2024/2025

Level of qualification

Bachelor's Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

L-5 (Philosophy)






Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Malcanton Marcorà, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice (Italy).
For further information please contact the Humanistic Campus:

Head of studies

Announcements and regulations

The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.

Access to the programme

Limited, 150 available places.

Quota reserved to foreign non-EU students residing abroad: 30 seats.

Admission test: A test, in English, is undertaken to verify the understanding of general culture, the aptitude to learning the languages and the logical capacity as well as comprehension of text. Furthermore, an understanding of English language at level B2, at least, is required.

Admission requirements

In addition to passing the admission test for this Bachelor's degree programme, students must possess a proper individual educational background: each course has pre-determined the knowledge deemed necessary for the student to possess in order to successfully follow the programme.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a secondary school diploma after having completed at least 12 years of schooling. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
Further details in the webpage dedicated to Degree-seeking students.

Course overview

This Bachelor's degree programme trains graduates who can analyse and interpret social, political and economic phenomena with a multi-disciplinary approach and at various levels: through logical-philosophical foundations, through familiarity with international reality and the cultures of various countries and through the instruments of economic sciences for the analysis of a macroeconomic context, market behaviours and of economic factors.

The course aims to equip students with a flexible education both international and multidisciplinary based on a general vision of the problems of a globalized world with defined geopolitical areas.

Double and Joint Degrees

Ca' Foscari University of Venice offers international educational programmes designed in collaboration with one or more partner universities, entailing the attendance of part of the study path abroad. At the conclusion of these programmes, selected students obtain a Double Degree (a diploma from Ca' Foscari and one issued by the partner university) or a Joint Degree (single degree jointly awarded by the member universities of the consortium delivering the programme), depending on the provisions of the agreements with the partner universities and the different national regulations.

Double and Joint Degrees available:

  • Double Degree with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands)
    At the end of the study path, upon completion of all the exams and the thesis defense, students will receive a double degree:

    • Bachelor's Degree in Philosphy, International and Economic  Studies at the University Ca 'Foscari University of Venice;
    • Bachelor's Degree in  Liberal Arts and Sciences (Major Specialisation, Philosophy, Politics and Economics) from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

    Admission: selection process

Examination assessment and graduation

Knowledge gained by students will be assessed through written and oral exams, assignments and homework, preparation of reports from the internship and discussion of specific case studies. The final exam will consist of the preparation of a short paper written under the guidance of a supervisor. In any case, it must be the result of an original idea and use adequate bibliographical references to prove that the graduate has acquired the fundamental instruments of analysis and interpretation of the themes examined.

Access to further studies

Professional Master’s programmes (1st level) and Master's degree programmes.

Occupational profiles

Bachelor's Degree graduates may be employed as consultants in the international economics field or carry out a profession in international relations with a specialized knowledge of economic-political phenomena and national institutions (at a ministerial or regional level, at the Chamber of Commerce or as industrial representatives), international institutions (OECD, World Bank, FAO, UNESCO etc.), private companies (examples include export-manager, manager of international relations) fulfilling all assigned duties with autonomy and proactive capabilities.