PhD in Environmental Sciences

Programme and courses

Common activities organized by the Phd Degrees Office

The PhD Degrees Office organizes many common activities for all the PhD programmes, such as disciplinary and inter-disciplinary seminars, linguistic and IT training, as well as focuses in the field of European and international research and of results and copyright enhancement.

Students are required to attend at least 2 teaching activities chosen among the ones managed by Ca' Foscari PhD Office, language courses and 24-credit training course excluded.

Specific educational activities of the PhD programme


PhD students will have to attend PhD courses for at least 24 credits within the first 2 years (see the programme below for detailed info).

Each PhD student is required to fill in a study plan at the beginning of her/his 1st year.

Students will have the possibility to apply for other schools and courses (even held outside Ca' Foscari. Minimum required level: PhD level courses) or to propose a different study plan by submitting their motivated requests to PhD Coordinator/Board of Professors.

Research periods abroad

A stay abroad of at least 3 months at universities or research institutions, even if not continuous, is required over the three-year programme.

2 courses of Ca' Foscari PhD Office

Students will also have to attend at least 2 courses organized by PhD Office, language ones excluded.

PhD thesis


Academic year 2023/2024