PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change


The PhD programme in Science and Management of Climate Change is a joint initiative of Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC).

The PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change brings together the science and the economics of climate change.

Key research themes of the PhD programme include:

  • Modelling and monitoring of climate and oceans dynamics
  • Modelling and monitoring of the physical and biophysical impacts of climate change
  • Modelling of the interaction between climate change and the built environment
  • Modelling and assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change impacts
  • Modelling and assessment of the financial implications of climate risk (climate change impacts and climate change policies) and of climate-related transition risk
  • Ex-ante and ex-post analysis of mitigation and adaptation policies
  • Risk assessment and Decision Support Systems (DSS) for environmental impacts of climate
  • Analysis of national and international mitigation and adaptation policies in the context of sustainable development
  • Design of transformational, low-carbon pathways in the context of sustainable development

Programme content

The PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change is a 4 year programme. During the first year students complete their coursework in Venice, while from the second year onward they develop their research projects and work on their final PhD dissertations. After completion of the first year, PhD students are required to spend a period conducting research at a foreign institution or university, to be agreed with the tutor and approved by the PhD Board.

Required prerequisites

Introduction to mathematical Economics”, E.T. Dowling, Schaum's Ed.:

  • Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 (functions)
  • Chapter 10, 11, 12 (linear algebra).

During the first class of mathematics, students will go through a test to check on their acquisition of the abovementioned contents.

First year

The programme comprises 11 core courses of 6 ECTS each, from a range of subject areas. Students benefit from a balance between teaching and learning through a mix of lectures, seminars, external speakers, discussion group exercises, and case studies. Credits are acquired by attending the courses and by passing a final exam. Attendance is mandatory.
Seminars, guest lectures, and elective thematic courses are organized throughout the year in order to facilitate interaction among students from different cycles and different programmes, as well as with invited guests from important research centers and universities. All PhD students are required to attend at least 50% of the seminars and educational activities organized by the PhD programme to be admitted to the subsequent year.

Second and third year

Research at foreing institutions

During the second or the third years, PhD students must spend a research period in a foreign institution. The choice of the institution will be discussed with the tutor and the PhD Board, based on students' research topics.

Fourth year

Thesis writing

In the fourth year, PhD candidates are mainly involved in the preparation of their thesis under the supervision of their advisors.  The preliminary thesis presentation and the pre-defense will be scheduled during the fourth year. All theses will be externally reviewed by international referees

Master of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change

The Master of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change is a 1-year programme aimed at creating experts and scholars capable of managing the complex and multi-faceted dimensions of the grand challenges posed by climate change. It prepares experts with a broad and thorough scientific background in economics, climate science, valuation techniques, and with specific modelling skills. Through the Master’s programme they can understand, synthesize, and communicate the biophysical and socio-economic nature of climate change, evaluate the socio-economic implications of climate risks, and design innovative policy solutions and risk management strategies.

To enroll in the 2nd level professional Master’s Programme candidates must hold at least one of the following university qualifications: an old system undergraduate degree (pre-Ministerial Degree 509/99), specialist degree, or Second Cycle Degree. The enrolment fee is 6,000.00 euros.

Courses for the Master’s programme and the PhD programme in Science and Management of Climate Change are held together.

PhD students completing their studies and receiving their PhDs will also receive the qualification of MPhil in Science and Management of Climate Change at the end of their 4-year programme.