

'Caserma Pepe' at Venice Lido: project for student residence gets funded


The Ministry of University and Research is funding a project by Ca' Foscari University Venice to construct a student residence at the "ex Caserma Pepe" on the Venice Lido, with an investment of 26.9 million euros.

The project from the Venetian university received the third-largest funding among all submitted projects.
The ministerial allocation is part of the "Second Plan of Interventions for Housing and Residences for University Students," which is based on Law 338/2000 regarding university housing.

Ca' Foscari's project was one of the first six projects approved for two tranches of funding by the Ministry.
The decision to grant free use of the building to Ca' Foscari is outlined in a memorandum of understanding among the State Property Agency, the University, the Municipality of Venice, and the Veneto Region. In addition to government funding, the University has allocated £6 million for the construction of the student residence.

The “ex caserma Pepe” (former Pepe barracks) will become a student residence of about 210 places and a total net area of 5,480 square meters. The accommodations will all be equipped with a kitchenette and bathroom. The project also includes spaces for cultural and educational activities and recreational services.
The project also aims to improve energy efficiency with environmentally friendly facilities and ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.

Rector Tiziana Lippiello: "Venetian universities are a qualifying element of the city; for Venice, being a major university and cultural hub is an important opportunity. It brings diversity to the local economy and more residents to the city. We worked on a building project connected not only to the right to study but also with the aim of creating value for both the students and the University. Our residence was conceived as an open space with which to enhance activities and initiatives for internationalisation and integration with the territory. We are really satisfied with the ministerial co-financing, and we are pleased that the project’s quality and objectives expressed in the proposal were understood and appreciated."

Luca Zaia, President of Veneto: 'Young people and students are essential to keeping our cities vibrant and dynamic. For Venice and the Lido, attracting more university students is crucial, and this can be achieved by providing excellent services, including accommodation and suitable communal spaces for cultural experiences. The project to create a new student residence at the “ex caserma Pepe” aims to restore an exceptional space to the city and the university. This location, with its monumental beauty, holds the memories of a glorious past in the heart of Venice, dating back to the time of the “Fanti da Mar”.

The Mayor of the City of Venice Luigi Brugnaro: “The Campus City project marks the beginning of an important initiative aimed at enhancing the appeal of the university community throughout the city. This project is establishing a centre of knowledge and excellence designed to attract, train, and retain young talent. We aim to achieve this not only through the high quality of our educational and research programmes but also by offering related services such as housing and job placement. The funding for the “ex caserma Pepe” enables us to continue revitalising the Lido, which has already seen significant public investments, like the redevelopment of the former “hole” in front of the Casino, as well as private investments, including the new technology hub at the former Ospedale al Mare. We are committed to ensuring that the city has a future focused on development that prioritises youth, education, and employment, all in line with sustainable principles."

Massimo Gambardella, Head of the Veneto Regional Directorate of the State Property Agency,: “We are pleased that, after a complex journey, the Ministry of University and Research has acknowledged the value of Ca' Foscari University’s proposal. This project serves a dual purpose: it aims to enhance a significant state asset of historical and cultural importance for the benefit of the Venetian territory, particularly the Venice Lido, whilst also attracting more students and faculty to Venice to pursue new and challenging goals at Ca' Foscari University.”