Italian for degree seeking students

The SIE (School for International Education) offers online Italian language courses specifically intended for international students enrolled at Ca’ Foscari (degree-seekers).


Eligible students

  • International students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree
  • International students enrolled in a Master’s degree

These courses are free of charge. Applications will be accepted according to the following priority:

  1. Students of the first year of a Bachelor’s degree
  2. Students of the first year of a Master’s degree

Should any other positions be available in the courses, these will be offered to all the other international students duly enrolled at Ca' Foscari and who have never attended a degree-seeking course before, whatever the year and according to the chronological order of application.

The eligible international students are entitled to attend just one course of Italian language for each course of studies. Should a student intend to continue studying Italian, it is possible to enroll at the following level in one of the  SIE courses of Italian language for all with the benefit of a 75% discount on the full fee,  available to Ca’ Foscari students. 

Attention! The summer intensive courses are not credit awarding.

Course information

The courses are held by highly-qualified native speakers of Italian and enable students to acquire the skills needed to master Italian according to the selected level.


The courses are available in two periods:

  • 1st session: October 2024-January 2025
  • 2nd session: February-May/June 2025

Levels available

The courses level A1, A2 and B1 according to the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) will be available. In case of interest in higher levels, students can enroll in SIE Italian language courses for all, and be granted a 75% discount on the full rate, i.e. the special rate for Ca’ Foscari students.

Course structure

The courses are held online and feature:

  • Direct streaming lessons (synchronous mode) using Zoom
  • Remote didactic activities (asynchronous mode), supervised by the language instructor on the virtual platform Moodle
  • Self-learning activities to reinforce virtual classwork by means of interactive exercises

Attendance and certificates

Course attendance is compulsory. If students attend at least 70% of the classes, they are entitled to sit the exit test. Attendance and a successful test result will provide an attendance certificate with mark. WARNING! Any students who should leave the course without a justified reason will not be allowed to attend a new course 

Technical specifications 

In order to attend our online courses, you will need an up-to-date PC, notebook, laptop or tablet, a fast and stable Internet connection, preferably with unlimited Gigas, a connected microphone and webcam.

All course participants are requested to be provided with the technical requirements listed above.

1st session courses a.y. 2024/2025

The courses of the 1st session will be held in the period October 2024 - January 2025. The following levels will be available in the first session of the academic year 2024/2025:

  • Online Italian language course level A1: 50-hour course
  • Online Italian language course level A2: 50-hour course
  • Online Italian language course level B1: 70-hour course.

How to apply

The School for International Education receives the names of the eligible students by the relevant offices. In order to apply for these courses, please fill in the form using the link you will receive from us by email. 


  • In the event you have never studied Italian before, you will be automatically enrolled in the beginners’ level (A1).
  • If you have previous knowledge of Italian, you must take the placement test by a deadline that will be posted shortly or produce an officially acknowledged Italian language certificate (CILS, CELI, PLIDA, Roma3).

Placement test

In order to take the placement test, enter the Moodle platform page and log in using Ca’ Foscari credentials (matriculation code and password), then enter the access code received by email (and provided in the Guide below).

NB: the test is progressive, i.e. start from level A1. If a result between 60% and 70% of correct answers is obtained, the student is included in the class of that level. Only if the result exceeds 70/100 of correct answers, the system will enable the student to take the exercises of the following level. If 70% of correct answers is not obtained at the following level, the previous level is considered valid.

Other opportunities offered by SIE to study Italian

The School for International Education also offers standard Italian classes available to everyone, which do not provide credits. Exchange students can enroll in these courses at a special reduced rate (from 50 to 70 hours).
For further information please contact

2nd Session courses a.y. 2024/2025

The courses of the second session will be held in the period February - May/June 2025. The following levels will be available in the second session of the academic year 2021/2022:

  • Online Italian language course level A1: 50-hour course
  • Online Italian language course level A2: 50-hour course
  • Online Italian language course level B1: 70-hour course

How to apply

The School for International Education receives the names of the eligible students by the relevant offices. In order to apply for these courses, please fill in the form using the link you will receive from us by email. 

  • In the event you have never studied Italian before, you will be automatically enrolled in the beginners’ level (A1).
  • If you have previous knowledge of Italian, you must take the placement test by a deadline that will be posted shortly or produce an officially acknowledged Italian language certificate (CILS, CELI, PLIDA, Roma3).

Placement test

In order to take the placement test, enter the Moodle platform page and log in using Ca’ Foscari credentials (matriculation code and password), then enter the access code received by email (and provided in the Guide below).

NB: the test is progressive, i.e. start from level A1. If a result between 60% and 70% of correct answers is obtained, the student is included in the class of that level. Only if the result exceeds 70/100 of correct answers, the system will enable the student to take the exercises of the following level. If 70% of correct answers is not obtained at the following level, the previous level is considered valid.

Other opportunities offered by SIE to study Italian

The School for International Education also offers standard Italian classes available to everyone, which do not provide credits. Exchange students can enroll in these courses at a special reduced rate (from 50 to 70 hours).
For further information please contact

Last update: 21/03/2025