Water and Energy Saving Communication Campaign

As part of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan, Ca' Foscari has launched a communication campaign designed to promote responsible water and energy usage.

Signs posted around the University buildings serve as reminders of the importance of using water and energy thoughtfully. This initiative aims to cultivate a culture of sustainability by promoting virtuous and responsible behaviours.

Efficient Energy Usage Signs – displayed in offices:

  • Adjust your lights and turn them off when you leave
  • Limit heating/cooling and set it to the minimum when you are out
  • Avoid leaving electronic devices on standby; switch them off at the end of the day
  • Open doors and windows thoughtfully to prevent wasting heat or cooling

 Efficient Water Usage Signs – displayed in restrooms:

  • Water is precious: turn off the tap
  • Water is precious: choose the right flush flow

A small daily action can make a big difference.

Last update: 27/03/2025