Sustainability policy

Sustainable development is defined as a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission's definition - 1987). To reach it is important to harmonize the three fundamental elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection; three dimensions that are indivisible to achieve a real sustainability.

Ca' Foscari University of Venice embraced this concept of sustainability, engaging in environmental protection, for the welfare of the community, for social equity and economic development, while paying special attention to its educational responsibilities towards its students, as Ca' Foscari is only too aware that their future behaviour and decisions are likely to be significantly influenced by their university experiences.

Ca 'Foscari is committed to identifying and implementing a model of management and organization, capable of including sustainability in all university activities and of extending sustainable development well beyond the purview of the university to involve the entire city of Venice in its initiatives.

The lagoon area and the difficult balance between the different needs and expectations of those who live, work and study in Venice are the cornerstones of social responsibility and environmental path of Ca' Foscari, which aims to open a dialogue with civil society, to be the driving force of innovation and prosperity for the city, the country, the planet.

The University has identified three areas in which sustainability can be integrated: teaching and research; governance; environment and communities.

Teaching & research

Ca' Foscari promotes innovative teaching excellence, experiencing new learning modalities, including creative and interdisciplinary projects that favor the encounter between different scientific approaches and between different research areas of the University.

It encourages scientific research on sustainability, through projects that increase knowledge of global phenomena, propose new solutions and promotes the direct application in society and in the territory.


Ca' Foscari has included sustainability within its organization, developing a model of management that takes into account the impacts on the environment, social and economic development in all its activities.

The objectives and the results of sustainability are part of the cycle of the performance of the University, and with the other objectives - organization, transparency and anti-corruption - are displayed in the Performance Plan and reported in the University General Report.

The sustainability policy thus becomes a tool to improve the impact on the community, increasing the transparency and accountability of the University through clear and open communication of its priorities, its principles and values.

Environment and communities

Ca' Foscari wants to optimize the use of resources and reducing the impact of its activities on the environment.
In this action the university community is directly involved, bearing in mind the contribution of each in the definition and implementation of energy-saving activities, waste reduction and land conservation.

From the perspective of social responsibility, Ca' Foscari also involves the community and the local organizations, through initiatives, thematic meetings and dissemination of scientific results, in order to integrate with the social fabric at local and national level.

Last update: 21/03/2025