
Educational Programmes and Student Services Area - Educational Programmes Office, Innovative Educational Unit
tel. 041 234 7533
What is Eduopen?
EduOpen is the first Italian portal for free and open university courses. It is a project funded by the italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca aimed at creating a platform for the delivery of MOOCs by a network of Italian universities and a group of selected partners. The purpose and philosophy of the project are part of the Open and Digital Education movement.
Ca' Foscari MOOCs on EduOpen cover various disciplinary areas and are designed to promote a flexible and high-quality learning experience.
How to participate
Access to MOOC courses is free and open to all.
If you already have a Ca’ Foscari account, you can use your credentials to access the site. If you do not have a Ca’ Foscari account, you will be able to register directly on the platform.
Attendance and certificate
The scheduled activities of each MOOC will be released in about 4 weeks. Each learning unit is composed of video-lessons (that last 3 - 15 minutes each), a self-assessment test, materials suggested by the instructors, and forums in which you can ask questions and answer those of the other participants.
You will be able to complete your coursework at any time, at your own pace, as long as you meet the course’s deadline. Upon successful completion of all activities, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Ca' Foscari MOOCs on EduOpen
Discover all the upcoming MOOCs offered by Ca’ Foscari and remember that you can enroll for courses up to 2 weeks before they start.
Foundation Mathematics
Instructor: Daniela Favaretto
Language: Italian
Enrollment starts:
Course starts:
Objectives: to cover the core ideas needed to face the First Year University Mathematics exam.
Open: to anyone interested.
Prerequisites: the only prerequisite is personal motivation.
Course outline: the course is offered in 4 units.
Workload: 4 weeks (estimated 3-4 hours a week)
Maximun length of video-lessons: 190 minutes
Testing: involves a multiple-choice test of 10 questions at the end of each unit. The Certificate of Attendance will be given if at least 7 of the 10 questions is answered correctly (three attempts can be made at answering each question).
No Problem Choosing: How to Decide on Your Future Career Serenely
Instructors: Giulia Lucia Cinque
Language: Italian
Objectives: the course aims at providing food for thought and useful strategies to make a responsible and aware career choice
Open: anyone who is experiencing difficulties in making career choices or in facing the consequences of a wrong career decision
Prerequisites: none
Course outline: the course has 4 learning units, each of them consists of a video-lesson, approximately 40 minute long, and a multiple choice test. The forum allows students to pose questions and to share their reflections each week. Participation to the forum is optional and does not affect the deliverance of a final certificate
Workload: 4 weeks, about 2– 3 hours per week
Testing: there is a multiple choice test consisting of 10 questions at the end of each unit.
Nonviolence and civil resistance in Israel and Palestine
Instructor: Marcella Simoni, Emanuela Trevisan
Language: English
Enrollment starts: 29/09/2024
Course starts: 14/10/2024
Objectives: this course aims to investigate the history of the Israeli Palestinian conflict from the perspective of civil resistance and nonviolence, aspects normally ignored by the press and neglected by the Historiography of Israel and Palestine.
Open: to anyone interested.
Prerequisites: English language skills
Course content: 6 weeks
Workload: 4-5 hours
Testing: a multiple choice test
The grammar that makes you feel better
Instructor: Giuliana Giusti
Language: Italian
Enrollment starts: 03/11/2024
Course starts: 18/11/2024
Objectives: to develop linguistic metacompetence on the biological and cultural nature of language; to disseminate the main aspects of linguistic analysis aiming at the enhancement of inclusive cultural identity; to provide tools of linguistic analysis as the grounds of an inclusive methodology to teach L1, L2, LS, and classical languages; to involve interested people in a linguistic survey on the languages in Italy and of the Italian varieties in the World.
Open: to anyone interested in discovering the dual nature of language as a biological and social phenomenon.
Prerequisites: a good competence of Italian
Course content: 4 weeks
Workload: 4 hours per week
Testing: Participation in a linguistic survey.
Archaeoschool for the future: Even stones speak
Instructors: Caterina Carpinato, in collaborazione con Eugenia Liosatou (e gli studenti A. Bove, C. Coghetto, E. Mescalchin, I. Musso, M. Scialabba).
Languages: Italian, Modern Greek, Catalan, Spanish (ancient Greek, Latin)
Enrollment starts: 12/01/2025
Course starts: 27/01/2025
Objectives: The course, in the frame of the European Project “Archaeoschool for the future”(Erasmus+ 2015-2018), aims to provide basic elements of four European languages (Italian,Spanish, Catalan and Modern Greek). It aims to enhance European multilingualism and to raisestudents' awareness of the historical importance of languages and their evolution. The courseprovides some reflections on the role of the languages and the historical and cultural function ofAncient Greek and Latin in the Mediterranean, which were languages of culture, trade, power andexchanges. The main objective is to determine a conscious linguistic sensitivity: multilingualism isa precious resource rather than a barrier. A conscious linguistic sensitivity allows to develop theability to analyze our mother tongue; to actively translate other foreign languages; to understand thehistory of the languages; to reflect on the common linguistic structures among the Indo-Europeanlanguages; to enhance the dimension of multilingualism; to think about the role of the spokenlanguages of the present and of the past; to understand the historical-social and political importanceof the active use of spoken languages (as an expression tool for civic coexistence).
Open: to anyone interested
Prerequisites: noneCourse
0utline: Sept. 29/17 November 2017
Workload: 8 weeks (ca. 4 hours a week)
Testing: multiple choice test at the end of each unit. Students can obtain the certificate of attendance if at least 70% of the questions are answered correctly (each test includes three possibleanswers)
The golden ages of Japanese Cinema
Instructor: Maria Roberta Novielli
Language: Italian
Enrollment starts: 19/01/2025
Course starts: 03/02/2025
Objectives: the analysis of the four main seasons of the artistic production in Japanese Cinema, as an introduction to its history and to the works of some major protagonists of the World scene
Open: mainly humanities students
Prerequisites: none
Course content:Each video will deepen a period of the history of Japanese ciinema in which some of the main innovations of style and themes have been achieved.
Workload: about 3-4 hours a week
Testing: multiple choice test at the end of each unit. Students can obtain the certificate of attendance if at least 70% of the questions are answered correctly (each test includes three possible answers)
Basics of History of Animation
Instructor: Dr. Davide Giurlando
Language: Italian
Enrollment starts: 01/21/2024
Course starts: 02/05/2024
Objectives: the activity will present an overview of the most remarkable artists and trends in the context of European and American animated films, from the birth of animation to contemporary times.
Open: to university students, preferably with a background in Humanities.
Prerequisites: none
Course content: 4 units
Workload: approximately 3-4 hours a week.
Testing: multiple choice test at the end of each unit. Students can obtain the certificate of attendance if at least 70% of the questions are answered correctly (each test includes three possible answers).
Language and Gender where nature meets culture
Instructor: Giuliana Giusti
Language: Italian
Enrollment starts: 26/01/2025
Curse starts: 10/02/2025
Objectives: The course aims to develop a reflective awareness of the relationship between Language and Identity with reference to Gender. The practical effects regard the ability to apply this awareness to use communicative strategies, allowing the presence of women to emerge in every social setting and in cultural discourse.
Each teaching unit will treat an important aspect of Gender and Language concerns. The aim is to raise issues that have still yet to be thoroughly treated in Italy and, at the same time, offer the linguistic skills needed to face matters that are often subject to discussion in the fields of sociology, psychology and politics.
The first week looks at the close interconnection that exists between biology and culture (nature and nurture) within Language and Gender. The second week inspects the formal and social aspects of language and how these interact with the construction of cultural identity. The third week examines how form directly influences the meaning of communication and how this nexus influences the possibility of the presence of women emerging in cultural discourse. The fourth week analyses practical issues surrounding the “Grammar of Gender” and proposes solutions on how to solve linguistic uncertainty along with the motives to use one suggested form or another. The fifth week is dedicated to discussing first names, the transmission of family names and the naming of areas within cities.
Open: to anyone interested.
Prerequisites: none.
Course content: the course includes 5 teaching units.
Workload: 5 weeks of study, estimated 5 hours a week.
Testing: involves a multiple-choice test of 10 questions at the end of each unit. The Certificate of Attendance will be given if at least 7 of the 10 questions is answered correctly (three attempts can be made at answering each question).
Last update: 21/03/2025