Publications 2024

Wivace 2023
The workshop proceedings published by Springer, from the WIVACE 2023 conference will be featured here. XVII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation Venice, Italy, 6-8 September 2023
Wivace Papers
Kauffman Model with Spatially Separated Ligation and Cleavage Reactions
Johannes Josef Schneider, Peter Eggenberger Hotz, William David Jamieson, Alessia Faggian, Jin Li, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Adriano Caliari, Mathias Sebastian Weyland, Dandolo Flumini, Aitor Patiño Diaz, Silvia Holler, Federica Casiraghi, Lorena Cebolla Sanahuja, Martin Michael Hanczyc, David Anthony Barrow, Pantelitsa Dimitriou, Oliver Castell & Rudolf Marcel Füchslin
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
A Proposed Mechanism for in vivo Programming Transmembrane Receptors
Roger D. Jones & Alan M. Jones
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
Analysing the Expressiveness of Metabolic Networks Representations
Irene García, Bessem Chouaia, Mercè Llabrés, Pere Palmer-Rodríguez & Marta Simeoni
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
The Properties of Pseudo-Attractors in Random Boolean Networks
Marco Villani, Matteo Balugani & Roberto Serra
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
On the Detection of Significant Pairwise Interactions in Complex Systems
Giada Fini, Gianluca D’Addese, Luca La Rocca & Marco Villani
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
How to Turn a Leaky Learner into a Sealed One
Ch. Zaugg, R. Ingold, R. M. Füchslin & A. Fischer
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
Entangled Gondolas. Design of Multi-layer Networks of Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarms
Maria Mannone, Norbert Marwan, Valeria Seidita, Antonio Chella, Achille Giacometti & Peppino Fazio
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham.
Clustering Trajectories to Study Diabetic Kidney Disease
Veronica Distefano, Maria Mannone, Irene Poli & Gert Mayer
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham.
Percolation Breakdown in Binary and Ternary Monodisperse and Polydisperse Systems of Spherical Particles
Johannes Josef Schneider, Alessia Faggian, Mathias Sebastian Weyland, William David Jamieson, Jin Li, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Silvia Holler, Federica Casiraghi, Aitor Patiño Diaz, Lorena Cebolla Sanahuja, Martin Michael Hanczyc, Dandolo Flumini, Peter Eggenberger Hotz, David Anthony Barrow, Pantelitsa Dimitriou, Oliver Castell & Rudolf Marcel Füchslin
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
An Investigation of Graceful Degradation in Boolean Network Robots Subject to Online Adaptation
Marco Villani, Stefano Cagnoni, Roberto Serra
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham
Exploiting the Potential of Bayesian Networks in Deriving New Insight into Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD)
Debora Slanzi, Claudio Silvestri, Irene Poli & Gert Mayer
In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham

Patterns and centralisation in Ethereum-based token transaction networks
Francesco Maria De Collibus, Carlo Campajola, Guido Caldarelli, Claudio J. Tessone
Front. Phys., Sec. Social Physics

Nash Meets Wertheimer: Using Good Continuation in Jigsaw Puzzles
Marina Khoroshiltseva, Luca Palmieri, Sinem Aslan, Sebastiano Vascon, Marcello Pelillo
Computer Vision – ACCV 2024: 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 8–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part VI

On generalized KKT points for the Motzkin–Straus program
Guglielmo Beretta, Alessandro Torcinovich, Marcello Pelillo
Journal of Global Optimization 2024

Theory of polymers in binary solvent solutions: Mean-field free energy and phase behavior
Davide Marcato, Achille Giacometti, Amos Maritan, Angelo Rosa
Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 125601 2024

Reassembling Broken Objects Using Breaking Curves
Ali Alagrami, Luca Palmieri, Sinem Aslan, Marcello Pelillo, Sebastiano Vascon
Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15318. Springer, Cham.

Venice, Glass, and Math
Maria Mannone & Franck Jedrzejewski
In: Dobson, S.(eds) Women in MathArt. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 34. Springer, Cham.

Patterns and Centralisation in Ethereum Based Token Transaction Networks Provisionally
Francesco Maria De Collibus, Carlo Campajola, Guido Caldarelli, Claudio J. Tessone
Front. Phys., Sec. Social Physics Volume 12 - 2024

Synthetic Ecosystems: From the Test Tube to the Biosphere
Ricard Solé, Victor Maull, Daniel R. Amor, Jordi Pla Mauri and Conde-Pueyo Núria
ACS Synthetic Biology, November 21, 2024

Enhancing Graph-Based Clustering with the Regularity Lemma
Jian Hou, Juntao Ge, Huaqiang Yuan & Marcello Pelillo
Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15301. Springer, Cham.

Self-assembly and phase behavior of Janus rods: Competition between shape and potential anisotropy
Wood Jared A., Dal Compare Laura, Pearse Lillian, Schuitemaker Alicia, Liu Yawei, Hudson Toby, Giacometti Achille, Widmer-Cooper Asaph
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 161, Issue 1814, November 2024

Combination of Coevolutionary Information and Supervised Learning Enables Generation of Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors with Enhanced Potency from a Small Data Set
Ylenia Mazzocato, Nicola Frasson, Matthew Sample, Cristian Fregonese, Angela Pavan, Alberto Caregnato, Marta Simeoni, Alessandro Scarso, Laura Cendron, Petr Šulc, Alessandro Angelini
Published by American Chemical Society, 2024

ScalaGrad: A Statically Typed Automatic Differentiation Library for Safer Data Science
Meyer, B., Stadelmann, T., Luthi, M.
Proceedings - Swiss Conference on Data Science, SDS, pp. 229-232.

Automated process monitoring in injection molding via representation learning and setpoint regression
Peng Yan, Ahmed Abdulkadir, Giulia Aguzzi, Gerrit A. Schatte, Benjamin F. Grewe, Thilo Stadelmann
Swiss Conference on Data Science, SDS, pp. 138-145.

Fundamental constraints to the logic of living systems
Ricard Solé, Christopher P. Kempes, Bernat Corominas-Murtra, Manlio De Domenico, Artemy Kolchinsky, Michael Lachmann, Eric Libby, Serguei Saavedra, Eric Smith and David Wolpert
The Royal Society, Volume 14 Issue 5, 2024

Development of a novel and broadly applicable sandwich ELISA assay based on rabbit single-chain variable fragments and a modified Ig-binding domain of protein L fused to a polystyrene-binding peptide
Yodai Yamamoto, Haruka Taniguchi, Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Fuki Yokoyama, Kiattawee Choowongkomon, Alessandro Angelini, Jun-Ichi Horiuchi, Yoichi Kumada
Journal of Immunological Methods, Vol. 534, 2024

Albumin-based strategies to effectively prolong the circulation half-life of small immunomodulatory payloads in cancer therapy
Sara Linciano, Emilia Vigolo, Antonio Rosato, Yoichi Kumada, Alessandro Angelini
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Volume 90, 2024

The many ways toward punctuated evolution
Salva Duran-Nebreda, Blai Vidiella, Andrej Spiridonov, Niles Eldredge, Michael J. O'Brien, R. Alexander Bentley, Sergi Valverde
Palaeontology: Volume 67, Issue 5, 2024

Formation of Sodium Chloride on the Surface of Sulfate-Rich Gobi Desert Salt in Response to Water Adsorption
Nicolas Fauré, Jie Chen, Luca Artiglia, Markus Ammann, Thorsten Bartels-Rausch, Zamin A. Kanji, Sen WangJan B. C. Pettersson, Erik S. Thomson, Ivan Gladich and Xiangrui Kong
ACS ES&T Air, 2024

A Simulation Study on Energy Optimization in Building Control with Reinforcement Learning
Peter Bolt, Volker Ziebart, Christian Jaeger, Nicolas Schmid, Thilo Stadelmann & Rudolf M. Füchslin
Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition. ANNPR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15154. Springer, Cham.

A brain-network operator for modeling disease: a first data-based application for Parkinson's disease
Maria Mannone, Peppino Fazio, Jürgen Kurths, Patrizia Ribino, & Norbert Marwan
The European Physical Journal, Special Topics

Fluctuations and extreme events in the public attention on Italian legislative elections.
Andrea Auconi, Lorenzo Federico, Gianni Riotta & Guido Caldarelli
Scientific Reports 14, 22804 (2024).

Artificial Intelligence across Europe: A Study on Awareness, Attitude and Trust
Teresa Scantamburlo, Atia Cortés, Francesca Foffano, Cristian Barrué, Veronica Distefano, Long Pham
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Hierarchical Glocal Attention Pooling for Graph Classification
Waqar Ali, Sebastiano Vascon, Thilo Stadelmann, Marcello Pelillo
Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 186, Pages 71-77

The Use of Survival Dose-Rate Dependencies as Theoretical Discrimination Criteria for In-Silico Dynamic Radiobiological Models
Sergio Mingo Barba, Fernando Lobo-Cerna, Przemek M. Krawczyk, Marco Lattuada, Rudolf M. Füchslin, Alke Petri-Fink, Stephan Scheidegger
Published in Dose-Response, 22(3)

On the Positive Role of Noise and Error in Complex Systems
Andrea Roli, Michele Braccini, and Pasquale Stano
Systems 2024, 12, 338

Solvent quality and nonbiological oligomer folding: revisiting conventional paradigms
Dongmo Foumthuim, C. J., Arcangeli, T., Škrbić, T., & Giacometti, A.
Soft matter, 20(32), 6507–6527

Laplacian renormalization group: an introduction to heterogeneous coarse-graining
Guido Caldarelli, Andrea Gabrielli, Tommaso Gili and Pablo Villegas
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Vol. 2024

Flexible density peak clustering for real-world data
Jian Hou, Houshen Lin, Huaqiang Yuan, Marcello Pelillo
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 156, Dec 2024, 110772

Deep learning-based cell segmentation for rapid optical cytopathology of thyroid cancer
Jermain, P. R., Oswald, M., Langdun, T., Wright, S., Khan, A., Stadelmann, T., Abdulkadir, A., & Yaroslavsky, A. N.
Scientific reports, 14(1), 16389 (2024)

Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022.
Federico Lorenzo, Mounim Ayoub, Caldarelli Guido, Riotta Gianni
Science Report 14, 15980 (2024)

Learning Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regime from Observational Clinical Data through Reinforcement Learning
Abebe, Seyum, Irene Poli, Roger D. Jones, and Debora Slanzi
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 6, no. 3: 1798-1817

Cell–Cell Interactions: How Coupled Boolean Networks Tend to Criticality
Michele Braccini, Paolo Baldini, Andrea Roli
Artificial Life 2024

Multi-class random forest model to classify wastewater treatment imbalanced data
Veronica Distefano, Monica Palma, Sandra De Iaco
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,Volume 95, 2024, 102021

Sensory–Motor Loop Adaptation in Boolean Network Robots
Michele Braccini, Yuri Gardinazzi, Andrea Roli and Marco Villani
Sensors 2024, 24(11), 3393

On the multiscale dynamics of punctuated evolution
Salva Duran-Nebreda, R Alexander Bentley, Blai Vidiella, Andrej Spiridonov, Niles Eldredge, Michael J O'Brien, Sergi Valverde
Trends Ecol Evol. 2024

Music-driven geometric and topologic intuition: a case study with the Klein bottle
Maria Mannone, Mariana Montiel, Miguel Wilhelmi
Published in Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2024

Real World Music Object Recognition
Lukas TuggenerEmail Lukas Tuggener, Raphael Emberger, Adhiraj Ghosh, Pascal Sager, Yvan Putra Satyawan, Javier Montoya, Simon Goldschagg, Florian Seibold, Urs Gut, Philipp Ackermann, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Thilo Stadelmann
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 7(1), p. 1–14.

Voice and Math: The Art of Singing in Light of Mathematical Music Theory
Juliana Spector, Maria Mannone, Mariana Montiel and Francisco Gómez
In: Noll, T., Montiel, M., Gómez, F., Hamido, O.C., Besada, J.L., Martins, J.O. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14639. Springer, Cham.

Quantum Memory and Mathematical Gestures: Two Perspectives on Verdi and Wagner
Alberto Avitabile, Omar Costa Hamido, Maria Mannone
In: Noll, T., Montiel, M., Gómez, F., Hamido, O.C., Besada, J.L., Martins, J.O. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14639. Springer, Cham.

Topology in soft and biological matter
Luca Tubiana, Gareth P. Alexander, Agnese Barbensi, Dorothy Buck, Julyan H.E. Cartwright, Mateusz Chwastyk, Marek Cieplak, Ivan Coluzza, Simon Čopar, David J. Craik, Marco Di Stefano, Ralf Everaers, Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Franco Ferrari, Achille Giacometti, Dimos Goundaroulis, Ellinor Haglund, Ya-Ming Hou, Nevena Ilieva, Sophie E. Jackson, Aleksandre Japaridze, Noam Kaplan, Alexander R. Klotz, Hongbin Li, Christos N. Likos, Emanuele Locatelli, Teresa López-León, Thomas Machon, Cristian Micheletti, Davide Michieletto, Antti Niemi, Wanda Niemyska, Szymon Niewieczerzal, Francesco Nitti, Enzo Orlandini, Samuela Pasquali, Agata P. Perlinska, Rudolf Podgornik, Raffaello Potestio, Nicola M. Pugno, Miha Ravnik, Renzo Ricca, Christian M. Rohwer, Angelo Rosa, Jan Smrek, Anton Souslov, Andrzej Stasiak, Danièle Steer, Joanna Sułkowska, Piotr Sułkowski, De Witt L. Sumners, Carsten Svaneborg, Piotr Szymczak, Thomas Tarenzi, Rui Travasso, Peter Virnau, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, Primož Ziherl, Slobodan Žumer
Physics Reports, Vol. 1075, 2024, Pages 1-137, ISSN 0370-1573

Highly Efficient Solar-Light-Driven Photodegradation of Metronidazole by Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Nanocubes Showing Enhanced Catalytic Performances
Edlind Lushaj, Matteo Bordin, Kamran Akbar, Letizia Liccardo, Isabel Barroso-Martín, Enrique Rodríguez-Castellón, Alberto Vomiero, Elisa Moretti, Federico Polo
Published in Small Methods

Models of Protocells Undergoing Asymmetrical Division
by Marco Villani, Elena Alboresi and Roberto Serra
Entropy 2024, 26(4), 281

Efficient Energy Management for Intelligent Microrobotic Swarms: Design and Impact
Minshen Zhu, John S. McCaskill, Daniil Karnaushenko, Vineeth Kumar Bandari, Sibylle Gemming, Olfa Kanoun, Marlen Gabriele Arnold, Oliver G. Schmidt
Advanced Energy Materials

Evidence of scale-free clusters of vegetation in tropical rainforests
Pablo Villegas, Tommaso Gili, Guido Caldarelli, and Andrea Gabrielli
Physical Review E

On prediction-modelers and decision-makers: why fairness requires more than a fair prediction model
Teresa Scantamburlo, Joachim Baumann & Christoph Heitz
AI & Society, 2024

III. Geometrical framework for thinking about globular proteins: Turns in proteins
Tatjana Škrbić, Achille Giacometti, Trinh X. Hoang, Amos Maritan, Jayanth R. Banavar
Published in Proteins, 2024

Using semantic trajectories for spatio-temporal characterisation of underwater noise
Giulia Rovinelli, Davide Rocchesso, Marta Simeoni, and Alessandra Raffaetà
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3651

Automated process monitoring in injection molding via representation learning and setpoint regression [Paper]
Yan, Peng; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Aguzzi, Giulia; Schatte, Gerrit A.; Grewe, Benjamin F.; Stadelmann, Thilo
11th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), Zurich, Switzerland, 30-31 May 2024. ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.

Deep neural networks for automatic speaker recognition do not learn supra-segmental temporal features
Daniel Neururer, Volker Dellwo, Thilo Stadelmann
Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 181, May 2024, Pages 64-69

A stable and true-blue emissive hexacoordinate Si(iv) N-heterocyclic carbene complex and its use in organic light-emitting diodes
Thibault Thierry, Valerio Giuso, Federico Polo, Pierluigi Mercandelli, Yi-Ting Chen, Chih-Hao Chang, Matteo Mauro and Stéphane Bellemin-Laponnaz
Published in Issue 14, 2024, Dalton Transactions

Folding of Class IIa HDAC Derived Peptides into α-helices Upon Binding to Myocyte Enhancer Factor-2 in Complex with DNA
Chinellato, Monica; Perin, Stefano; Carli, Alberto; Lastella, Luana; Biondi, Barbara; Borsato, Giuseppe; Di Giorgio, Eros; Brancolini, Claudio; Cendron, Laura; Angelini, Alessandro
Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 436, Issue 9

ScalaGrad: a statically typed automatic differentiation library for safer data science
Benjamin Meyer, Thilo Stadelmann, Marcel Lüthi
11th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS),
Zurich, Switzerland, 30-31 May 2024

Bio-Inspired Dynamically Morphing Microelectronics toward High-Density Energy Applications and Intelligent Biomedical Implants
Leandro Merces, Letícia Mariê Minatogau Ferro, Aleena Thomas, Dmitriy D. Karnaushenko, Yumin Luo, Aleksandr I. Egunov, Wenlan Zhang, Vineeth K. Bandari, Yeji Lee, John S. McCaskill, Minshen Zhu, Oliver G. Schmidt, Daniil Karnaushenko
Published in Advanced Materials, 2024

Can Life Exist Without Water? A Data-Driven Approach.
Achille Giacometti
Published in: Cortesi, A. (eds) Space Data Management. Studies in Big Data, vol 141. Springer, Singapore.

Theoretical evaluation of the impact of diverse treatment conditions by calculation of the tumor control probability (TCP) of simulated cervical cancer Hyperthermia-Radiotherapy (HT-RT) treatments in-silico
Sergio Mingo Barba, Adela Ademaj, Dietmar Marder, Oliver Riesterer, Marco Lattuada, Rudolf M. Füchslin, Alke Petri-Fink & Stephan Scheidegger
Published in International Journal of Hyperthermia Volume 41, 2024 - Issue 1

Network topology mapping of chemical compounds space
Georgios Tsekenis, Giulio Cimini, Marinos Kalafatis, Achille Giacometti, Tommaso Gili & Guido Caldarelli
Published in Scientific Reports vol. 14, 5266 (2024)

Coalitions in international litigation: a network perspective
R. Mastrandrea, G. Antuofermo, M. Ovadek, T. Y.-C. Yeung, A. Dyevre and G. Caldarelli
Published by Royal Society, Volume 382 Issue 2270

Modeling Robotic Thinking and Creativity: A Classic–Quantum Dialogue
Maria Mannone, Antonio Chella, Giovanni Pilato, Valeria Seidita, Filippo Vella, and Salvatore Gaglio
Published in Mathematics 12, no. 5: 642

A Tale of Two Chains: Geometries of a Chain Model and Protein Native State Structures
Škrbić, Tatjana, Achille Giacometti, Trinh X. Hoang, Amos Maritan, and Jayanth R. Banavar
Published in Polymers 16, no. 4: 502.

Crystal structure of human serum albumin in complex with megabody reveals unique human and murine cross-reactive binding site
Sofia De Felice, Zhanna Romanyuk, Monica Chinellato, Giulia Zoia, Sara Linciano, Yoichi Kumada, Els Pardon, Jan Steyaert, Alessandro Angelini, Laura Cendron
Published in Protein Science, Volume 33, Issue 2, 2024

Information Transmission in G Protein-Coupled Receptors.
Roger D. Jones
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(3):1621.

A Cybernetic Perspective of Agent–Environment Relations: From Interactions to Meanings
Andrea Roli & Michele Braccini
Contributions to Management Science, Part F2074, pp. 183-192.2

Rapid optical cytology with deep learning-based cell segmentation for diagnosis of thyroid lesions
Jermain, Peter R., Martin Oswald, Tenzin Langdun, Santana Wright, Ashraf Khan, Thilo Stadelmann, Ahmed Abdulkadir Und Ann N. Yaroslavsky
Proceedings of the 2024 Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics. Conference paper.
Optica Publishing Group, 2024
Last update: 21/03/2025