Inclusive Ca' Foscari
The University upholds the universal ethical principles set out in its Code of Ethics and Conduct, and champions the fundamental value of inclusion respecting physical, psychological, social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
Ca' Foscari considers diversity, and hence uniqueness, as an opportunity for personal growth, exchange, and for learning to respect points of view different from one's own.

QR your rights!
Do you study, work, or teach at Ca' Foscari? Do you need assistance because you suffered abuse or maltreatment, or information about your rights?
Help and support for students
Do you need:
- urgent help as a victim of violence? Contact the single European emergency number.
- help because you are a victim of gender violence? Contact 1522, the Centro Antiviolenza of the Municipality of Venice [ITA] or the Iside Cooperative [ITA].
- help because you are being harassed or abused in your learning environment? Please contact the Counsellor [ITA] for assistance.
- help exercising your rights as a student? Contact the Student Advocate.
- psychological support? Book an appointment at the Spazio Ascolto-Counselling for students or contact the ESU CUORI Centre.
- support because you are a person with a disability and/or LSD? Contact the Inclusion and Disability Service.
- help or support for your studies? Contact or study-support services [ITA].
- information because you are an international student? Contact the Welcome Unit.
- assistance with obtaining or renewing your residence permit (permesso di soggiorno)? Please visit the Residence Permit section on page "Students: your stay, insurance, transport" for more information
- information as a student transitioning gender identity? Consult the Alias Student Career webpage.
- to report a case of corruption? Use whistleblowing [ITA].
- a quiet place to breastfeed? You can use the Baby room [ITA] at Malcanton Marcorà.
Help and support for faculty and staff
Do you need:
- urgent help as a victim of violence? Contact the single European emergency number.
- help because you are a victim of gender violence? Contact 1522, the Centro Antiviolenza of the Municipality of Venice [ITA] or the Iside Cooperative [ITA].
- help because you are being harassed or abused in your learning environment? Please contact the Counsellor [ITA] for assistance..
- psychological support? Visit the Smart Counselling Desk [ITA] section for assistance.
- to report a case of corruption? Use whistleblowing [ITA].
- a quiet place to breastfeed? You can use the Baby room [ITA] at Malcanton Marcorà.
- assistance with obtaining or renewing your residence permit (permesso di soggiorno)? Please visit the Residence Permit section on page "Staff: immigration procedures, healthcare, stay, transportation" for more information.
Relevant offices
Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Well-being and Inclusion Committee (CUG) [ITA]
The Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Well-being and Inclusion Committee (CUG) was created at Ca' Foscari in 2015. It oversees and coordinates all that is done to combat any form of discrimination and violence within our University, and therefore also deals with gender equality, with the aim of promoting equal opportunities, respect and wellbeing at work for anyone in our community: students, faculty, technical and administrative staff.
The CUG is part of a national network of Equal Opportunities Committees, and works closely with the Confidential Counsellor. The Committee also edits a series of publications issued by Edizioni Ca' Foscari.

The Confidential Counsellor provides trained assistance in case of moral or sexual harassment, discrimination or other situations of discomfort.
- Inclusion of students with disabilities and DSA: Prof. Giulia Bencini
- Holocaust Remembrance Day, National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe, and Gender Equality: Prof. Sara De Vido
- Sustainability: Prof. Elena Semenzin
University support desk against gender-based violence
Anti-Violence Centre of the Municipality of Venice at Ca’ Foscari University

The service provides a safe and supportive space for women within the university community – students, lecturers, faculty and staff – who are experiencing gender-based violence or who wish to receive information on the matter.
The support desk is established through an agreement with the Municipality of Venice and functions in close collaboration with the Municipality’s Anti-Violence Centre [ITA], receiving funding from the Veneto Region. Those who choose to access the service will be welcomed by qualified professionals from the Municipality of Venice.
The support desk is available by appointment on Tuesdays from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
San Giobbe Economic Campus (ask for information at the reception of Building C), Cannaregio 813/A, 30121 Venice
WhatsApp: +39 342 194 5408, available on Tuesdays from 9.00 AM to 4:00 PM
Welfare and work-life balance

Opportunities and agreements for staff [ITA]
Ca' Foscari obtained the Family Audit certification in July 2019, after launching various activities aimed at improving the staff’s work-life balance. These activities include: smart working arrangements, new coworking stations, University welfare, and a supplementary healthcare plan.
This service was devised to foster people's wellbeing at work, and to protect the physical and mental health of our staff. A space for listening and for seeking individual support.
Facilities and services for students
Inclusivity and disability services
The Inclusivity Service offers various services in support of students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders, with the aim of fostering autonomy and inclusion in all aspects of university life.
Ca' Foscari offers personalised services to provide equal opportunities to all the students, regardless of their individual situation or condition.
Ca' Foscari offers students who do not identify with their assigned gender to live in a serene study environment, and protects everybody’s privacy and dignity.
Actions for gender equality
Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
The commitment to gender equality is listed as one of the key “cross-sectoral” factors of Ca’ Foscari’s Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Such commitment is also described in detail in the Gender Equality Plan (GEP): a set of goals and actions aimed at reducing gender asymmetry and developing a caring and inclusive culture, capable of enhancing diversity through institutional and cultural changes
Guidelines for the use of gender sensitive language
These guidelines are part of the implementation of the GEP - Gender Equality Plan. The objective is, on the one hand, to update the University's materials, documents and web pages; on the other, to raise awareness of the importance of reflecting more consciously on our use of language (especially in Italian).
This work brought together various sectors of the Ca’ Foscari community.
Guidelines for Gender Equality in Events
These guidelines fall under the initiatives envisioned by the GEP - Gender Equality Plan. Their aim is to overcome the gender asymmetry in Ca’ Foscari’s events and to develop a culture of equality in lectures, seminars and conferences.
The document summarises in eight points the good rules for designing and organising inclusive events.
Gender Equality Certification
Ca' Foscari University is the first university in Italy to obtain the Uni/PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification from Bureau Veritas. The evaluation assessed gender equality in treatment and opportunities across six significant areas: culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and women's inclusion in the company, gender pay equity, and support for parenthood and work-life balance.
The LEI (Leadership Energy Entrepreneurship) project was set up at the end of 2017 as part of the university's Career Service activities. Its aim is to support and promote the employability of women and help them enter the world of work.
Women and STEM

Generali4Girls in STEM: Engineering Physics [ITA] e Informatics [ITA]
The Generali4Girls in STEM initiative funds 5 three-year scholarships of EUR 1.000 per year for female students enrolling in the first year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Physics and of the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics. The goals are: to encourage girls to enrol in Degrees in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and, at the same time, to support the most deserving female students.

NERD? Project (Not for Women?) [ITA]
Ca' Foscari is part of the NERD? Project, initiated by IBM and La Sapienza University. The project’s goal is to spread the passion for IT and digital skills among female high school students, and to encourage them to pursue degrees in STEM disciplines.

Through the 'Sustainable Ca' Foscari' programme, the University promotes sustainability and includes it as an underlying perspective in all its activities. This commitment is included in the University Statute, and the results are annually presented stakeholders in the Sustainability Report.

Ca' Foscari obtained the SILVER level LEED certification - existing buildings - for Palazzo Foscari, headquarters of the university.

QS Sustainability University Rankings
Ca' Foscari ranks 81st in the world and 2nd in Italy in the 'Sustainable Institutions' list, which measures the extent to which universities contribute to a more sustainable future, both in terms of reducing their environmental impact and in spreading a culture of sustainability among the academic community and stakeholders.
Last update: 12/03/2025