ISEE from 30,001 EUR to 60,000 EUR 
Tuition fees for BA and MA degrees - a.y. 2023/2024

If your ISEE is between 30,001 EUR and 60,000 EUR, on condition that you meet the merit requirements and that you complete the procedure indicated below, you will pay the following amounts for the entire a.y. 2023/2024:

  • the regional tax for financial aid of 184.00 EUR;
  • the 16.00 EUR stamp duty (only for students enrolled to the first year and for the students enrolled after withdrawal/loss of student status/transfer from another University);
  • tuition fees from 1,133.00 EUR to 1,812.00 EUR for bachelor’s degree programmes (and degree programmes under the old system prior to D.M. 509/1999) and from 1,270.00 EUR to 2,049.00 EUR for master’s degree programmes, as shown in the table below:
Contacts, reservation, FAQ
ISEE values Bachelor’s degree programme (and degree programmes prior to D.M. 509/1999) Master’s degree programmes
30,001.00 - 33.999,99 EUR from 1.133,00 to 1.288,00 EUR from 1.270,00 to 1.446,00 EUR
34.000,00 - 39.999,99 EUR from 1.288,00 to 1.544,00 EUR from 1.446,00 to 1.745,00 EUR
40.000,00 - 49.999,99 EUR from 1.544,00 to 1.701,00 EUR from 1.745,00 a 1.937,00 EUR
50.000,00 - 59.999,99 EUR from 1.701,00 to 1.811,00 EUR from 1.937,00 to 2.048,00 EUR

simulator will be available through which anyone can insert their own ISEE and calculate exactly the all-inclusive tuition fees.

Students enrolled with part-time status will pay 65% of the all-inclusive tuition fees in addition to the same amount of regional tax for financial aid and, possibly, the stamp duty.


Enrollment, ISEE, benefit request (point 1, 2 and 3 of the procedure) and merit requirements completed within the deadlines are all required to get the reduction of tuition fees, otherwise even if your ISEE value is between 30,000 Euro and 60,000 Euro, you will be required to pay:

  • 1,812.00 Euro for bachelor's degree courses or 2,049.00 Euro for master's degree courses if you have completed points 2 and 3 of the procedure but you do not meet the merit requirements or if you meet the merit requirements but you did not enroll within the deadlines (point 1 of the procedure).
    You will be required to pay this amount of tuition fees even if you have completed the procedure correctly and you meet the merit requirements but you already hold a degree of the same level as the one you are enrolled at Ca' Foscari.
  • 2,062.00 Euro for bachelor's degree courses or 2,299.00 Euro for master's degree courses if you have not completed points 2 and 3 of the procedure.

The regional tax for the right to study of 184.00 EUR and the stamp duty (in case of students enrolled in their first year and students transferred from another University) must be added to the aforementioned amounts

The students with Non-EU citizenship should verify the requirements established on Non-EU Students webpage.

Please note: if your ISEE is higher than 30,001 EUR or if you do not meet the requirements of the "Student Act" (ISEE lower than 30,001 EUR), or if you have not been granted the regional scholarship for financial aid you are required to pay the amount due for the following bachelor's degrees programmes:

  • Digital Management: EUR 8,278.00 for each academic year
  • Hospitality Innovation and e-TourismEUR 6,601.00 for each academic year.

The enrollment in said programmes is not subject to the other financial incentives offered by the University to reduce the tuition fees. 


To apply for the financial benefits you must complete all the following steps by the due deadlines:

  1. enroll for the a.y. 2023/2024 by paying the first instalment of fees: please remember that all the University fees must be paid through the methods listed on How to pay;
  2. obtain the ISEE certification for financial aid for the right to university study without omissions/non conformities flagged by the Revenue Agency (if there are omissions/non conformities, they must be reported to the Financial Aid Office and solved within the deadlines);
  3. fill and submit the benefit request in your reserved area. Without the benefit request it is not possible to receive ISEE's data.

The deadlines for completing the aforementioned steps are as follows:

  • 2 October 2023 all previous operations without paying penalty surcharges;
  • 11 December 2023 enrollment for the first academic year by paying penalty surcharges, and submission of the ISEE certification and benefits request by paying 50.00 EUR (except for those who enroll in the first year of a master's degree course and/or who transfer from another University);
  • 19 December 2023, all the previous operations without penalty surcharges only if you enroll in the first year of a master’s degree programme or if you transferred from another University;
  • 31 March 2024 all the previous operations only if you have withdrawn your degree application.


To benefit from the above-mentioned subsidies, the following requirements should be met:

  • completion of operations described under point 1,2, and 3 of the above-mentioned procedure;
  • if you are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree programme you must not have another degree, either under the old system (even prior to DM 509/1999) or under the new system, whether obtained in Italy or abroad, or a diploma issued by the Conservatory/Fine Arts Academy, or a three-year first-level diploma issued under Italian law no. 508/1999;
  • if you are enrolled in a master’s degree programme, you must not have another degree obtained prior to DM 509/1999, specialist degree, or master’s degree, obtained either in Italy or abroad, a diploma issued by the Conservatory/Fine Arts Academy, or a two-year second level diploma issued under Italian law no. 508/1999;
  • you must not still be enrolled in a degree programme under the old system prior to DM no. 509/1999;
  • have obtained, on the date of the 30 September 2023, the minimum merit requirements (credits actually recorded in the exam booklet) listed below:

Merit requirements - bachelor's degree full time students

Year(*) Bachelor's degree credits
1 0
2 36
3 78
4 120

Merit requirements - master's degree full time students

Year(*) Master's degree credits
1 0
2 36
3 72

Merit requirements - bachelor's degree part-time students

Year(*) Bachelor's degree credits
1 0
2 12
3 36
4 54
5 78
6 96

Merit requirements - master's degree part-time students

Year(*) Master's degree credits
1 0
2 12
3 36
4 54

(*) “Year” refers to the number of years of enrolment from the first year of matriculation in any University, as in the case of transfer from another University or Department.

For the purpose of calculating merit for obtaining benefits, any years of suspension from studies are not counted, except in cases where the suspension has been determined by disciplinary measures.
Furthermore,  credits cannot be taken into account if they come from:

  • exams/placements relative to previous studies that ended with a qualification or following withdrawal/loss of student status or from other activities, including exams taken prior to matriculation for which a credit exemption was obtained;
  • exams taken as single courses prior to matriculating in your current programme;
  • incomplete exams (for example, if you did not take all parts of a multiple-part exam).

After six years of enrolment (for bachelor’s degree programmes) or four years of enrolment (for master’s degree programmes), part-time students will be considered as full-time students and will be subject to the same merit requirements.

Students who matriculated as part-time students and subsequently switched to full-time status should calculate their years of attendance (necessary for the calculation of academic merit as shown in the table above) as follows: two academic years attended with part-time status are counted as one full-time year and a single “part-time year” will also be considered as equivalent to one full-time year. Similarly, students who matriculated as full-time students and subsequently switched to part-time status should count every academic year attended with full-time status as two “part-time years”.

Students enrolled in their second additional year onwards must check the webpage Subsequent year students to understand whether they can be granted reductions of fees or not. 


The tuition fees for a.y. 2023/2024 are divided into three instalments. Students can enroll to the academic year by paying the first instalments, which every student is required to pay. 
The total amount of fees for the whole academic year is calculated on the basis of the benefit application (if submitted), of the ISEE declaration and of the merit requirements. Students must meet the deadlines for all the aforementioned steps. 

The 500 Euro first instalment includes the 184 Euro regional tax for financial aid and the tuition fees.
The 16 Euro stamp duty is added to the first instalment amount only if you enroll in your first year or if you enroll after withdrawal/loss of student status/transfer from another University.

The payment of the first instalment is due by 2 October 2023.

Students can also enroll in a bachelor's degree with open admission program by paying the first instalment by 31 October 2023 and a 50.00 Euro penalty for late payment.
Students can also enroll in a master's degree with open admission program by paying the first instalment from 3 October to 19 December 2023 (a penalty fee for late payment may be added).
Enrollment in bachelor's and master's degree courses with limited admission programmes is ruled according to the deadlines established by the respective call for enrollments.

Students can exclusively pay the Regional tax for financial aid and the possible stamp duty also if they are included among:

  • student beneficiary or the child of beneficiaries of a disability pension, established by art.12 of Italian Law 118/71, as provided for by art.30 of the same law;
  • foreign students beneficiary of a scholarship from the Italian Government under the development cooperation programs;
  • Students having a refugee status and subsidiary protection status.

If the amount paid in the first instalment exceeds the amount effectively due, you will be refunded onto your CartaConto in summer 2024.

The amount due will be determined:

  • In November 2023 if you have correctly completed the procedure for requesting a reduction and you meet all the conditions necessary for obtaining benefits by 2 October 2023;
  • in April 2024 if you do not request the reduction by 2 October 2023. In this case you will be charged a penalty fee of 50.00 euros. In any case you will have to pay the second instalment before the recalculation in April.

Late payments

You can pay the instalments after the due deadlines, but you will have to pay a penalty fee for late payments:

  • 50,00 EUR if you pay the first instalment from 3 October 2023 to 1 November 2023;
  • 100,00 EUR if you pay the first instalment from 2 November 2023 onwards.

The second instalment of 800.00 EUR must be paid by 11 December 2023 (except for students enrolled for the first year of a master’s degree with deadline set on 19 December 2023). 

Late payments

You can pay the instalments after the due deadlines, but you will have to pay a penalty fee for late payments:

  • 50,00 EUR if you pay the second instalment from 12 December 2023 to 21 December 2023;
  • 100,00 EUR if you pay the second instalment from 22 December 2023 onwards.

The third instalment consists of the difference between the amount due and the amount paid with the first and the second instalment and it shall be determined in April 2024 following the recalculation of the tuition fees.

The third instalment should be paid by 15 May 2024.

The "family incentives", "merit" and "speed bonus" reductions will be counted during the recalculation of the third instalment.

Late payments

You can pay the instalments after the due deadlines, but you will have to pay a penalty fee for late payments:

  • 50,00 EUR if you pay the third instalment from 16 May 2024 to 25 May 2024;
  • 100,00 EUR if you pay the third instalment from 26 May 2024 onwards.

Further details

Log on to your Personal Area in (select Student Services Office > Payments) to check:

  • status of payments;
  • amount due for instalment. 

If you do not pay one or more invoices related to a.y. 2023/2024 tuition fees (instalments and/or penalty fees) by 30 September 2024, you will not be able to: 

  • enroll in your next academic year;
  • carry out any career steps (ex. change your course of study, transfer to another University, etc.);
  • enroll to any exam, take exams and have all your academic activities recognized, internships included;
  • participate in mobility programs and other educational activities organized by the University;
  • use Moodle;
  • use the University Library Services

If you have to repay a financial benefit you obtained from the University, you will be contacted in order to settle your position. If you need to withdraw from your studies or transfer to another University please contact the Office which gave you the financial benefit beforehand. In any case, your academic career will be suspended until you have fully returned the financial benefit.

If you have paid the first and the second instalments for the new academic year and you graduate in the autumn session (October/December) or in extraordinary session (February/April) of the previous year, these instalments will be automatically refunded (except for the regional tax for the right to education) in summer, only by payment to the University CartaConto. For more information, you can check the webpage Admission procedures, degree application and withdrawal.

If you are graduating in the extraordinary session and you are eligible for/winner of scholarship for the right to education, you must contact the Financial Aid Office.

Withdrawal or loss of student status involves payment of the maximum amount of tuition fees in full or the fees calculated on the basis of your merit/income (if you are entitled to financial aid) and losing the right to an eventual refund.

Check the deadlines and procedures for submitting the application on the webpage withdrawal/forfeiture

If you are eligible for/winner of the regional scholarship for financial aid, you must contact the Financial Aid Office.

You can deduct the expenses resulting from enrolment in university programmes when making your income statement. Deductible expenses include tuition fees for students enrolling on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes or Master’s Degree Programmes.

Last update: 10/03/2025