
Giuseppe Trovato
Language and translation - Spanish

Tell us about your academic path.
I have a varied education from a number of universities, both Italian and foreign. I graduated in Translation from the School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators in Trieste and later obtained a Master's Degree in Conference Interpretation with a specialisation in Spanish at the School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators in Forlì-Bologna. I obtained an International PhD in Hispanic Studies in Spain and later qualified to teach Spanish language, culture and literature in secondary schools and won the ordinary selection process to become a teacher.

What are your professional role models / references?
I do not have a role model with a first name and a surname, but I am certainly inspired by the model of the self-made teacher-researcher, who has a diverse background and has trained in several research centres before settling down in a permanent location.

Have you always known that this was going to be your path?
No. I studied to be a conference interpreter in the EU and then moved on to university teaching and research.

What is the aspect of your research you are most passionate about?
The possibility to combine purely scientific research with teaching and educational experiments, because I believe that a foreign language and translation teacher has the possibility to improve his teaching activities according to his personal experience in the classroom with the students' input.

What does teaching and researching mean to you?
For me, doing a job that I love and that lets me combine teaching and research, which I think are linked, is a privilege. I could not do research without teaching and the other way around. I think they are two mutually enriching channels.

What has given you the greatest satisfaction in your career?
Being cited as a reference in language brokering studies and being invited on numerous occasions as a speaker in Italy and abroad.

What would you say to young people starting their university career?
Study hard, meet a lot of role models, be ambitious and seek opportunities without waiting for them to come to you.

Why Ca’ Foscari and Venice?
Because it is undoubtedly a centre of established academic prestige.

Last update: 02/07/2024