Tuition fees a.y. 2022/2023 
Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

The tuition fees are calculated on the basis of the "Student Act" (Italian Law no. 232 of 11 December 2016, followed by the Ministerial Decree 1014/2021) which has established benefits for students with an income and asset situation (ISEE) lower than 30.000 Euro, and on the basis of the University administrative provisions, which allow a reduction of the fees amount to students with an income and asset situation (ISEE) between 30.001 Euro and 60.000 Euro.

We suggest you submit an ISEE declaration valid for the financial benefits of the right to education  to verify the category you belong to.

With relation to what has been established by the right to education provisions, the reduction of tuition fees on the basis of ISEE declaration is applied to students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degrees for the first time and who do not hold an academic qualification of the same level of the one they will be awarded at the end of the course they have enrolled in.
In order to get the reductions students must complete all the required procedures (including the submission of the benefit request and the enrollment to the academic year) and meet the merit requirements by the due deadlines.

Fees for the a.y. 2022/2023

Other subsidies

Submitting ISEE and payments for the a.y. 2022/2023

Fee Simulator 2022/2023

If you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD Degree programmes and you have the requirements to obtain the Italian/EU citizens equivalence status, you may use the simulator to calculate the total amount due as fees for the 2022/2023 academic year. The sum calculated by the simulator will be subject to confirmation by the University Financial Aid Unit in April 2023.

Last update: 21/03/2025