
Degree programme regulations

The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of the master's degree thesis in front of a Commission made up of at least three academics, including the student's supervisor and assistant supervisor. Both the thesis and the discussion can be written and conducted in Italian, French or English.

Students can choose the subject of the thesis, which has to be agreed with the supervisor at the beginning of the internship period. The thesis should consist in a critical in-depth or interpretative study of an issue, which can also be related to the internship. The paper must be between 70 and 100 pages long (including the bibliography).

The thesis supervisor must be a lecturer of TRANS-MED. The assistant supervisor can be a professor from another course of study, or an expert on the thesis subject, agreed with the Teaching Committee.

The final exam will take place at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, according to the Academic Calendar.

The thesis must be submitted by the deadline reported in the Academic Calendar.

The final exam corresponds to 21 ECTS credits.

Last update: 15/05/2024