The Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre carries out research which contributes to the development and measurement of behavioral competencies, as well as to the understanding of their impact on organizational processes and firm performance. The Centre collaborates with leading scholars and research centres at the international level in the area of emotional and social competencies. In particular, the members of the centre are affiliated with:
- Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence on Organizations
- Leadership Development Centre (GLEAD) - Esade Business School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

Research projects
Models and tools for measuring behavioral competencies
The research project is aimed at the development and the validation at the international level of research measurement tools for specific emotional, social and cognitive competencies.
Methods for learning behavioral competencies
The research project intends to explore the most advanced didactic approaches for developing behavioral competencies and to understand their impact on individual learning. This research area encompasses in particular collaborative, reflective and experiential learning techniques. The project also has the aim of designing and developing digital tools for promoting the learning of emotional, social and cognitive competencies.
Behavioral competencies to support digitalization processes
The research project is aimed at understanding the ways in which emotional, social and cognitive competencies have an impact on the digitization processes in the organizations. In particular, the research activity is focused on the exercise of leadership in hybrid work contexts, the development of the leaders’ competencies in promoting organizational changes in the digital environment, the analysis of the competency profile of emerging professional roles in the digital era.
Behavioral competencies for innovation
The project aims to understand the impact of emotional, social and cognitive competencies on innovative performance, to analyze the relationship between behavioral competencies and different types of innovation, as well as to classify the competencies that characterize the professional roles in charge of the innovation process.
Inclusive leadership
The research project intends to advance the studies on the promotion of diversity in the organizational context with a particular attention of gender equality. The research aims to understand the factors and the processes that facilitate gender inclusiveness and its impact on career outcomes by adopting a multi-level approach.

- BONESSO, S., GERLI, F., BRUNI, E. 2022. The emotional and social side of analytics professionals: An exploratory study of the behavioral profile of data scientists and data analysts. International Journal of Manpower, vol. 43, pp. 19-41 (ISSN 0143-7720)
- BONESSO, S., CORTELLAZZO, L., GERLI, F. 2022. Le 31 competenze che fanno la differenza: Il modello BECOME360©. Personale e lavoro, vol. 640, pp. 8-14
- BONESSO, S., 2022. Sviluppare la leadership inclusiva: L’esperienza del laboratorio ELLE promosso da Ca’ Foscari. LEI Leadership energia imprenditorialità, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia vol. 5, pp. 14-17 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- BONESSO, S., CORTELLAZZO, L., GERLI, F. 2022. An experiential learning approach in developing emotional intelligent leadership, British Academy of Management BAM 2022 Conference proceedings, 31 August- 2 September 2022 (ISBN 978-0-9956413-5-8)
- CORTELLAZZO, L., BONESSO, S., GERLI, F. 2022. Transform the learning journey in behavioral competency development programs to attain sustainable personal change, 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 14-17 June 2022 (ISBN 978-84-1396-003-6) (ISSN 2603-5871)
- BONESSO, S. 2022. Cultivating gender inclusive leadership in higher education: Insights from a laboratory learning experience, 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 14-17 June 2022 (ISBN 978-84-1396-003-6) (ISSN 2603-5871)
- BONESSO, S., CORTELLAZZO, L., GERLI, F. 2022. Developing emotional intelligence leadership: designing educational program based on experiential and reflective learning, WOA 2022 Workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale MANAGING THE UNEXPECTED, Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale, 26-27 maggio 2022
- BONESSO, S., CORTELLAZZO, L., GERLI, F. 2022. Developing leadership behaviors in higher education: A quasi-experimental study on the effect of experiential and reflective learning methods, Euram 2022 European Academy of Management Leading digital transformation, 15-17 June 2022 (ISBN 978-2-9602195-4-8) (ISSN 2466-7498)
- BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2021. A literature review on women's experience in their leadership careers. British Academy of Management Conference, online conference hosted by Lancaster University Management School., 31 August- 3 September 2021 (ISBN 978-84-9048-811-9)
- BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., GERLI F. 2021. Diventare leader risonanti nella pubblica amministrazione? Evidenze e riflessioni di un percorso formativo per i manager pubblici. Prospettive in Organizzazione, n.15 (ISSN 2466-1753)
- BONESSO S., 2021. Affrontare incertezza e cambiamenti sviluppando l'adattabilità. LEI Leadership energia imprenditorialità, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp. 8-11 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- BONESSO S., 2021. Il caso Electrolux Professional, LEI Leadership energia imprenditorialità, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp. 18-20 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- BOYATZIS R.E., GOLEMAN D., GERLI F., BONESSO S., 2021. Le competenze di intelligenza emotiva e sociale per il project management, In La prontezza cognitiva nei team di progetto. Ridurre la complessità del progetto e aumentare il successo nel Project Management, a cura di Carl Belack, Daniele Di Filippo, Ivano Di Filippo. Maggioli Editore, Apogeo Education, Rimini, capitolo 8, pp. 133-152 (ISBN 8891645661)
- BOYATZIS R.E., GOLEMAN D., GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2021. Le competenze di intelligenza emotiva e sociale e il processo di cambiamento intenzionale, In La prontezza cognitiva nei team di progetto. Ridurre la complessità del progetto e aumentare il successo nel Project Management, a cura di Carl Belack, Daniele Di Filippo, Ivano Di Filippo. Maggioli Editore, Apogeo Education, Rimini, capitolo 7, pp. 113-132 (ISBN 8891645661)
- CORTELLAZZO l., 2021. Consapevolezza di sé: la chiave per lo sviluppo personale, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp. 10-13 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2021. Combining experimentation and reflection techniques in behavioral competency development programs: A learning approach based on journaling and peer coaching. 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, Convegno: International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 22-23 June (ISBN 978-84-9048-811-9)
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., BATISTA-FOGUET J.M., 2021. Development and initial validation of the individual exploratory behaviors scale. European Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, online conference organised in collaboration with UQAM- ESG (Canada, Montreal), 16-18 June 2021 (ISBN 978-84-9048-811-9)
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., 2021. Experiences that matter: Unraveling the link between extracurricular activities and emotional and social competencies. Frontiers in Psychology (ISSN 1664-1078).
- GERLI F., 2021. Tenacia e forza di volontà: le determinanti del raggiungimento degli obiettivi, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp. 16-19 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- BONESSO S., BRUNI E., GERLI F., 2020. Behavioral competencies of digital professionals. Understanding the role of emotional intelligence, Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-33577-9)
- BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., GERLI F. 2020. Behavioral competencies for innovation. Using emotional intelligence to foster innovation, Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-40734-6)
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., BOYATZIS R. E. 2020. The role of intangible human capital in innovation diversification: Linking behavioral competencies with different types of innovation. Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 29, pp. 681-681 (ISSN 1464-3650).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., ZAMPIERI R., BOYATZIS R. E. 2020. Updating the debate on behavioral competency development: State of the art and future challenges. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. N/D (ISSN 1664-1078).
- Bonesso S., 2020. Rafforza le tue soft skills per il mondo del lavoro, LEI Leadership energia imprenditorialità, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp.10-13 (ISSN 2724-2692).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., BATISTA-FOGUET J. M., 2020 Protean career orientation: Behavioral antecedents and employability outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 116 (ISSN 0001-8791).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO, S., GERLI, F., 2020. Entrepreneurs’ behavioural competencies for internationalisation: Exploratory insights from the Italian context. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, vol. 26, N. 4, pp. 723-747 (ISSN 1355-2554).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2019. Emotional and social intelligence competencies awareness and development for students’ employability. Emotional Intelligence in Education, Jossey-Bass, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., pp. 77-89 (ISSN 1536-0768).
- BOYATZIS R. E., GOLEMAN D., GERLI F., BONESSO S., 2019. Emotional and social intelligence competencies for project management. Cognitive Readiness in Project Teams: Reducing Project Complexity and Increasing Success in Project Management, Productivity Press, Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN 9781138592315).
- BOYATZIS R. E., GOLEMAN D., GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2019. Emotional and social intelligence competencies and the intentional change process. Cognitive Readiness in Project Teams: Reducing Project Complexity and Increasing Success in Project Management, Productivity Press, Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN 9781138592315).
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F. 2019. Coping with different types of innovation: What do metaphors reveal about how entrepreneurs describe the innovation process? Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 28, pp. 175-190 (ISSN 0963-1690)
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L. 2019. Nurturing students’ awareness of their behavioral competencies: The Competency Lab experience, HEAd'19 - 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, València, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 677-684, Convegno: 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 25-28 June 2019 (ISBN 9788490486610).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., CORTELLAZZO L., 2018. Students’ entrepreneurial intentions: The role of prior learning experiences and emotional, social and cognitive competencies. Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 56, pp. 215-242 (ISSN 1540-627X)
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2018. What competency profiles are required to handle digitalization? The soft skills that data analysts should possess, Academy of Management Specialized Conference Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Conference Proceedings, Academy of Management Specialized Conference, Convegno: Conference Proceedings. Academy of Management Specialized Conference, Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, 18-20 April.
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2018. When hard skills are not enough: Emotional, social and cognitive competencies that successful data scientists and analysts should demonstrate, Sixteenth International Conference In commemoration of professor Marco Biagi: Assessing worker performance in a changing technological and societal environment: an interdisciplinary and multifaceted perspective, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, March 19-21.
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., ZAMPIERI R., 2018. The emotional, social and cognitive competency profile of data scientist: An exploratory study, Euram2018. Research in Action. Conference Proceedings, European Academy of Management, Convegno: Euram Conference 2018, 19-22 June (ISBN 9782960219500).
- BRUNI E., CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2018. Leadership styles scale: Conceptualization and initial validation, Euram 2018 Research in Action Conference Proceeedings, European Academy of Management, Convegno: Euram 2018 Conference, 19-22 June (ISBN 9782960219500).
- BRUNI E., CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2018. Scale Conceptualization and validation of leadership styles questionnaire, BAM2018 Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management, Convegno: British Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 September (ISBN 978-0- 9956413-0-3).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., BATISTA-FOGUET J. M., SERLAVOS SERRA R., 2018. A new behavioral competency assessment framework: Development and initial validation, Euram 2018 Research in Action Conference Proceedings, European Academy of Management, Convegno: Euram 2018 Conference, 19-22 June (ISBN 9782960219500).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., BATISTA-FOGUET J. M., SERLAVOS SERRA R., 2018. The assessment of behavioral competencies development and initial validation of a new framework, BAM2018 Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management, Convegno: British Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 September (ISBN 978-0-9956413-0-3).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., 2018. Protean career orientation: Behavioral antecedents and employability outcomes, BAM2018 Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management, Convegno: British Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 September (ISBN 978-0-9956413-0-3).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., COMACCHIO A., CORTELLAZZO L., 2017. Developing leadership identity and emotional competencies in higher education: Methodological insights and empirical evidence from the Italian context, in Emotions and Identity Vol. 13, eds. Zerbe W.J., Hartel, C.E.J., Ashkanasy, N.M., Petitta, L., Research on Emotion in Organizations, Emerald Publishing Limited (ISBN 9781787144385).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2017. Integrating emotional and social competency development in the academic curricula: The case of Ca' Foscari Competency Centre, 6 th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (6th ICEI), 19-22 July, Porto.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2017. Promoting emotional and social competencies in higher education: a case study in the Italian context, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 4-8 August.
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2017. Coping with different types of innovation: What do metaphors reveal about how entrepreneurs cognitively represent innovation? Euram 2017 Making knowledge at work, European Academy of Management, 21-24 June (ISSN 2466- 7498).
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2017. Metaphors for innovation: How entrepreneurs narrate different types of innovation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, vol. N/D (ISSN 2151-6561).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2017. Experiences that matter: developing behavioural competencies through experiential learning, Euram 2017 Making knowledge at work, European Academy of Management, 21-24 June (ISSN 2466-7498).
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2017. The role of extracurricular activities in developing behavioral competencies, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 4-8 August.
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., BATISTA FOGUET J. M., SERLAVÓS SERRA R., 2017. The innovator’s exagon: Development and validation of a new competency framework, 6 th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (6th ICEI), 19-22 July, Porto.
- IMAM H., BONESSO S., 2017. Assessing graduate perceived employability through emotional and social competencies, 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (6th ICEI), 19-22 July, Porto.
- IMAM H., BONESSO S., 2017. Assessing graduates’ employability and career satisfaction through emotional and social competencies, British Academy of Management, 5-7 September (ISBN 978-0- 9956413-0-3).
- SCAPOLAN A., MONTANARI F., BONESSO S., GERLI F., MIZZAU L., 2017. Behavioural competencies and organizational performance in Italian performing arts: An exploratory study. Academia, vol. 30, pp. 192-214 (ISSN 1012-8255)
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2016. Self-identity at the early stage of the new business idea formation: The role of entrepreneurial passion. EURAM Conference, Paris, 31 May-5 June 2016.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2016. Self-identity in aspiring entrepreneurs: A conceptual classification. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, California (USA), 5-9 August 2016.
- BRUNI E., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2016. Entrepreneurship and innovation: A cognitive perspective Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ISBE Conference, Paris, 27-28 October.
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S. GERLI, F., 2016. Entrepreneurs' behavioural skills for internationalization. 15th International Entrepreneurship Forum, Venice, 14-16 December.
- CORTELLAZZO L., BONESSO S., GERLI F., 2016. The difference between the entrepreneurs’ perceived and behavioural ego network for innovation. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ISBE Conference, Paris, 27-28 October.
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2016. Nurturing entrepreneurs’ innovative capability: The role of competency portfolio and social capital. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, California (USA), 5-9 August 2016.
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2016. The innovative entrepreneur: A new model for achieving innovation through behavioral competencies and social network. EURAM Conference, Paris, 31 May-5 June 2016.
- MONTANARI F., SCAPOLAN A., BONESSO S., GERLI F. 2016. Le competenze manageriali nelle performing arts, in Taormina, A. (a cura di), La formazione manageriale della cultura, Franco Angeli, Milano.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., CORTELLAZZO L., 2015. What passions and values drive entrepreneurial intent? Analysing aspiring entrepreneurs’ core identity. ISBE Conference, Glasgow (UK), 11-12 November 2015 (ISBN 978-1-900862).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., 2015. The interplay between experiential and traditional learning for competency development. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 6, pp. 1-18 (ISSN 1664-1078).
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., TINTORRI S., 2015. Diversify your ability to innovate by leveraging on your Emotional Social and Cognitive competencies: the Case of Italian Luxury Footwear Industry. The R&D Management Conference, Pisa 23-26 June 2015.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., TINTORRI S., 2015. When innovation needs competency: the role of a wide emotional and social competency portfolio to attain innovation diversification. British Academy of Management Conference BAM2015, Portsmouth (UK), 8-10 September 2015 (ISBN 978-0-9549608-8-9).
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., CORTELLAZZO L., 2015. Entrepreneurs’ behavioural competencies and social network for innovation generation. ISBE Conference, Glasgow (UK), 11-12 November 2015 (ISBN 978-1-900862).
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., BATISTA FOGUET J.M., PIZZI C., CORTELLAZZO L., TINTORRI S., 2015. How much can we rely on others' ratings? A critical examination of multisource feedback on emotional and social competencies. EURAM 2015 Conference, Varsavia, Poland, 17-20 June (ISBN 978-8386437-600).
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., PIZZI C., 2015. Boundaryless career and career success: The impact of emotional and social competencies. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 6, pp. 1-17 (ISSN 1664-1078).
- BONESSO S., COMACCHIO A., GERLI F., PIZZI C., BARZOTTO M., 2014. Early leadership identity formation and regulation. The Intentional Change Process in the academic context. European Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 June 2014.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., COMACCHIO A., PIZZI C., BARZOTTO M., 2014. Emotional and Social Intelligence and Leadership Development in the Higher Education. A case study. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, 1-5 August 2014.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., CORTELLAZZO L. 2014. What differentiates future entrepreneurs? Developing entrepreneurial competencies in higher education, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ISBE Conference, Manchester (UK), 5-6 November 2014 (ISBN 9781900862271).
- BONESSO S., GERLI, F., BATISTA-FOGUET, J.M., PIZZI, C., CORTELLAZZO, L., TINTORRI S. 2014. To what extent self-awareness on emotional and social competencies depends on others? A critical examination of multisource feedback. IX International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Seville (Spain), 30-31 October 2014.
- BONESSO S., TINTORRI S. 2014. The state of the art of innovative behaviour literature: A bibliometric analysis, ISBE Conference, Manchester (UK), 5-6 November (ISBN 9781900862271).
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., PIZZI C., 2014. Advance in your career and get satisfaction: how much your emotional, social and cognitive competencies matter? European Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 June 2014.
- BARZOTTO M., BONESSO S., COMACCHIO A., GERLI F., PIZZI C., 2013. Developing behavioural competencies for future entrepreneurs. The case of the Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre, Escape Velocity: Internationalising Small Business Environments, Institute for small business entrepreneurship, ISBE Conference 2013, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 November (ISBN 9781900862264).
- BONESSO S., BARZOTTO M., GERLI F.,COMACCHIO A. PIZZI C., 2013. Emotional and Social Intelligence and Leadership Development in the Higher Education: Methodological Insights from the Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre Experience. XII International Studying Leadership Conference, Sustainable Leadership for Socially Responsible Organizations, Rome, 14-16 December 2013.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., BARZOTTO M., COMACCHIO A., 2013. The emotional intelligence approach in higher education. The case of the “Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre”, 4th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (ICEI), New York, Sep 8-10.
- BONESSO S., GERLI F., PIZZI C., 2013. Graduates’ emotional competency: Aligning entrepreneurs’ expectations and students’ competency profile, Escape Velocity: Internationalizing Small Business Environments, Institute for small business entrepreneurship, ISBE Conference 2013, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 November (ISBN 9781900862264).
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., PIZZI C., 2013. Emotional and social intelligence competencies as predictors of managers’ career success, career and life satisfaction, ICEI Conference Proceedings, International Society for Emotional Intelligence, 4th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (ICEI), New York, Sep 8-10.
- GERLI F., BONESSO S., PIZZI C., BARZOTTO M., 2013. Graduates' emotional competency: aligning academic programs, firms' requirements and students' profiles, Academy of Management Annual Meeting: Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL, 9-13 August 2013.