Electronics and Telecom Lab (E&T Lab)

Research group

Matteo Aldo Luigi Porro, Associate Professor
Domenico De Fazio, Researcher
Peppino Fazio, Researcher
Giovanni Antonio Salvatore, Researcher
Saimir Frroku, PhD Student
Jacopo Nicoletti, PhD Student


B4Plastics (Belgium)
Nanolab @ EPFL (Switzerland)
SensorID (Italy)
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO, Czech Republic)
University of Calabria (UNICAL, Italy)

Research topics

The Electronics & Telecoms lab is highly multidisciplinary and combine expertise from semiconductor devices, microtechnology, electronics and telcommunications, machine learning and quantum cryttography underlining research questions that are both fundamental and applied.


Our scientific interests focus on the engineering of novel electronic devices and systems that are constructed through the hybrid integration of unusal classes of materials with emphasis on biomaterials and  inorganic micro/nano structures in the form of thin films, nanomembranes and wires. Our aim is to understand, model and optimize the peformance of such devices to achieve more advanced and energy-efficient functionalities in technically compelling applications including the Internet-of-Things, Medicine and e-Mobility.

Recent and current activities include:

  • Design and fabrication of 2D and oxides thin film MOSFETs and circuits [1]
  • Biodegradable sensors and circuits [2]
  • Soft wireless electronic systems [3]
  • Mulpti-physics simulation and modeling of semiconductor devices and power modules [4] 


The research topics are focused on several mobile networking issues, related mainly to the effects of mobility in dynamic networks. In particular we are interested at modeling the degradations of wireless channels, subject to fading, path-loss and evanescence phenomena, in new-generation mobile networks (5G and beyond). In those networks, mobility plays an important role in terms of reachable performance, so our goal is to study and analyze it, in order to obtain interesting statistical/stochastic data.

Recent and current activities include also:

  • Vehicular communications and their integration with the infrastructure and/or other technologies and protocols [5];
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied on mobility prediction in cellular networks [6];
  • Modeling of Quantum Key Distribution Networks [7].

[1] G. A. Salvatore et al., «Wafer-scale design of lightweight and transparent electronics that wraps around hairs», Nat Commun 5, 2982 (2014)
[2] G.A. Salvatore et al., «Biodegradable and highly deformable temperature sensors for the internet of things»,  Adv. Funct. Mat. Vol. 27, Is. 35 (2017)
[3] P. Mayer et al., «Flexible and Lightweight Devices for Wireless Multi-Color Optogenetic Experiments Controllable via Commercial Cell Phones» Front. Neurosci., 13 (2019)
[4] A. Rusu et al., «Metal-Ferroelectric-Meta-Oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with sub-60mV/decade subthreshold swing and internal voltage amplification», IEEE IEDM (2010)
[5] P. Fazio et al., “A Predictive Cross-layered Interference Management in a Multichannel MAC with Reactive Routing in VANET”, Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 15, Issue 8, pp. 1850-1862, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2015.2465384
[6] P. Fazio et al., “Pattern Prediction and Passive Bandwidth Management for Hand-Over Optimization in QoS Cellular Networks with Vehicular Mobility”, Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 15, Issue 11, pp. 2809 – 2824, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2016.2516996
[7] M. Mehic et al., «A Novel approach to quality-of-service provisioning in trusted relay quantum key distribution networks», IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020, 28(1),8935373, pp. 168-181



Last update: 25/03/2025