Fundamental Research - Fondo Italiano per la Scienza (FIS)

Fondo Italiano per la Scienza - Ricerca fondamentale

The call, issued by MUR - Italian Ministry for University and Research aims to support fundamental research projects, in the framework of FIS - Fondo Italiano per la Scienza, established in 2021. This fund is addressed to high-level research activities, in line with the ERC - European Research Council.

FIS promotes three actions, inspired by the European Research Council (ERC) core funding schemes:

  1. Starting Grants, for emerging researchers (Junior PIs) with 2-7-year postdoctoral experience (this limit can be extended in case of documented career interruptions). Maximum grant amount: 1.5M euros per project (additional 500.000 € can be requested for specific equipment in panels LS and PE);
  2. Consolidator Grants, for researchers with the potential ro achieve full scientific independence with 7-12-year postdoctoral experience (this limit can be extended in case of documented career interruptions). Maximum grant amount: 1.5M euros per project (additional 500.000 € can be requested for specific equipment in panels LS and PE);
  3. Advanced Grants, for established research leaders (Senior PI) that have been active in research for at least 12 years. Maximum grant amount: 2.5M euros per project (additional 500.000 € can be requested for specific equipment in panels LS and PE).

Project proposals may deal with any relevant research fields, in line with one of the ERC's reserch main domains: Life Sciences (LS), Physical sciences and Engineering (PE) and Social Sciences and Humanities (SH).

Project duration: up to 3 years.

Applications are open to researchers of any nationalities, who choose Ca' Foscari University of Venice as Host Institution, whether or not they are already working at Ca' Foscari.

Call for applications 2023

The last call opened on October 10, 2023 and closed on November 9, 2023.

More information on the FIS submission website.

Last update: 21/03/2025