What is NEAT?
The NEAT (North-Eastern Applied Theory) Seminars invite scholars working in economic theory, or with an interest in theory-driven applications and experiments.
They are organised by faculty members based in Padua and Venice. The meetings rotate between Padua, Venice, and online.
Any scholar (including post-docs and doctoral students) is welcome to attend. If you wish to contact us or show your interest you can reach us at neatseminars@gmail.com

Upcoming NEAT seminars
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 11th 2025, 2.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi University)
Paper presented: "An Order-Statistics Approach to Information Aggregation in Organization and Voting"
Zoom link - 11/04/2025
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday June 6th 2025, 12.15pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Franz Dietrich (Paris School of Economics)
Paper presented: "Welfare vs. Utility"
Zoom link - 06/06/2025
Past seminars
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday February 21st 2025, 12pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Matt Mitchell (University of Toronto)
Paper presented: "Content moderation for sale:Pricing attention through steering and certification"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday December 6th 2024, 12.15pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alexander Rodivilov (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Paper presented: "A collusion-proof efficient dynamic mechanism"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 15th 2024, 2pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Lizzeri (Princeton University)
Paper presented: "Facts and opinions"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Thursday September 19th 2024, 4.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Arunava Sen (Indian Statistical Institute)
Paper presented: "Stable matching with privately observed payments"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday June 24th 2024, 3.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University)
Paper presented: "(In)efficiency in information acquisition and aggregation through prices"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday June 4th 2024, 1pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Laura Doval (Columbia Business School)
Paper presented: "The core of Bayesian persuasion"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday May 7th 2024, 3pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alvin Roth (Stanford University)
Paper presented: "Controversial markets and repugnant transactions"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 19th 2024, 15.30 (Central European time)
Speaker: Francesco Squintani (Warwick University)
Paper presented: "Persuasion on Networks"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Thursday December 14th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Matteo Escude (Luiss)
Paper presented: "Transparent allocations with costly falsification"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 27th 2023, 2.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Daniel Hauser (Aalto University)
Paper presented: "Behavioral Foundation of Model Misspecification"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday September 22nd 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Malaga)
Paper presented: "Sequential voting by Committees"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday June 16th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Larry Samuelson (Yale)
Paper presented: "Growth and Likelihood"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday May 31st 2023, 1 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alexander Zimper (University of Pretoria)
Paper presented: "Who saves more, the naive or the sophisticated agent?"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday April 12th 2023, 5 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Shurojit Chatterji (Singapore Management University)
Paper presented: "Efficiency with Heterogeneous Forecasts"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday March 24th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Sarah Auster (University of Bonn)
Paper presented: "Timing decisions under model uncertainty"
Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday December 16th 2022, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Pietro Ortoleva (Princeton University)
Paper presented: “Caution and Reference Effects”
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 18th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Federico Echenique (UC Berkeley)
Paper presented: "Empirical welfare economics"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 21st 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Gregorio Curello (University of Bonn)
Paper presented: "Incentives for collective innovation"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday September 30th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Filippo Massari (University of Bologna)
Paper presented: "Good biases bad biases
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday May 18th, 3 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Stephen Morris (MIT)
Paper presented: "The Power of Confidence and Ignorance in Coordination Problems"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 22nd 2022, 4 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Antonio Cabrales (UC3M)
Paper presented: "Norms and the evolution of leaders’ followership"
Internal Speaker (at 3 pm): Niccolò Urbinati (Ca' Foscari)
Paper presented: “Market equilibrium via classification of commodities”
Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday March 25h 2022, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Elliot Lipnowski (Columbia University)
Paper presented: "Curtailing Competition"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday February 18th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Dino Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto, and University of Turin)
Paper presented: "Delegation with endogenous states"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Orestis Troumpounis
Paper presented: "Technological change, campaign spending and polarization"
Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday January 28h 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Juan Pereyra (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Paper presented: "Optimal assignment mechanisms with imperfect verification"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday December 10th 2021, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Leonardo Boncinelli (University of Florence)
Paper presented: "Strategy Assortativity and the Evolution of Parochialism"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Alessia Russo (University of Padua)
Paper presented: “Intergenerational Insurance”
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 26th 2021, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Ina Taneva (University of Edinburgh)
Paper presented: "Organized Information Transmission"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Andrès Salamanca (Ca’ Foscari)
Paper presented: “Biased mediators in conflict resolution”
Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday November 5h 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alvaro Sandroni (Kellogg school of management, Northwestern University)
Paper presented: "The Evolution of Incompetence"
Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 22th 2021, 11.15 am and 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Antonio Miralles (University of Messina)
Paper presented: "Access to Better Schools in Stratified School Districts"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15am): Edoardo Grillo (University of Padua)
Paper presented:"The Perils of a Friendly Oversight"
Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 8th, 2021 12.15 and 2.45 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
Paper presented: "Echo Chamber Elections"
Internal Speaker: Valerio Dotti (Ca’ Foscari)
Paper presented: "Consistent Flexibility: Enforcement of Fiscal Rules Through Political Incentives"
Date and time: Friday September 24th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Roberto Serrano (Brown University)
Paper presented: "A Rationalization of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference"
Date and time: Friday May 7th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Faruk Gul (Princeton)
Paper presented: "Lindahl equilibrium as a collective choice rule"
Date and time: Friday April 23rd 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Bonatti (MIT)
Paper presented: "The economics of social data"
Date and time: Friday April 9th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Yusufcan Masatlioglu (Maryland)
Paper presented: "Progressive random choice"
Date and time: Friday March 12th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Nageeb Ali (Penn state)
Paper presented: "Voluntary disclosure and personalized pricing"
Date and time: Friday March 5th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Navin Kartik (Columbia)
Paper presented: "Improving information from manipulable data”
Date and time: Friday February 26th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Guillaume Frechette (NYU)
Paper presented: "Beliefs in repeated games"
Date and time: Friday February 5th 2021, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Jonathan Newton (Kyoto University)
Paper presented: "Deep and shallow thinking in the long run"
Date and time: Friday December 11th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Philippe Jehiel (UCL and PSE)
Paper presented: "Analogy-Based Expectation Equilibrium: Theory, Applications, and Beyond"
Date and time: Friday November 27th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Piero Gottardi (University of Oslo)
Paper presented: "Mediation design”
Date and time: Friday November 6th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Bard Harstad (University of Oslo)
Paper presented: "A Theory of Pledge-and-Review Bargaining”
Date and time: Friday October 23rd 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: David Levine (European University Institute)
Paper presented: "The Whip and the Bible: Punishment Versus Internalization" (with Rohan Dutta and Salvatore Modica)
Date and time: Tuesday October 6th 2020, 1 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alberto Bennardo (University of Salerno)
Paper presented: Acquisition and communication of hard information in a multitask principal-agent relationship"
Selected current and past events
12-13/12/2025 - Persuasion and Information Design workshop
Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice
A link to the detailed program (which also contains information on how to register) can be found here.
31/10-02/11/2024 - Asset Conference 2024
Location: Venice
The Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice has organized the ASSET 2024.
10-12/06/2024 - Bounded rationality in choice workshop
Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice
A link to the detailed program can be found here.
15-16/12/2023 - On the Design of Strategic Interactions
Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice
![]() | Programme 15-16/12/2023 | 3.23 M |
1-2/12/2023 - 3rd Padua Meeting on Economic Design
Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the Economic Design meeting on 1-2 December 2023.
8-10/06/2023 - Oligo Workshop 2023
Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the Oligo Workshop on 8-10 June 2023.
11-13/05/2023 - REStud tour 2023
Location: Venice
The Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice has organized the REStud tour in 2023.
27-28/06/2022 - Workshop "Economic choices under partial representations"
Location: Venice
Invited speakers at the Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice:
- Chiara Aino (University Zurich)
- Vessela Daskalova (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics)
- Mira Frick (Yale University)
- Jeanne Hagenbach (SciencesPo Paris)
- Paul Heidhues (University Düsseldorf)
- Willemien Kets (Oxford University)
- Paola Manzini (University of Sussex)
- Yusufcan Masatlioglu (U. Maryland)
- Stefania Minardi (HEC Paris)
- Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI)
- Heidi Thysen (London School of Economics)
9-11/06/2022 - 12th Conference on Economic Design
Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the 12th Conference on Economic Design on 9-11 June 2022.
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