Neat seminars
North-Eastern Applied Theory

What is NEAT?

The NEAT (North-Eastern Applied Theory) Seminars invite scholars working in economic theory, or with an interest in theory-driven applications and experiments.

They are organised by faculty members based in Padua and Venice. The meetings rotate between Padua, Venice, and online

Any scholar (including post-docs and doctoral students) is welcome to attend. If you wish to contact us or show your interest you can reach us at 

NEAT seminars
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Università degli studi di Padova


Upcoming NEAT seminars

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 11th 2025, 2.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi University)
Paper presented: "An Order-Statistics Approach to Information Aggregation in Organization and Voting"
Zoom link - 11/04/2025

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday June 6th 2025, 12.15pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Franz Dietrich (Paris School of Economics)
Paper presented: "Welfare vs. Utility"
Zoom link - 06/06/2025

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday February 21st 2025, 12pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Matt Mitchell (University of Toronto)
Paper presented: "Content moderation for sale:Pricing attention through steering and certification"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday December 6th 2024, 12.15pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alexander Rodivilov (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Paper presented: "A collusion-proof efficient dynamic mechanism"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 15th 2024, 2pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Lizzeri (Princeton University)
Paper presented: "Facts and opinions"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Thursday September 19th 2024, 4.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Arunava Sen (Indian Statistical Institute)
Paper presented: "Stable matching with privately observed payments"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday June 24th 2024, 3.30pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University)
Paper presented: "(In)efficiency in information acquisition and aggregation through prices"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday June 4th 2024, 1pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Laura Doval (Columbia Business School)
Paper presented: "The core of Bayesian persuasion"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Tuesday May 7th 2024, 3pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alvin Roth (Stanford University)
Paper presented: "Controversial markets and repugnant transactions"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 19th 2024, 15.30 (Central European time)
Speaker: Francesco Squintani (Warwick University)
Paper presented: "Persuasion on Networks"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Thursday December 14th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Matteo Escude (Luiss)
Paper presented: "Transparent allocations with costly falsification" 

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 27th 2023, 2.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Daniel Hauser (Aalto University)
Paper presented: "Behavioral Foundation of Model Misspecification"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday September 22nd 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Malaga)
Paper presented: "Sequential voting by Committees"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday June 16th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Larry Samuelson (Yale)
Paper presented: "Growth and Likelihood" 

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday May 31st 2023, 1 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alexander Zimper (University of Pretoria)
Paper presented: "Who saves more, the naive or the sophisticated agent?"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday April 12th 2023, 5 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Shurojit Chatterji (Singapore Management University)
Paper presented: "Efficiency with Heterogeneous Forecasts" 

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday March 24th 2023, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Sarah Auster (University of Bonn)
Paper presented: "Timing decisions under model uncertainty"

Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday December 16th 2022, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Pietro Ortoleva (Princeton University)
Paper presented: “Caution and Reference Effects”

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 18th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Federico Echenique (UC Berkeley)
Paper presented: "Empirical welfare economics" 

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 21st 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Gregorio Curello (University of Bonn)
Paper presented: "Incentives for collective innovation"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday September 30th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Filippo Massari (University of Bologna)
Paper presented: "Good biases bad biases

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Wednesday May 18th, 3 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Stephen Morris (MIT)
Paper presented: "The Power of Confidence and Ignorance in Coordination Problems"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday April 22nd 2022, 4 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Antonio Cabrales (UC3M)
Paper presented: "Norms and the evolution of leaders’ followership"
Internal Speaker (at 3 pm): Niccolò Urbinati (Ca' Foscari)
Paper presented: “Market equilibrium via classification of commodities”

Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday March 25h 2022, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Elliot Lipnowski (Columbia University)
Paper presented: "Curtailing Competition"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday February 18th 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Dino Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto, and University of Turin)
Paper presented: "Delegation with endogenous states"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Orestis Troumpounis
Paper presented: "Technological change, campaign spending and polarization"

Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday January 28h 2022, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Juan Pereyra (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Paper presented: "Optimal assignment mechanisms with imperfect verification"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday December 10th 2021, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Leonardo Boncinelli (University of Florence)
Paper presented: "Strategy Assortativity and the Evolution of Parochialism" 
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Alessia Russo (University of Padua)
Paper presented: “Intergenerational Insurance”

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday November 26th 2021, 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Ina Taneva (University of Edinburgh)
Paper presented: "Organized Information Transmission"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15 am): Andrès Salamanca (Ca’ Foscari)
Paper presented: “Biased mediators in conflict resolution”

Location: Online only
Date and time: Friday November 5h 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alvaro Sandroni (Kellogg school of management, Northwestern University)
Paper presented: "The Evolution of Incompetence"

Location: University of Padua, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 22th 2021, 11.15 am and 12.15 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Antonio Miralles (University of Messina)
Paper presented: "Access to Better Schools in Stratified School Districts"
Internal Speaker (at 11.15am): Edoardo Grillo (University of Padua)
Paper presented:"The Perils of a Friendly Oversight"

Location: Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Dept. of Economics
Date and time: Friday October 8th, 2021 12.15 and 2.45 pm (Central European time)
External Speaker: Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
Paper presented: "Echo Chamber Elections"
Internal Speaker: Valerio Dotti (Ca’ Foscari)
Paper presented: "Consistent Flexibility: Enforcement of Fiscal Rules Through Political Incentives"

Date and time: Friday September 24th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Roberto Serrano (Brown University)
Paper presented: "A Rationalization of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference"

Date and time: Friday May 7th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Faruk Gul (Princeton)
Paper presented: "Lindahl equilibrium as a collective choice rule"

Date and time: Friday April 23rd 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alessandro Bonatti (MIT)
Paper presented: "The economics of social data" 

Date and time: Friday April 9th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Yusufcan Masatlioglu (Maryland)
Paper presented: "Progressive random choice" 

Date and time: Friday March 12th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Nageeb Ali (Penn state)
Paper presented: "Voluntary disclosure and personalized pricing"  

Date and time: Friday March 5th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Navin Kartik (Columbia)
Paper presented: "Improving information from manipulable data”

Date and time: Friday February 26th 2021, 5.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Guillaume Frechette (NYU)
Paper presented: "Beliefs in repeated games"

Date and time: Friday February 5th 2021, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Jonathan Newton (Kyoto University)
Paper presented: "Deep and shallow thinking in the long run" 

Date and time: Friday December 11th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Philippe Jehiel (UCL and PSE)
Paper presented: "Analogy-Based Expectation Equilibrium: Theory, Applications, and Beyond" 

Date and time: Friday November 27th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Piero Gottardi (University of Oslo)
Paper presented: "Mediation design” 

Date and time: Friday November 6th 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Bard Harstad (University of Oslo)
Paper presented: "A Theory of Pledge-and-Review Bargaining” 

Date and time: Friday October 23rd 2020, 12.30 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: David Levine (European University Institute)
Paper presented: "The Whip and the Bible: Punishment Versus Internalization" (with Rohan Dutta and Salvatore Modica) 

Date and time: Tuesday October 6th 2020, 1 pm (Central European time)
Speaker: Alberto Bennardo (University of Salerno)
Paper presented: Acquisition and communication of hard information in a multitask principal-agent relationship"

Selected current and past events

12-13/12/2025 - Persuasion and Information Design workshop

Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice

A link to the detailed program (which also contains information on how to register) can be found here.

31/10-02/11/2024 - Asset Conference 2024

Location: Venice

The Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice has organized the ASSET 2024




10-12/06/2024 - Bounded rationality in choice workshop

Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice

A link to the detailed program can be found here.

15-16/12/2023 - On the Design of Strategic Interactions

Location: Venice
Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice

1-2/12/2023 - 3rd Padua Meeting on Economic Design

Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the Economic Design meeting on 1-2 December 2023.

8-10/06/2023 - Oligo Workshop 2023

Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the Oligo Workshop on 8-10 June 2023.

11-13/05/2023 - REStud tour 2023

Location: Venice
The Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice has organized the REStud tour in 2023.

27-28/06/2022 - Workshop "Economic choices under partial representations"

Location: Venice
Invited speakers at the Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice:

  • Chiara Aino (University Zurich)
  • Vessela Daskalova (Toulouse School of Economics)
  • Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics)
  • Mira Frick (Yale University)
  • Jeanne Hagenbach (SciencesPo Paris)
  • Paul Heidhues (University Düsseldorf)
  • Willemien Kets (Oxford University)
  • Paola Manzini (University of Sussex) 
  • Yusufcan Masatlioglu (U. Maryland)
  • Stefania Minardi (HEC Paris)
  • Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI)
  • Heidi Thysen (London School of Economics)

9-11/06/2022 - 12th Conference on Economic Design

Location: Padua
The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua has organized the 12th Conference on Economic Design on 9-11 June 2022.

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