
12 Dic 2024 10:30

Persuasion and information design, theory and applications

Meeting Room 1, San Giobbe Economics Campus

10.30 Welcome
10.45 Nageeb Ali (Penn State University), From Design to Disclosure
11.30 Break
11.45 Stefania Minardi (HEC, Paris), Persuasion with Limited Data: A Case-Based Approach
12.30 Lunch
13.45 Doron Ravid (University of Chicago), Robust Predictions in Information Acquisition Games
14.30 Break
14.45 Andrés Salamanca (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Interacting Mechanisms: A Perspective on Generalized Principal-Agent Problems
15.30 Break
16.15 Barton Lee (ETH Zurich), Growth and Conflict with Collective Goods
19.30 Dinner


Department of Economics


Programme 2542 KB

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