List of data recipients

Please find below a list of the subjects to whom Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in its capacity as data controller, may disclose personal data (these are data processors, who are appointed by the University in accordance with art. 28 of EU Regulation 2016/679, and third parties, namely natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies).


  • CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario: provides several IT applications (e.g. ESSE3 for the IT management of the students' profile).
  • Università degli Studi della Basilicata: provides support in the evaluation procedure of the quality of the research within the University.
  • EasyStaff S.r.l.: provides an IT application for the automated management of classes and exams.
  • Cisalpina Tours S.p.A.: is a travel agency that provides support in the organisation of business travels.
  • Euro & Promos Facility Management S.p.A.: provides support in the management of the University's libraries (e.g. book loans, etc).
  • IBM Italia S.p.A.: provides the chatbot service.
  • InfoCamere S.c.p.A.: provides support in the research activities of the 'Osservatorio Reti' research project.
  • Google LLC: provides the IT email service, cloud storage, and an IT application for creating and sharing online documents.
  • Cooperativa Sociale Terr.a.: provides support in the welcoming procedures aimed at international students (e.g. in the management of administrative procedures).
  • Job4U S.r.l: provides the Jobiri platform aimed at integrating students in the workplace.
  • P.S.S. Vigilanza S.r.l.: is in charge of the security services in the University's facilities, which includes the supervision of the CCTV system (they have access to CCTV footage).
  • DM Cultura S.r.l.: provides the IT application Sebina. Sebina is the IT application used by Polo Vea (which is an organisation of 38 libraries located in Venice lead by Bilioteca Marciana) used to manage book loans, etc.
  • MIP Graduate School of Business: provides support in the ranking and benchmarking activities carried out as part of the 'Good Practice' project.
  • SELEXI S.r.l.: provides the entry tests for the admission to the degree programmes.
  • STUDIO AMICA S.r.l.: provides the e-procurement SAAS platform ('TuttoGare') to manage public tenders.
  • Zoom Video Communications Inc.: provides an online platform to organise classes and meetings online.
  • Proctorio: is an IT platform that remotely provides and monitors exams. 
  • Panopto, Inc: provides a platform for the recording and storage of video lessons.
  • Affluences Sas: provides a software to manage the University's libraries booking system. 

The list is currently being updated  


  • Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR): the University shares personal data in the performance of its tasks carried out in the public interest and to comply with legal obligations (e.g. to fill in the Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti);
  • Regione del Veneto: the University shares personal data in the performance of its tasks carried out in the public interest and to comply with legal obligations (e.g. reporting purposes);
  • Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica: the University shares personal data in the performance of its tasks carried out in the public interest and to comply with legal obligations (e. g. personal data of consultants).
  • QS Quacquarelli Symonds: with the consent of the data subject, personal data is shared with Quacquarelli Symonds for the purpose of including the University in international rankings.  

 The list is currently being updated  


Last update: 27/02/2025