Information on enrolment and course of study
in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
Ca' Foscari University of Venice ("University"), as part of its institutional aims and in fulfilment of the obligations set forth in art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 ("Regulation"), provides this information to those who share their personal data in order to enrol in a degree program and/or complete a course at the University.
1) Data controller
The Data Controller is Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, with its registered office in Dorsoduro n. 3246, 30123 Venice (VE), legally represented by the Rector.
2) Data Protection Officer
The University has appointed the "Data Protection Officer", who can be contacted by writing to the e-mail address or to the following address: Ca 'Foscari University, Venice, Data Protection Officer, Dorsoduro n. 3246, 30123 Venice (VE).
3) Purpose of the data processing and the nature of the data processed
The University processes your personal data acquired through the online enrolment process as well as during the activities of your course of study (for example, management of the study plan, registration of exams, application for graduation, organisation of the graduation ceremony, publication of thesis, etc.) and after the end of the student's career (for example , orientation activities, career services, etc.) within the scope of its institutional aims (teaching, research, technological transfer in line with "third mission", administrative issues, customer satisfaction and improvement of teaching activities and services, etc.).
In particular, in light of the aforementioned aims, the University may process, with or without the aid of electronic tools, your personal data and contact details (automatically acquired from the registration forms on the University website and on the enrolment platform that may have the latest updated data), career data, qualifications and related certifications, photos, valid identity document as well as the fiscal code (codice fiscale). Failure to provide all or part of the aforementioned data will not allow you to complete the aforementioned enrolment procedure, precluding admission to the degree program and subsequent courses chosen by you.
Moreover, if you request financial benefits (for example, reduction of fees, scholarships, etc.), the University will require the ISEE certification.
Students who intend to report their disability or specific learning disability (SLD) to the University in order to take advantage of the support and financial benefits will have to attach, at the time of enrolment - by accessing the online personal area – a complete valid certification with diagnosis. Failure to provide, in whole or in part, the data will prevent applicants from taking advantage of the aforementioned support and facilities. Certification may also be submitted to the competent offices at a later stage.
As part of our institutional aims, the University will issue a Card for you with banking functionality that also has a security purpose. In particular, the Card may be used to access restricted areas of the University (i.e. libraries), of other Universities (i.e. IUAV) as well as to have access to additional services such as borrowing books from internal and external libraries (i.e. SEBINA) printing and photocopying.
The Card is equipped with an RFID chip, which, in conjunction with the appropriate readers, allows the collection of the number of the Card, the date and hour of the activity performed with the same. These data are collected in monthly stats.
Moreover, the University, for security purposes, has installed CCTV cameras. You can find further information at:
We would also like to inform you that the personal data contained in your CV - that we will ask you to submit when you graduate - will be processed by the University in the performance of the activity of intermediation between demand and supply of internships and jobs (according to the provisions laid down in Legislative Decree no. 276/2003 as amended) to allow students and graduates to get in touch with companies and other entities. In particular, the University publishes on the website the CVs of the students throughout the duration of their course of studies and for the following 12 months after graduation. At the end of that period, the CVs will be automatically deleted from the website. The CVs are published in de-identified format (i.e. devoid of any personal data and other information that would allow the identity of the student/new graduate to be traced). In the performance of the activity of intermediation between demand and supply of internships and jobs and if you don’t oppose it – by sending an email to – the University may send your CV to companies or other entities throughout the duration of your course of studies and for the following 36 months after graduation. At the end of that period, the CVs will be automatically deleted from the University databases. You may change at any time the information entered in your CV by updating it with your skills and your vocational and/or professional experiences by connecting to your Reserved Area under section “Your CV in the Career Service database”.
Finally, the University may process your personal data for historical, statistical and scientific purposes, as well as to facilitate the analysis and improvement of the activities and services of teaching, research and the right to study, in the context of its institutional purposes and in compliance with the law.
The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is represented by article 6.1.e) of the Regulation (performance of a task carried out in the public interest) and by article 9.2.g) (processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest) of the Regulation, for special categories of personal data. You can object to the processing of your personal data at any time by writing to the DPO at above mentioned contact details. The University will stop the processing of your personal data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds to carry on with the processing.
The University may send you - at your email address @unive – communications related to your course of study and opportunities related to the same The legal basis of this processing activity is represented by Art. 6.1.e) of the Regulation (“performance of a task carried out in the public interest”). You cannot unsubscribe to this type of communications as they included necessary information for your course of study.
Moreover, the University may send you periodic newsletters or sms informing you on the activities of the University and to invite you to cultural and sport related events. The legal basis of this processing activity is represented by Art. 6.1.e) of the Regulation (“performance of a task carried out in the public interest”). You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link included in each email or by writing to
After obtaining your consent (upon registration to the website and the first access to the personal area), the University may send you communications to invite you to take part in statistical surveys (organised by the University and/or third parties) as well as in research projects. The legal basis of this processing activity is represented by Art. 6.1.a) of the Regulation (“consent of the data subject”). You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link included in each email or by writing to
4) Data Retention
The data will be stored in accordance with the laws and regulations on the conservation of administrative documentation. The data necessary to trace back the student's career will be kept indefinitely.
5) Recipients of personal data and categories of recipients
For the purposes mentioned above, in addition to specifically authorized employees and collaborators of the University, personal data may also be processed by subjects who offer the University services strictly connected to the University's institutional activities (such as, for example the Istituto Bancario, Treasurer of the University). The updated list of these parties can be found on the University website at:
Personal data may also be shared with third parties (such as AlmaLaurea) when the sharing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or for the performance of the University’s tasks.
6) Data subject rights and how to exercise them
As a data subject, you have the right to obtain from the University, in the cases provided for by the Regulation, access to personal data, the correction, integration and cancellation of the data or the limitation of data processing or to object of the data processing itself (Article 15 and following articles of the Regulation). The request can be submitted by contacting the Data Protection Officer directly at or by sending a communication to the following address: Ca 'Foscari University Venice - Data Protection Officer, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venice. Alternatively, you can contact the Data Controller, by sending a PEC (certified email) to
Users who believe that the processing of their personal data is in violation of the provisions of the Regulation also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), as per article 77 of the Regulation, or to take pursue action through the appropriate judicial offices (Article 79 of the Regulation).
Last updated: 24.02.2020
Last update: 12/03/2025