Supramolecular Homogeneous Organic Transformations (SHOT lab)

Research group 

Alessandro Scarso, Full Professor
Fabrizio Fabris, Associate Professor

Research topics

Synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and development of complex molecules with biological activity

The group collaborates with chemical and pharmaceutical industries and with several academic research groups for the optimization of synthetic methods for the preparation and isolation of API candidates and bioactive molecules. Specific synthetic targets belong to the classes of glucosyl sterol derivatives for the study of neurodegenerative diseases, bisphosphonates as potential candidates for the treatment of osteoporosis, as well as more traditional API intermediates to be rethought on the basis of sustainability principles.

Sustainable approach to chemical transformations through reactivity in water

Water is the solvent that Nature has selected for all chemical transformations under mild conditions and this principle guides our approach to sustainability in synthesis. Mimicking Nature, the group develops recyclable supramolecular catalysis methods in water mediated by new amphiphilic molecules, designer surfactants, capable of improving the impact of synthesis, providing benefits in terms of environmental impact, activity and selectivity with respect to organic solvents.

Enzyme mimetic nanoreactors

Understanding the complexity of enzymes passes through the development of simple mimetic systems that mimic their properties. Homogeneous catalysis can approach the enzymatic one by implementing molecular recognition concepts. In this direction, the group has been synthesizing and studying for years new self-assembling capsular systems to be used as nanoreactors for confined catalysis characterized by high substrate and product selectivity.

Last update: 21/03/2025