Erasmus+ Staff Training from non-EU countries (ICM) 
Incoming staff members

Zaino, mondo, libri

International Relations Office 

  • For general information: Projects Unit, Tel. +39 041 234 8142 / 7000,
  • For visa, account, welcoming: Welcome Unit 

The Key Action KA171 International Credit Mobility (ICM) of the Erasmus+ Programme promotes the implementation of training mobility projects with partners outside the EU, in line with the internationalisation strategy of the Higher Education Institutions involved.

Among its many international mobility programmes, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) also offers International Credit Mobility (ICM), entirely funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme. This specific action of the Programme aims to promote the international mobility of students, teaching and technical-administrative staff to and from non-EU destinations through the funding of projects involving Ca' Foscari and its partner universities, which can be submitted annually.

Three different projects are currently active, both based on specific country-projects:

  • the first one has a financial envelope of € 1,534,680.00, it covers the three-year period 2022-2025, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2025;
  • the second one has a financial envelope of € 677,250.00, it covers the three-year period 2023-2026, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2026;
  • the third one has a financial envelope of € 229,442.00, it covers the three-year period 2024-2027, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2027.

The project partner countries from which incoming training mobility for administrative staff from outside Europe is possible are:

  • Project 2022-2025 : (mobility for the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025): Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan University of Languages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka), Iraq (University of Baghdad), Mongolia (National University of Mongolia);
  • Project 2023-2026: (mobility for the academic years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026): Cameroun (University of Maroua).
  • Project 2024-2027 (mobility during the academic years 2024/2025, 2025/2026 and 2026/2027): Cape Verde (Cape Verde Public University), Kenya (University of Nairobi), Tanzania (State University of Zanzibar)

In order to apply for Ca' Foscari University as Erasmus+ ICM Incoming Staff for Training, the first step is to ensure that there is a valid inter-institutional agreement between your home university and Ca' Foscari. The number of available spots and any possible specific priorities as for eligible areas will be different for every country-project and are specified in the call published by the partner university. Ca' Foscari does not publish selection calls for incoming staff for training; therefore, interested staff members should reach out to their home university for more information.


  • Promote excellence in Higher Education Institutions;
  • raise the quality and impact of professional skills;
  • increase the capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within educational organisations;
  • greater understanding and responsiveness to all kinds of diversity, e.g. social, linguistic, and cultural;
  • improve language skills;
  • greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labour market respectively.


Technical and administrative personnel of partner universities have the opportunity to carry out a period of international mobility at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice). The duration of mobility ranges from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 60 days, in compliance with each country-project's specific structure. The planned duration for mobility is not modifiable, except in the case of documented and justified force majeure. Mobility grants are awarded through calls for applications published by the partner universities on their websites, providing detailed information on eligibility requirements and application submission procedures.


Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects usually have a duration of 36 months. Mobility grants are exclusively awarded through a call for applications published by the home university, providing detailed information on eligibility requirements and application submission procedures.


Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (ICM) individual support is awarded for professional development activities in the form of training events (excluding conferences), observation periods and/or training at Ca’ Foscari. There is no minimum number of hours for training activities, either daily or for the entire duration of the mobility. Such activities may include job shadowing, participation in training courses or staff training weeks, visits to university facilities and individual meetings with colleagues.


Incoming staff members have the opportunity to benefit from training and use the facilities of Ca’ Foscari University. The project provides individual support of €160.00 per day up to the 14th day of mobility. Erasmus+ ICM provides individual support amounting to €160.00 per day up to the 14th day of mobility; from the 15th day on, the support is €112.00 per day.

The Programme also covers travel expenses (a return ticket) according to ranges and distance bands set by Erasmus+. Please note that for travelling with low-emissions means of transport, such as bus, train or car-pooling, an additional contribution for green travel may be provided.

The ticket can be purchased directly by UNIVE through an affiliated travel agency or bought by the beneficiary and reimbursed later by UNIVE upon submission of supporting documents. Should the beneficiary cancel the mobility after the ticket has been purchased and before their departure, for reasons not attributable to documentable force majeure, they will have to reimburse the costs already incurred by UNIVE.

Ca’ Foscari University will provide assistance for visa procedures, health insurance, and accommodation. The International Office-Projects Unit of Ca' Foscari will be available throughout the mobility period to provide the necessary support.

How to Participate

Anyone wishing to apply for a mobility period at Ca’ Foscari under the Erasmus+ ICM programme must contact the International Office at their home University and follow their procedures.

After the selection, the partner University will send the official nomination to the Projects Unit of Ca’ Foscari University (, which will include the following documentation:

  • application form duly filled in and signed;
  • copy of a valid passport;
  • copy of a proof of employment at the partner University;
  • Mobility Programme for Training signed by the applicant and by the E+ Administrative Coordinator and Academic Coordinator;
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) in English.

Please note that, to apply for the call launched by their sending institution, all interested candidates must mandatorily attach to their application a Letter or email of Interest signed by an administrative Unit at Ca’ Foscari. This letter will certify the interest in the proposed training plan, and express willingness to host the colleague for the planned activities. To obtain this letter, candidates must contact the International Office of Ca' Foscari at, attaching their CV and mobility plan and specifying the deadline of their call.

For incoming training mobilities, the complete nomination must be sent at least 3 months before the planned mobility dates. In case the nomination is submitted with a shorter notice, the prompt payment of the Erasmus+ grant during the mobility cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the beneficiary may need to advance all travel and stay costs in Venice.

Mobility procedures

Once selected by their home University and after their acceptance of the ICM grant, beneficiaries will be contacted by the Projects Unit via email for preliminary information and documents.

Candidates on the reserve list may be contacted by their University by the end of the project and may undertake the mobility if sufficient budget is available. The Projects Unit will confirm the availability of funds and the possibility to carry out such extra mobility.

After agreeing on and confirming travel dates with their contact person at Ca’ Foscari, participants must inform the Projects Unit, which will verify the congruence of the dates with the expected duration of mobility and note any special cases before proceeding with purchasing flight tickets. The Projects Unit will send the beneficiary instructions for flight booking too.

Before your departure, please do not forget to:

  • Check that your identification document (passport) is valid for travel and that any residual validity requirements (6 months rule if applicable) are met.
  • Ensure you have received the official invitation letter for visa from Ca’ Foscari's Welcome Unit (, if required.
  • Request a travel health insurance for Italy, which will be at the expense of the participant. The insurance can be purchased before mobility, but it is crucial that it is valid in Italy and covers the entire duration of the stay.
  • Book accommodation, given the high costs of hotels and B&Bs in Venice, especially during certain periods of the year.
  • Check your email regularly: the Projects Unit will send an email a few days before your departure for the signing of the financial contract and other administrative formalities.

Appointment with the International Office
Before arriving in Venice, the beneficiary will be contacted by the Projects Unit to schedule a face-to-face appointment in order to sign the financial contract. This signature is mandatory to proceed with the payment of the Erasmus+ ICM grant.

Grant Payment
For the Erasmus+ ICM grant payment, there are several options, which the Projects Unit will explain also via email before the mobility.

For ICM mobilities lasting less than 30 days, the payment procedure can be chosen from either of the following 2 options:

  1. The entire amount can be paid to the beneficiary's national account. Please note that the payment takes roughly 2 or 3 weeks if it is a non-European account. If the beneficiary has an Italian or EU account, the times are reduced to a few days. The payment will be processed as soon as possible after the face-to-face appointment for the financial contract.
  2. Alternatively, the payment can be split into two parts: a first instalment of 990 euros in cash to be withdrawn during the mobility at our bank in Venice historical city or Mestre + the remaining grant amount paid to the national account of the beneficiary according to the detailed timelines in point 1.

For ICM mobilities lasting more than 30 days, the payment procedure is as follows:

  1. An initial instalment equivalent to 70% of the total amount, to be paid at the beginning of mobility;
  2. A balance of 30% paid after the first month of mobility.

Regarding the first instalment, the beneficiary can choose whether to withdraw part of it in cash (990 euros) at our bank in Venice or Mestre or to receive everything via bank transfer. In this case, as above, payment times are roughly 2 or 3 weeks if it is a non-European account. If it is an Italian or EU account, the times are reduced to a few days.

We also have the opportunity to request a Ca' Foscari Card (Carta Conto), to be activated at the bank upon arrival and which we can transfer the grant upon.

If the beneficiary has independently purchased the travel ticket, the amount will also include the travel contribution established by the Erasmus+ Programme, which will be determined following maximum caps set by the European Commission and not dependent on the actual cost incurred.

Upon return at the home University, the participant will receive via email by the Projects Unit the Confirmation of Stay, stating the activities carried out during the mobility and its duration. Participants will be required to complete a qualitative impact survey on the mobility, as well as the Participant Report automatically sent by the European Commission at the end of mobility.

Last update: 21/03/2025