- Ca' Bembo
Dorsoduro 1075, 30123 Venice, Italy - Ca' Bernardo
Dorsoduro 3199, 30123 Venice, Italy - Palazzo Cosulich
Dorsoduro 1405, 30123 Venice, Italy

Work with us
The Department hires the best talents through the calls for Faculty [ITA]. Foreign candidates benefit from facilitations and preferential criteria are laid down for candidates with international experience.
Short-term research fellowships allow Master’s Degree graduates to pursue short-term research (less than 12 months normally) including them in existing projects and research groups.
Research grants allow Master’s Degree graduates and PhDs to pursue research activities at the university or in the projects offered to the candidates.
Through direct selection for temporary advisors [ITA] candidates can collaborate with Ca' Foscari University of Venice as experts with proven expertise and specialization. Applications are examined by a specific commission on the basis of the education, the resume and/or through an interview.
The calls for applications for tutors [ITA] are aimed at students enroled in Master's or PhD Degree programmes and at international incoming students. Tutors support educational activities with courses, seminars, workshops, orientation for the study plan and the final paper, and welcome and assist international students.
The linguistic and cultural diversity of the Department is shown by the 22 taught languages - Albanian, American and British English, Bask, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, French, German, Italian sign language (LIS) and tactile LIS, modern Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-croatian, Slovenian, South American and Castilian Spanish, Swedish.
The exchanges relationship between the linguistic and literary heritage and historical and political approaches with an international perspective involves the construction of instruments for a critical understanding of global society. The fields of application of the Department cover a vast geographic area from central and Northern Europe, the Balkan area, the Eastern Mediterranean area to North and South America and Japan.
The Department seeks internationalization, activating joint programmes, Erasmus exchange periods, internships abroad, publishing the research results on international journals and inviting many Visiting Scholars and Professors.
The Department offers cultural design and management through a diverse array of skills and scientific interests of its professors and promotes initiatives in cultural accessibility and tourism with the spin-off Veasyt s.r.l. and other local cultural institution tackling accessibility.
Opening hours
In compliance with the Covid-19 prevention measures issued by the Italian Government, all study rooms will remain closed for now. Faculty office hours and front office appointments will be carried out remotely.
- Communal areas and Faculty offices c/o Ca' Bembo: from Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 7.30 pm
- Communal areas and Faculty offices c/o Ca' Bernardo: from Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 8.00 pm
- Communal areas and Faculty offices c/o Palazzo Cosulich: from Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 8.00 pm
- Administration and accounting from Monday to Wednesday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm, Thursday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
- Educational programmes from Monday to Thursday 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
- Research and PhD programmes Wednesday and Friday 9.00 am - 1.00 pm, Monday and Thursday contact via e-mail
Since 2010 Ca’ Foscari commits to sustainability through the programme Sustainable Ca' Foscari and in September 2014 the Sustainable Campus project was launched to promote and develop sustainable actions and projects in all the university seats.
Among the many initiatives and events, the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies promotes the Bookcrossing initiative in Ca' Bernardo, Ca' Bembo and Palazzo Cosulich with a fix stand where anyone can give and take books free of charge, participating to a virtuous circle based on re-use of resources and knowledge sharing.
Furthermore, students can acquire Sustainability Competencies: voluntary based activities dedicated to economic, social or environmental sustainability. The student must discuss with the contact professor of the involved Department to identify an activity, such as courses, workshops, interviews, research..., and the nature of its final proposal. Once the activity carried out and the final proposal approved, the teacher will register 1 extracurrricular ECTS in the student’s plan of study.
VEASYT srl is a Ca' Foscari University of Venice spin-off that was created in 2012 to enhance the skills of the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies in the field of linguistic and sensory accessibility. The company offers digital services to render contents and information fully accessible, following the guidelines mentioned in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). VEASYT is addressed to public and private bodies, companies and self-employed professionals who wish to offer accessible services promoting full social inclusion regardless of sensory or linguistic difficulties.