Enrolling onto more degree programmes

The Ministerial Decree No. 930 of 29 July 2022 implemented the Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022, which introduced provisions on simultaneous enrolment in two higher education programmes.
In which cases is simultaneous enrolment possible?
Students may enrol at the same time in:
- two different Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes, provided that such programmes belong to different Bachelor's or Master's degree classes, and differ in at least two-thirds of their educational activities;
- a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme and a University master's, PhD or Specialisation programme, with the exception of medical specialisation programmes;
- a PhD or Master's degree programme and a medical specialisation programme;
- a PhD or Master's degree programme and a non-medical specialisation programme;
- in a Bachelor’s degree programme and a Master's degree programme;
- in two university Master's degree programmes as long as they are not the same programme;
- in any university degree programme and an AFAM course;
- in any university-level degree programme and inter-university or joint degree programme;
- in any university-level degree programme and a single-cycle degree programme.
Enrolling at the same time is not possible in:
- in a PhD programme and a university master's degree;
- in any university-level degree programme and double degree programme.
Additional requirements to allow simultaneous enrolment are:
- being regularly enrolled for both programmes of study;
- in the case of enrolment in two programmes with local restricted access, being placed in a useful position in the rankings for both programmes;
- in the case of enrolment in a programme with compulsory attendance, being enrolled in another programme with free attendance or with compulsory attendance only of workshop and traineeship activities.
Enrolment deadlines
For enrolment in a programme of:
- Bachelor’s degree: until 30th October 2024;
- Master's degree: until 17th December 2024.
For Master's and PhD programmes, the provisions set out in the specific calls for applications apply.
How to enrol in a degree programme
Admission and enrolment procedures for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes can be found under Enrolment > Admission of individual degree programmes, available at www.unive.it/offertaformativa.
Students enrolled at another university
It will be necessary to fill in the google form to declare your intention to be simultaneously enrolled, and self-certify that you meet the requirements. The following data concerning the programme of first enrolment must be indicated:
- characteristics of the programme of enrolment (University, country, programme type, class, name);
- the type of attendance (compulsory or non-compulsory);
- in the case of enrolment in two Bachelor’s or two Master's degree programmes, the appropriate differentiation of programmes (pursuant to Ministerial Decree 930/2022);
- any enrolment in a double degree, joint degree, inter-university programme.
The confirmation of completion received by e-mail must be saved in pdf format, signed and attached during the online registration procedure, together with any other useful documents:
- in the case of enrolment in two Bachelor’s or two Master's degree programmes, the curriculum of the University of first enrolment;
- any request for recognition of credits for exams already taken in the programme of first enrolment and self-certification of the exams taken, with indication of the relevant scientific-disciplinary sector, number of credits, grade and date on which they have been taken.
In the event that the admission qualification for the second enrolment programme was obtained abroad, it will be necessary to carry out a prior assessment of the qualification via the apply.unive.it procedure.
Students enrolled at another University must renew their intention to be simultaneously enrolled each year and undertake to notify any changes in their career at the University of first enrolment, such as changing programme or obtaining a degree.
Students enrolled at Ca' Foscari and interested in enrolling in another programme at Ca' Foscari
It will be necessary to fill in the google form to declare your intention to be enrolled simultaneously.
The confirmation of completion received by e-mail must be saved in pdf format, signed and attached during the online enrolment procedure, together with any request for recognition of credits for exams already taken during the first enrolment.
In the event that the admission qualification for the second enrolment programme was obtained abroad, it will be necessary to carry out a prior assessment of the qualification via the apply.unive.it procedure.
Students enrolled at Ca' Foscari who wish to enrol in a degree programme at another university
It will be necessary to fill in the google form to declare your intention to be enrolled simultaneously, and self-declare that you meet the requirements. The following data concerning the programme of second enrolment must be indicated:
- characteristics of the programme of enrolment (university, country, programme type, class, name);
- the type of attendance (compulsory or non-compulsory);
- in the case of enrolment in two Bachelor’s or two Master's degree programmes, the appropriate differentiation of programmes (pursuant to MD 930/2022);
- any enrolment in a double degree, joint degree, inter-university programme.
The google form must be completed from 1st July until 17 December 2024, without prejudice to other university deadlines.
A student who does not self-certify their dual enrolment by this deadline will be enrolled simultaneously but will not have access to status-related benefits.
Students who are already enrolled at Ca' Foscari and intend to enrol in another university must renew their intention to be enrolled simultaneously each year and undertake to notify any changes in their career at the University of second enrolment, such as changing programme and obtaining a degree.
Contributions and benefits for the right to study
The contribution set for the academic year must be paid for each of the degree programmes, even if they both belong to Ca' Foscari.
The student may benefit from any exemption/reduction of university fees, according to the provisions of the "Student Act" in case of ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) of less than €30,000 (referred to in Law No. 232 of 11 December 2016, which was followed by Ministerial Decree. 1014/2021) for both degree programmes or any other benefits that each individual University may provide for (e.g., reduction of the amount for students with ISEE of over €30,000 or incentives linked to merit status).
The regional tax for the right to study, pending clarification by the Ministry, must be paid for both degree programmes, except for those that belong to the same university or to universities in Veneto.
For information on the actual contribution due and payment methods and deadlines, please refer to the administrative provisions adopted for the academic year 2024/2025.
The Study grant for the right to study or collaborative or tutoring activities may only be requested for one of the degree programmes in which the student is enrolled, namely:
- if the student enrols for the first time in both degree programmes, he/she may choose which programme to apply for; this choice must be maintained throughout the period of simultaneous enrolment in the two-degree programmes;
- if the student is already enrolled in a programme for a previous academic year (regardless of whether the university is Italian or foreign) and enrols for the 2024/2025 academic year in another programme, maintaining both enrolments, he/she will only be able to benefit from the benefits in the first career in which he/she enrolled. Therefore, he/she cannot apply for them in the second programme even if the student has never applied for/received benefits at the university of first enrolment.
The regulations in force have provided for students enrolled simultaneously in more than one programme the possibility of obtaining an increase of 20% of the amount of the Grant for the right to study normally attributable to the all students, as stated in the call for proposal.
The regulations do not clarify whether recognised exams (taken after enrolment) contribute to determining merit for access to financial aid. The university is waiting for clarification from the Ministry on this issue.
To access the financial benefits, you must fill out the online “application for benefits” at this link, declaring your dual enrolment.
If a student enrols in two degree programmes and chooses Ca' Foscari University as the reference point for accessing the benefits provided for by current legislation on the right to study, the online application must be completed no later than 30th September 2024.
In order to benefit from the reduction on the contribution payment, however, it will be possible to complete the application by 30 September 2024, without paying any late payment fees.
Dual-degree programme students are guaranteed access to the status of part-time student and the automatic use of study support services.
The recognition of credits
Requests for credit recognition are attached as part of the enrolment procedure if they relate to exams taken prior to enrolment at Ca' Foscari University.
The contribution of €300.00, normally set forth for credit recognition practices, will not be required.
Requests for the recognition of credits acquired during the dual enrolment regime must be submitted through the opening of a report during the following periods:
- 2nd November - 2nd December 2024;
- 1st March - 1st April 2025;
- 1st - 31th July 2025.
Undergraduates will be able to apply for recognition during the periods currently provided for submitting curricula in paper form.
Within each window the student may submit only one request for all the exams taken so far.
The exams will be recognised in the career with a mark and will count towards the average for determining the final degree mark on condition that students still meet the requirements which allow the simultaneous enrollment in two course of studies.
Notice: The University has regulated the process of simultaneous enrolment in two-degree programmes according to the provisions of current regulations.
However, some aspects concerning the established possibility of simultaneous enrolment and career of students required clarification from the Ministry.
For this reason, in some cases the University allows enrolment in degree programmes, but with reservations - to be lifted once the Ministry has provided the necessary clarifications. For the same reason, some aspects - however highlighted on the following webpage - may require adjustments.
Suspension from studies
In the case of enrolment in other university programmes for which simultaneous enrolment is not permitted, the possibility of taking advantage of the suspension of studies remains valid.
Suspension of studies will also be allowed for students who wish to enrol in another university without taking advantage of simultaneous enrolment.
In both cases, during the period of suspension, the student may not carry out any career actions and any credits accrued while attending the programme for which the suspension was requested will not be recognised.
For further information
For further information, please find the contact details of the relevant offices for each step.
Students intending to enrol in:
- Bachelor’s or Master's degree programmes with a qualification obtained in Italy, please contact the Enrolment Unit;
- Bachelor’s or Master's degree programmes with a degree obtained abroad, they can contact the Welcome Unit;
- postgraduate programmes, they can contact the Postgraduate Administration Unit.
Students already enrolled at Ca' Foscari in:
- Bachelor’s or Master's degree programmes, may contact the Student Administration Unit (1st and 2nd cycle degrees);
- postgraduate programmes, they can contact the Postgraduate Administration Unit.
For contributions and benefits for the right to study, students can contact the Financial Aid Unit.
The Ministerial Decree No. 930 of 29 July 2022 implemented the Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022, which introduced provisions on simultaneous enrolment in two higher education programmes.
Last update: 21/03/2025