Ca' Bernardo

Address and contacts

Ca' Bernardo
Calle Bernardo, Dorsoduro 3199, 30123 Venice
Contacts, rooms, offices [IT]

Accessible route (20 minutes)

Take one of the following water buses:

  • Line 2 from the Ferrovia stop (Scalzi B landing stage);
  • Line 2 (S. Chiara E landing stage) or Line 6 (Parisi C landing stage) from the Piazzale Roma stop;
  • Line 2 from the Tronchetto stop (Tronchetto DX landing stage);

then get off at the San Basilio stop.
Head down the Calle del Vento (opposite the stop), cross Campo San Basilio (street sign gives the name as “Campo San Basegio”) and continue along the street alongside the canal (the first stretch of which is called Fondamenta San Baseggio before turning into Fondamenta San Sebastiano).
At the end turn right into the Fondamenta del Soccorso and keep going until you reach Campo dei Carmini, which is overlooked by the church of the same name. Take the calle running beside the church (Calle della Scuola).
Go straight ahead, keeping Campo S. Margherita (and the isolated building) on your left.
At the end turn right into Rio Tera' Canal and then take the first left into Calle de Mezo dea Vida.
At the end of the calle turn left then right into Calle della Madonna.
Go all the way down to the end of the calle until you reach Campiello degli Squellini.
Take a sharp right into Calle Capeler; at the end of the calle turn left into Calle Bernardo.
Go all the way down the calle until you find the entrance to Ca' Bernardo on your right.

Building accessibility

The building is partially accessible.
The first obstacle is represented by five steps at the entrance. The building is on two floors that are reached by elevator (ask for the key in the porter’s lodge).
Some of the lecturers’ offices on the first floor are not accessible because they can only be reached by a spiral staircase. Other buildings are not accessible because the doors are not always wide enough for wheelchairs.    
The study room on the mezzanine floor (between the first and second floors) can only be reached via stairs.


There are no accessible toilets.



Last update: 21/10/2024